College Principal among 4 FDE staff found guilty of harassment of daily wage teachers

ISLAMABAD  –  The inquiry committee formed to probe into the harassment allegations, has recommended immediate removal of four officials of the Federal Directorate of Education (FDE) including the principal of the college after they were found guilty of harassment of daily wage teachers at an Islamabad’s F-7/3 college, it has been learnt reliably.

The inquiry report on alleged harassment of daily wage teachers at the Islamabad Model College for Boys, Islamabad recommended immediate removal of Principal IMCB F-7/3 Islamabad, Aftab Tariq; Headmistress IMCB F-7/3 Islamabad, Ms. Umm e Rubab; Acting Principal IMCB F-7/3 Islamabad, Mateen Ahmed; and Ex-DDO IMCB F-7/3 Islamabad, Ms. Khalida Asif.

According to a letter written by the Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training Islamabad to the Director General FDE, on March 19, 2024, the inquiry committee observed that the charges of harassment against the four accused officers have been established. 

The committee recommended that the said officers should not continue on their present positions/ given any position of authority in the future.

The inquiry committee also asked the Director General FDE to take further necessary action against the officers and submit the compliance report to the higher authorities within the stipulated time.

In 2020, the FDE had notified the formation of an anti-harassment and anti-bullying committee for each Islamabad-based educational institution to prevent and counteract any form of harassment, bullying and physical abuse.

According to the notification issued by the then FDE Director General, the head of each institution will be the convener of the committee while the deputy head and the area education officer will be its members.

The committee is supposed to ensure the adoption and implementation of prevention and response strategies while broadening its scope to transforming trends, including cyber harassment, bullying or abuse to and from students.

Head of institution to be convener, deputy head and area education officer to be members of committee, according to the FDE notification but in this case, the principal and the other high positions at the college were themselves accused of the harassment.

Source: The Nation