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Council for Islamic Ideology (CII) has stated that violence against women in Pakistan is on the increase

Council for Islamic Ideology (CII) has stated that violence against women in Pakistan is on the increase and that the state should ensure that women’s representation in the parliamentary system is made permanent. For the first time, the Council is thinking of convening a seminar on domestic violence and printing its findings in a book form to inform the people of Pakistan about the perspective of Islam on the maltreatment of women by men.

The CII has made no new discovery. The only difference is that the CII is not a part of the religious consensus in Pakistan – backed by all parties of the MMA – that women should be kicked out of parliament by removing the provision of special seats for them under the 17th Amendment. The clergy of Pakistan has become radical on the rights of women because it wants to play a subservient role to the process of Talibanisation going on in Pakistan. They don’t oppose the closure of girls’ schools and are happy when these schools are bombed. At no point in the past were the women of Pakistan more threatened. The CII is brave. It could have sucked up to the clergy, but it hasn’t. *
Source: Daily Times