Cyber Crime Wing Helpline1991 Helps People To Report Cybercrime, Online Harassment Against Women

ISLAMABAD, (APP – UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 11th Dec, 2021 ) :Cyber Crime Wing (CCW) helpline 1991would help people to report cybercrime and online harassment against women, said an official Ministry of Human Rights regarding 16-day activism of women here on Thursday. He said that the cybercrime in the social media-era involves digital forensics, audits, cybercrime investigations and a specialised unit mandated to deal with it.

He said that the cybercrime wing aims to deal with social media involves digital forensics, audits, cybercrime investigations under their specialised units.

He said the Cyber Crime Wing (CCW) of the FIA is the only specialised unit mandated to deal with complaints related to cybercrime under the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act (PECA) 2016 and the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Investigation Rules, 2018.

The following procedure is to be followed if any individual wishes to lodge a complaint against online harassment in the cybercrime department: Complaints can be lodged on the online portal

The problem can be explained by email or report to the Crime Helpline at 1991.

The last way is to go to the FIA ??office in person .he added.

Source: Urdu Point