70 industrial homes established to train women in sewing

Karachi: Municipal Commissioner Karachi Metropolitan Corporation (KMC) Matanat Ali Khan has said that 70 industrial homes are established by the KMC to provide training and sewing machines to poor women.

The commissioner said that free vocational training of stitching and embroidery would be provided to the poor women plus sewing machines would be given to the trained ones so that they could earn their livelihood.

While addressing a ceremony in Gadap Zone, he stressed measures were taken to fulfill the requirement of these industrial homes. He also said that an educational fair would be held in April to hold various kinds of competitions among the schools of KMC and award the best performers.

Sajjan Union (CBA) Karachi Metropolitan Corporation (KMC) has announced to observe a protest demonstration and to stage a sit-in on February 10 at Civic Centre against the non-payment of salaries and other dues of the employees.

In a statement issued on Wednesday, the president of Sajjan Union, Syed Zulfiqar Shah said that despite a lapse of eight days of the current month, the salaries of the employees of KMC for January were not paid with the pensioners also waiting for their pensions.

He said the employees of KMC would assemble at the Civic Centre on Friday at 11:00am and observe a sit-in protest against the non-payment. Shah also contacted administrator KMC, Muhammad Hussain Syed, and conveyed to him the reservations of the employees in this context.

The administrator informed Shah that the funds were not transferred to the KMC account due to problems of the government of Sindh. Although,he assured him that the salary cheques would be issued today (Thursday).

Moreover, the employees of Fire Brigade KMC also demonstrated against

the non-payment of their salaries for the month of January, for the two months arrears and the non-payment of three months of fire-risk allowance.

Source: The News

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