Ashraf calls for empowering women in leadership

National Assembly Speaker Raja Perviaz Ashraf on Monday said that empowering women in leadership roles was not only a matter of fairness and justice, but rather of urgency and necessity.

The NA Speaker was addressing the National Convention of Women Parliamentarians at the Pakistan National Council of Arts. The event was organised by the Women Parliamentary Caucus (WPC) of the National Assembly and was attended by esteemed parliamentarians, government dignitaries, and members of civil society from all over the country.

“Women bring about unique perspectives and skills to the table, and their full participation in leadership positions is crucial for the progress and development of our country,” he said.

Pervez underscored that it was “our responsibility to create a more inclusive and equitable society”, where women had equal opportunities and the support they needed to succeed in leadership positions.

“Let us continue to work together to make this vision a reality, for the benefit of all our citizens in line with the vision of Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto, who was a true leader of people and the epitome of: women empowerment; hope of the hopeless; and a motivation to continue moving forward despite all odds and hardships,” the Speaker National Assembly said.

The Speaker also praised the efforts of Secretary of WPC Shahida Rehmani who has been dedicated to promoting women rights and highlighting their contributions on national and international forums. He said: “Ms. Rehmani’s tireless efforts to advance the cause of women is an inspiration to us all. Her dedication to ensuring that women’s voices are heard.

Source: Pakistan Observer