Banker’s murder: Female suspect claims deceased tried to rape her

KARACHI: One of the suspects in the murder of banker Faisal Nabi revealed on Monday that the deceased tried to rape her before he was shot by M*, the woman who initially complained to the police.

These details surfaced in the application that A* submitted before a judicial magistrate in district South, Zeeshan Manzoor, who was hearing the case as a link judge on Monday. Requesting the court to record her confession, she said she wanted to confess the truth in person.

A was one of the prime suspects following filmmaker, Mansoor Mujahid, who she claimed was not even present at the time of the murder. The two were accused of killing 33-year-old Faisal Nabi on June 19 at A’s apartment on Zamzama after the group – which included another woman, M – consumed ecstasy pills.

M was the one who complained to the police, which arrested Mujahid and A, and recovered the body in Clifton Block-2. Later, the police arrested M because she kept changing her statements before the police.

In her application, A stated that Faisal and M came to her flat between 1:30am and 2am on June 20. “Faisal had sex with M after consuming alcohol and ecstasy pills,” she said, claiming that Faisal tried to rape her so M shot him. Mansoor was not present at the scene, she added. “It was just myself, M and Faisal.”

One of the lawyers in the case told The Express Tribune, on the condition of anonymity, that A submitted the application in court herself after the women prison superintendent refused to take it to court. “The application is in her handwriting,” he said.

Show-cause for IO

Meanwhile, the officer investigating the case, Irshad Karim, was issued a show-cause notice after he failed to submit a charge sheet in the case. The court directed Karim to submit an interim charge sheet on July 9. The judge directed the process server of the Clifton police station to make sure that Karim submits an interim charge sheet and extended the jail custody of the suspects till July 13.

* Names changed to protect privacy

The Express Tribune