Confronting gender crimes


Pakistan and the subcontinent in general, are very unfortunate places to be a woman in. The recent case of a gang rape of a young girl on a bus in New Delhi has made the world stand up and take note of the deteriorating situation of female affairs in this part of the globe. Indians have shown a forward thinking fervour with mass protests taking place on the streets and with authorities proposing that the faces of the rapists be put up online so that “shame” follows them everywhere.

There have even been calls of some serious rape crimes being followed by the death penalty for the rapists. This is all appreciated and it is hoped that this sort of action be taken soon.

In Pakistan, we have yet to ostracise rapists in this way. A recent media story from the district of Chakwal tells of a man charged with sraping his daughter-in-law. Every day, in Pakistan, we hear of such stories but we never really hear of any solid measures taken to put such gender criminals away. It is time Pakistan takes some serious action against rapists no matter who they are.

Daily Times

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