The rising women

In many societies around the world, women have been treated in manners contradicting the stature of humanity, stripped of their basic human rights, and humiliated seclusion of women. This not only propagating human values and social value culture that is at par with international human right norms, but also, creating such platforms where women of depressed societies are given a chance to explore their leadership opportunities and empowering women for the development of women’s political and socioeconomic equity stature the-one voice for social change.

How the women in the west rose up?

In the western world, the political, social, and intellectual feminist movements advocated for their place in the sun such as Corday was only women to seize the French Revolution for equality and as an opportunity for thriving. In seventeenth century, England women were a powerful presence in what was known as the Midland Revolt. Women in the Victorian era wield the scepter the right to vote, legal recognition of women right’s and participated in the paid workforce following the Industrial Revolution. By 1848, Seneca Falls Convention began wave to the cause of equality for women outlining the new movement’s ideology and political strategies. In the mid-90s, the New Left concentrated on the rise of equal rights amendment, breeding rights guaranteeing social rights and term eco-feminism, to capture the sense that because of their biological connection to earth and lunar cycles, women dwelled as natural advocates of environmentalism. In the development of Communist thought longstanding American activist and feminist, Angela Davis, played key role. The Russian Revolution in 1917 a reflection on the role of women revolutionaries under the leadership of Vladimir Lenin in support of full equality between men and women.

These rising outstanding woman had a strong connection and engagement with the greater vision for community, a passion for contributing toward social change which demonstrates leadership and be consequence of education with learning. A woman intellect should be as well succeed as of man to excel equally noble in equal capacity.

Limitations and Revolutionary Changes in presynaptic era:

The age of blackness, inhumanity, and unawareness in the pre-Islamic era when the deliberate killing of newborn female child was the practice inclusive of dropping them in ardent spirits, tossed off the steep cliffs and verb abandon infants in the woods for wild animals.

William Montgomery Watt stated that, “Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him), in the historical context of his time, can be seen as a figure that promoted women’s rights and improved things considerably”. Islam has empowered women and the right to education 1400 years ago, taught that men and women are equal, enlightened the world the true value of women and thus raised the status of women like never before. Part of Muhammad’s (Peace Be upon Him) legacy was to end female infanticide and establish explicit rights for women, to acquire knowledge. As it may be anachronistic to state that Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) was a feminist in our contemporary sense.

Educate a women, educate a nation. Intellectual revolution is the recipe of rising women for socio-political, ethical, moral, and conventional values. Currently, Pakistan has the world’s second-highest number of out-of-school children whose educational systems considered inadequate with the estimated literacy rate of 54.9%. Socio-economic status and cultural demand-side disparities based on gender hamper desertion in particularly adolescent girls. Institutional placements necessitate girls’ education and professional support with job security such as in South Asia Region a Bangladesh’s harmonising and prioritizing girl’s education to leverage the better-educated female labour force as the first vital step to economic development.

How to empower women? And efforts to eliminate Violence, strategies to reduce Conflict and Fragility?

Chaos bring destruction to the social and ideological turmoil, where women become absurd and rhetoric torso who cannot bring different skills with qualities to the household. Historical precedence disport women where she become solicited. The educated pool of women is the only profound asset to enhance socioeconomic women empowerment for equal opportunities. Women play role in the condition of violence, conflict and fragility. All these factors stop women for a role in influencing to become productive and being in so many things. Due to trespassing of combative role in Pakistan the implications of gender inequality and subdue the role of institutions. Since the inception of Pakistan, this year celebrated 75th platinum jubilee of independence but still women and girls in Pakistan bearing the brunt of the humanitarian catastrophe, political instability and insurgent terrorism on women and girls in Kashmir.

When it comes to Pakistan, I must jot down that the inequality trends of violence, conflict and fragility shifts for the productivity probable only when there’s education progressivity of redistribution through government. This is how power can be used to tackle a do able plan for women’s liberation. Pakistan must be aware that its biggest pool of talent is its educated women to the goal of vision “The Rising Pakistan”. Unleashing and harnessing the power for the betterment of society on the sidelines of all political hue and cry within a country. Only “The Rising Women” is the panacea for the ailments of social fabric.

So, what could we cultivate to be the rising women for the tangible South Asia union, placement in the western world as well globally and have shoulder to shoulder-be sure that women’s one?

Source: The news


Man, father held after his wife beaten up, shaved on Jirga’s order

A man along with his father was arrested on Monday after he was found taking his wife, mother of a minor daughter, to a ‘Jirga’ where she and her alleged paramour were thrashed and their hairs cut in the outskirts of the city.

After the incident that took place on Sunday, an FIR was lodged at the Sukkan police station on a court order. The complainant was the woman’s father, Ali Muhammad, son of Hussain. His daughter’s husband and father-in-law were arrested following the FIR’s registration.

The complainant stated in the FIR that his 18-year-old daughter’s husband Ayub, mother-in-law Amina and father-in-law Moosa took her to a ‘Dera’ of a feudal, Haroon Jamoot, in the Rehri Goth area of Sukkan locality where a neighbouring boy Ayub Lakhio and his family members were also present.

“Her in-laws accused my daughter of having relations with Ayub Lakhio saying that she used to talk with the boy on mobile phone,” the father narrated. “My daughter refuted all the allegations levelled against her but the ‘Jirga’ convicted her and the neighbour.”

The father said that the feudal lord passed judgment and ordered that their hairs be cut, after which a woman along with others cut his daughter’s hairs from the backside and also cut the hairs, eyebrows and moustache of Ayub. The in-laws also snatched her 18-month-old daughter from the complainant’s daughter. The video of the incident also went viral on the internet.

The complainant appealed to the higher authorities to provide his daughter justice and demanded the arrest of all the suspects involved in the incident. The woman’s father said that the incident took place on Sunday and he became aware of it when his daughter arrived at his house wailing and crying. He said that he married off his daughter about three years ago.

Source: The News

Two suspects booked after gang-raped woman ‘commits suicide’

MITHI: Two nominated suspects were booked on Monday after a woman allegedly kidnapped and gang-raped five days back was found dead in her house in Mehran Soomro village. Her brother told police that she was so traumatised that she killed herself.

The body was taken to the Diplo Taluka Hospital by police for a post-mortem examination late Sunday night.

According to preliminary investigation, the woman was gang-raped and left at a desolate place near her village. She remained unconscious for many hours before her relatives found her and took her to a hospital.

In her written statement given to the Kaloi police, she narrated her ordeal and said she was kidnapped by the suspects while she was going to Hyderabad to get documents of her father’s pension.

Her brother, while lodging an FIR against the suspects, said that after criminal assault, the family was forced to take the matter to a jirga and not to go to the police. He said the area police were also reluctant to register the case under the influence of certain local figures.

Already traumatised, she could not bear the helplessness and took the extreme action of killing herself, he added.

SHO Ali Hassan Chang of the Kaloi police station said that an investigation into the matter had been started.

Source: Dawn

Police arrest husband, father-in-law for torturing woman

Karachi police on Monday arrested the husband and father-in-law for torturing a woman in Malir.

SSP Malir Irfan Bahadur said a man and his father were arrested for torturing a woman in Malir and snatching her infant after a complaint was registered against the in-laws of the woman.

SSP Malir said both the accused have been booked in the case, while the infant has been recovered and handed over to the mother. SSP Bahadur further said the accused have been handed over to the investigation authorities and raids are being conducted to arrest other accused in the case.

Separately, a seven months pregnant woman lost her unborn baby after her husband inflicted torture on her over a petty issue in Punjab’s Mohsinawala.

According to police, Babar along with his family members brutally tortured his pregnant wife Shabana over mobile phone use. As a result of the torture, she lost her unborn baby.


Source: Pakistan Observer

Young girl, brother brutally stabbed to death

A young girl and her younger brother were brutally stabbed to death by their cousin over an issue deeply related to the ignorance in the society. According to details, one Javed Masih’s children, Anmol (19) and Sulaiman (15), were stabbed to death by their cousin namely, Aftab alias Chand Masih the son of the father’s brother and his unknown accomplices in their own home in Hunterpura, in the limits of the Muradpur police station.

The accused then stuffed the bodies in a box in a room of the house and fled from the crime scene.

Source: Pakistan observer