Alleged rapist makes Tiktok video in lockup

MULTAN: A social media video (TikTok) of an alleged outlaw, arrested in a rape case, went viral and local citizen expressed concerns over the compromised security of the outlaw in lockup.

According to police and local people, an alleged outlaw namely Muhammad Kamran, son of Allah Dittah, a resident of Patni in limits of Khangarh Police had raped a girl few days ago. The alleged outlaw is rickshaw driver and he drove rickshaw to a deserted place where he raped a passenger girl. Police had arrested him. The alleged outlaw got bail. He uploaded his videos, taken in lockup at social media. Civil Society Forum led by Rana Amjid expressed concerns on poor performance of the police.

Source: Pakistan today

Implementation of women empowerment projects at risk

LAHORE: With every change in government comes uncertainty for programmes started by the outgoing government; uncertainty which trickles down to the beneficiaries of the programmes as they watch the politicians argue over what initiatives merit a continuation and which ones are a burden on the national kitty.

The murgi palo and kata palo programmes meant to empower women, which generated social media hysteria and memes on former Prime Minister Imran Khan’s expense, did not seem like they would see the light of day. However, 55-year-old, Ghulam Fatima, who hails from a village on the outskirts of Lahore has been benefiting under the scheme since 2019.

“This initiative provided a poor widow like me a monthly income when I had no other hope. So I really hope it will not be shut down,” said Fatima.

Although allocations have been made for the programmes in the new budget, it remains to be seen whether the implementation will continue as it was under the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government.

If the history of past women empowerment initiatives is an indicator, the future of the livestock schemes might be in a conundrum. For instance, when the Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) was in power in Punjab from 2013 to 2018, it started various schemes for women empowerment and protection, most notable of which were the Women on Wheels initiatives and establishment of violence against women centres.

Women on Wheels, a programme meant to increase the mobility of women in Punjab by providing them scooters came to a screeching halt when the PTI came to power in the province.

However, the PTI’s programmes can draw hope of survival from the fact that the PML-N initiative of establishing centres for women actually improved under the PTI, as per Fatima Chadhar, who is the Chairperson of Punjab Women Protection Authority. “For the first time the PTI government made this authority functional in order to prevent incidents of violence against women. Prior to 2018, the then chief minister Shahbaz Sharif was the chairman of this authority but the authority existed only on paper.” Chadhar is hopeful that the PML-N will continue to improve the centres as it was an initiative they started in the first place. Salman Sufi, Head of the Prime Minister’s Strategic Reforms Initiative, who was behind Women on Wheels and Women’s Centres in Punjab, reassured that all programs would continue. “Our projects are being reactivated and will be implemented all over Pakistan now. In the first phase, these projects will be extended in Punjab and Sindh,” Sufi informed.

However, he did not shed light on whether the PTI’s initiatives with regards to women empowerment would continue to operate or not. However, Dr Amna Siddique, a researcher on women empowerment policies, is not hopeful at all for the continuations despite Sufi’s reassurances. “Political governments in Pakistan have been making declarations and claims for women’s empowerment for their own ends, but little has been done in practice,” Dr Siddique told The Express Tribune.

Source: The Express Tribune

Family of child found with dead woman traced

Officials investigating the case of a woman whose body was discovered in Manghopir on Monday have claimed tracing her family, saying that the minor girl found with the body was the victim’s daughter. Police are, however, yet to ascertain the motive behind the murder.

Officials said the woman was identified as Shamshad Bibi, wife of Yasir, adding that she was a mother of two. They said the child found with the body was identified as Fatima. Police said that a SIM card was found near the woman’s body, with the help of which they traced and contacted her family. The deceased had been a resident of Gulshan-e-Iqbal, near the Moti Mahal area, they added.

Officials said they would get the victim’s call detail record to help with the investigation, adding that according to her family’s initial statement to the police, she had left home saying she was going out to run an errand.

Source: The News

Woman, man found dead

BATKHELA: A woman and a man were killed in an apparent honour-related incident in the Kam Agrah area in Malakand district on Tuesday. One Bacha Gul told police that the family of his son, Jaffar Khan, resided in a separate house. He said since his son was a soldier and was away on duty, he used to deliver milk at his house after fajr prayers. On Tuesday, he said, he found the body of his daughter-in-law and a youth, Waqar, when he reached there to deliver the milk. The bodies were handed over to the relatives after the postmortem and the case was registered against unidentified killers.

Source: The news

Tarar expresses concern over rising rape cases, child abuse

Home Minister Punjab Atta Ullah Tarar presided over a meeting here on Tuesday to curb the rising incidences of child abuse and women rape cases. The meeting was attended by parliamentarians, representatives of civil society and police officers and lawyers.

The Provincial Home Minister expressed concern over the rising number of rape cases. Atta Ullah Tarar declared a state of emergency across the province in response to the rising incidence of rape. He said that instructions had also been issued to form five committees to prevent such cases.

The committees would consist of parliamentarians, representatives of civil society, police officers and lawyers and these committees would make detailed recommendations to prevent such incidents. In light of these recommendations, we will pass new laws as well as strictly enforce existing laws. “The increase in such incidents over the last few years is a matter of grave concern,” he added.

He said that instructions had been issued to the Prosecution Department to provide details of such cases within 48 hours and all the commissioners and administrative officers have been directed to visit such unsafe areas. He said that awareness campaign was a need of the hour to prevent such incidents and civil society, the media and parents must do their part to prevent such incidents.

The Provincial Home Minister said that special training would have to be provided to the children and parents so that they could gain awareness in this regard. He said that all persons have to fulfill their responsibility to prevent such incidents so that we could provide a safe and peaceful environment for future generations.

The participants in the meeting came up with their own suggestions to get rid of such incidents and the Provincial Home Minister assured that the workable recommendations would be strictly implemented.

Source: Pakistan Observer