A ridiculous accusation

Sir: According to reports, a 70-year-old woman from Ghotki has been accused by her husband of having an affair with a 17-year-old youth. She has hence been declared as ‘kari’, an accusation that could get her a death penalty by a tribal court if it is taken seriously. Her husband has said that she was involved in illicit relations with the son of her niece. When one digs a little deeper, it becomes apparent that the husband is trying his luck; he is a man in debt and is now blackmailing the youth’s parents into giving him money. It is a shame that we have stooped to such a low level in this society that a man will accuse an aged woman, who can hardly walk, of what is a crime in accordance with tribal customs and she will actually be fearful for her life.

We have allowed concepts such as ‘honour’ to go to our heads. No one is safe when accusations of ‘illicit’ relations are flung everywhere. This woman is so old she has trouble making it from one place to another, yet she is going from pillar to post now to seek protection from tribal laws. Shame on us as a nation for allowing such notions to triumph over common sense.


Daily Times

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