Call for enforcing laws to protect women

LAHORE: Speakers at a seminar have highlighted the need for implementation of the laws made to protect women from harassment at workplace.

They were speaking at Hameed Nizami Press Institute of Pakistan that organised the seminar on ‘Protection against harassment of Women and Implementation of the Act’ at HNPIP Auditorium near China Chowk.
HNPIP Director Absar Abdul Ali was the moderator.

They said that despite the law a good number of organisations were not following the requirement of the law.

MPA Uzma Bokhari presided over the seminar while Ombudsperson Office consultant Asim Quraishi and Umme Laila from Home Net spoke on the occasion.

Uzma Bokhari highlighted the need for awareness of the law and said that it was the duty of the labour department to ensure such laws in the organisations where a good number of female workers perform.

Asim Bokhari said that many women file harassment complaints against the officers even in the public sector.
He said that the women should approach the Ombudsperson office if they felt anybody had harassed her.

The Nation

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