Awards for women journalists

Karachi: Uks, in collaboration with APNS, has announced the results of first-ever Women in Media Awards exclusively for Pakistani women journalists. The awards will be presented on March 13 at a formal ceremony in Karachi.

The Uks-APNS Media Awards – 2013 aim at generating better awareness and understanding of the fact that positive media content can and does actually bring about positive social change, especially in the realm of women’s development and gender equality, according to a statement issued on Thursday.

The award winners for this year are:

Print: 1st prize: Razeshta Sethna (Herald); runners-up: Imrana Komal (Roznama Express).

Television: 1st prize: Shamim Ara Marwat (Khyber News); runners-up: Maimona Saeed (GEO TV, Multan).

Radio: 1st prize: Afifa Habib, PBC-Bahawalpur; runners-up: Shamim Anjum, PBC-Islamabad

Online: Sadia Haider (

Uks also announced Life Time Achievement Award for Zubeida Mustafa, rightly described as “the first woman who made and changed the news in Pakistan’s mainstream media”.

The contest period was January 1 through December 31, 2012, with media entries in Urdu, English and regional languages of Pakistan from radio and television, print and social media. The theme of the entries was based on women who have faced and dispelled gender stereotypes; changed mindsets to promote gender-sensitivity; efforts made at the government and civil society level to improve women’s access to education, politics, work, health, water and sanitation; as well as highlighting communities that have engaged in empowering women in Pakistani society.

A team of professional and independent jurors for each category, also part of the Media Advisory Group at Uks, selected the winning entries based on accuracy and innovation, clarity of message, technical proficiency and overall presentation.

According to the statement, the first-ever media guide — Powerful Women, Powerful Nation: Empowering Women through the Media — has been designed as a resource tool for media professionals to help them change the stereotypical reporting usually seen as the norm in Pakistan. It provides concrete steps, case studies, information and tips which can be used to ensure that the women of Pakistan get due representation in the media.

Source: The News