Civil judge’s wife accused of torturing minor girl in Islamabad

ISLAMABAD – An extremely distressing incident surfaced in Islamabad as the wife of a civil judge allegedly tortured a minor maid.

It has been learned that a poverty-stricken family takes the help of a man named Mukhtar to get a domestic help job for her 14-year-old identified as Rizwana.

The parents of the victim alleged that wife of civil judge Asim Hafeez assaulted her badly, leaving the minor girl in a miserable condition.

Rizwana’s mother decried torture marks all over her body including her head, and she was filmed in a really bad state, prompting action from the police and local authorities.

The parent of the girl alleged that the family of a civil judge lashed the girl by falsely accusing her of theft. The victim was first shifted to DHQ Teaching Hospital Sargodha but was later shifted to Lahore.

Amid the outrage, the civil judge, who is currently appointed to Judicial Academy, denied all accusations of violence, saying his wife’s gold was missing but ruled out any physical violence on the child.

He maintained that the child was not tortured, but was handed over to her mother, who beat her.

Source: Pakistan Observer