Call to strengthen Sindh Commission on the Status of Women to reduce gender-based violence

KARACHI: The Sindh Commission on the Status of Women (SCSW) hosted a consultation on the final draft of their Second Strategic Plan 2021-2023 in partnership with the Trust for Democratic Education and Accountability (TDEA) at a local hotel the other day.

The event was attended by various stakeholders including government officials, civil society and SCSW members.

The strategic plan was drafted using a multi-tiered process to include input from various stakeholders of all levels throughout Sindh.

In her address to the participants, SCSW chairperson Nuzhat Shirin highlighted that despite minimal financial and human resources, the commission was still able to not only follow through with its objectives in the first strategic plan but was also able to develop its second strategic plan in a timely manner with the technical help of TDEA.

She was happy to see the response and feedback from the stakeholders present.

Additional Chief Secretary-Home Qazi Shahid Pervez applauded the strategic plan and hailed it as a comprehensive document, which was the need of the hour and that the work of SCSW was valued by the Sindh government, which has always supported initiatives that empowers the women, girls and transgender persons.

UNFPA Head of Office in Karachi Bayramgul Garabayeva expressed support for SCSW’s work and hoped that the two organisations could work together to fulfil the objectives outlined in the strategic plan.

Country Representative of UN Women in Pakistan Sharmeela Rasool was also present at the consultation online.

Participants in the consultation also urged for the strengthening of SCSW as an institution so that it can work effectively towards reducing gender-based violence.

Among the stakeholders were members of the transgender community, who expressed ownership and support for SCSW as an organisation that has always openly supported their cause.

Due to this, they strongly felt that transgender issues should be included and highlighted explicitly in the strategic plan.

Another very important feedback received was the need to focus on climate change as it directly affects the cause of gender equality. This was met with unanimous support from all stakeholders.

Representatives from civil society organisations from the districts in Sindh such as the Research and Development Foundation (RDF) and Arts Foundation were also present on the occasion and gave their input along with showing their support for the strategic plan.

Source: Dawn

35 women killed in domestic violence in 2021

GUJRAT: Thirty-five women were killed in the name of honour and domestic violence in Gujrat district in 2021.

There had been a slight increase in the figure as 33 women were killed in 2020 and 37 in 2019.

Seven women were killed in the name of honour in 2021 and the previous year. The number of honour killings was 10 in 2019.

Though police claimed to have arrested 40 suspects out of the 85 nominated in the women murder cases of 2021, no one could be convicted as the data of district police show. There has been no conviction in the last three years.

Similarly, 10 cases of murder attempts on women were lodged in the outgoing year.

A 25-year-old woman was killed in the latest incident near the sessions court by her brother and a cousin for contracting a love marriage around one month ago.

In another incident, two sisters and their husbands were found murdered in a residential flat near Kharian city in December.

Most of the incidents of violence against women are reported from the rural areas of Gujrat.

A total of 155 people have been murdered in Gujrat district in 2021 in 139 incidents. Police said they arrested 307 suspects out of the 610 nominated in those cases.

A spokesman for the Gujrat police said the number of women’s murder cases had witnessed a decline during the last eight years as 51 women were murdered in 2013.

He said reconciliation between the complainants and the suspects had been a major reason of low conviction rate of such cases.

Source: Dawn

Class X girl ‘raped’ by school principal

OKARA: A class 10 female student was allegedly raped by the principal of a private school in a village. Reportedly, the 16-year-old student was studying in a private school in the area. The accused principal intoxicated her and allegedly raped her in a room of the school and made a video.

The accused is alleged to have raped the girl several times by threatening to upload her video on social media. On Thursday, the victim told her parents about the incident. Police have registered a case.

Source: The News

President Alvi stresses need to enhance institutions role in women empowerment

KARACHI – President Dr Arif Alvi on Wednesday underlined the need for women empowerment, especially in business and asked the leadership of Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) to enhance the institutions’ role in women empowerment.

Addressing the members of KCCI during his visit to the chamber, the president appreciated the contribution of the Chamber in empowerment of women besides promoting trade and industry in the city, which is the economic hub of the country.

The KCCI leadership should come forward to help out women entrepreneurs in getting soft loans from the banks, he said adding the State Bank of Pakistan was very active to provide maximum financial support to the business women.

He said the country could not progress and prosper unless maximum participation of women in every profession and field was ensured.

Responding to the KCCI leadership who highlighted the issues facing Karachi, the President Alvi said the country’s progress was linked to Karachi’s development and that provision of basic amenities to the citizens were essential.

He said for managing the shortage of water in the city, there was need to recycle sewage water by setting up treatment plants. Presently, huge quantity of sewage water was being pumped into the sea and no one was taken accountable, he added.

The solution of water issue in Karachi was desalination of sewage and saline water of the sea, he said adding there must be its single buyer like Karachi Municipal Corporation to purchase desalinated water from private investors. At least, this could be used by industrial consumption, he added.

“I have suggested Sindh government to set up Sindh Water Authority or Karachi Water Authority for effectively tackling the water issue,” he added.

He said with increasing population and lack of the required scale of development in the past, Karachi once a beautiful city was facing infrastructure and other civic issues. The city expanded unplanned and Kachiabadies turned into banglows and high rises but the infrastructure and civic amenities remained almost the same.

Over the period, he added, however, some residential societies like PECHS emerged as post areas of the city.

He said Karachi Development Authority, the very important civic agency, also failed to play its due role.

“Over the passage of time, this beautiful city turned into a congested city,” he said and recalled the old days of his childhood when the city looked clean and beautiful.

A comprehensive and inclusive development plan was required for the city on the pattern of national economic programme that included ‘Ehsaas’ programme for the poor, he added.

The availability of potable water was another serious issue of the city, but he was satisfied that the work on mega water supply scheme of K-4 was going well and hopefully it would be completed by the end of  2023, he said.

He said Karachi contributed 65 percent of federal taxes revenue, 95% in the provincial taxes and had 55% share in the country’s total exports. Karachi had been contributing a lot in  the development of the country and it was actually the business community of Karachi doing all this great job, he said.

He regretted that in return Karachi was given nothing; even it lacked basic infrastructure. However, he said, the process of uplift of the city’s infrastructure had started by the federal government and that Green Line was the best project for Karachiites.

The president said the government had dully consulted with all the stakeholders on the development projects in the country.

He said with restoration of peace in Afghanistan, the pace of work on the joint energy projects with regional countries would get momentum.

He said as a part of the government’s efforts to strengthen the economy and ensure its sustained growth, every possible support and facilitation was being extended to the housing and construction industry having big potential as around 70 other industries were affiliated with it directly or indirectly.  The industry had witnessed boom over last two years which generated big employment along with the provision of houses to the common man at low cost.

He said information technology was the fast-growing economic sector in Pakistan and there was a big room for investment; mainly of venture capital. “Future is of IT,” he remarked. The president also mentioned that fishing corridor needed support and management on scientific basis as it had huge economic potential. Pakistan could earn big amount of foreign exchange by fish export.  However, he regretted, this sector was being destroyed by using very thick nets and there was unnecessarily large number of trawlers busy in fishing.

The president endorsed that the private sector must be taken on board in policy making and initiatives being taken by governments at the central and provincial levels.

He said the job of the government was to ensure the ease of doing business for the private sector.

Under public-private partnership, skill development programmes should be launched and carried out with all seriousness so that industries would have the best workforce as per their requirement, he added.

He said the universities had already been directed to focus on market-oriented education and training instead of producing chunk of simple graduates.

The president assured of the best support to the business community and the women from those institutions functioning under his office, which included Federal Ombudsman, Federal Tax Ombudsman and Women Ombudsman.

He appreciated the performance of these institutions and urged the business community and women to maintain close liaison with them.

The prominent business leaders including President of KCCI Muhammad Idress Memon, Chairman of Businessmen Group in KCCI and former president KCCI Muhammad Zubair Motiwala, former presidents A Q Khalil and Tahir Khalil, Vice Chairman of BMG and former senior vice president of KCCI Muhammad Jawed Bilwani.

Source: Dawn

Man denied bail in Hindu girl kidnapping case

PESHAWAR: A local court has rejected the bail plea of a man accused of kidnapping a minor Hindu girl for marriage a few days ago.

However, additional district and sessions judge Abdul Majid granted bail to seven others named in the case as facilitators of the main accused.

An FIR was registered by the East Cantonment police station here on Dec 20 after a Hindu woman, Shakuntla Bibi, formally complained that the prime accused, Ubaid, and others had kidnapped her adopted daughter aged around 15.

The case was registered under the Pakistan Penal Code’s Section 365-B (kidnapping a woman for forced marriage). The police later recovered the girl from Rawalpindi and arrested eight accused.

The complainant had adopted the girl and her brother in 2006 when they were infants.

The prime accused had claimed that the girl had gone with him of her own free will and that he intended to marry her to convert her to Islam.

The girl had also declared in her statement that she wasn’t kidnapped and left home of her own free will.

Shah Faisal Nasapa, lawyer for the complainant, said the girl was a minor child, so her kidnapping for the purpose of marriage was a heinous offence.

He said the girl was aged below 16, so she couldn’t marry under the Child Marriage Restraint Act.

The lawyer insisted that the girl’s statement came under duress as she was under the influence of the accused. He said forcing a minor into marriage was a crime.

The counsel said the accused were named in the FIR, while the minor girl was recovered from their custody.

He said the complainant had adopted the girl and her brother and had been taking care of them for 15 years.

The lawyer for the accused contended that his clients were implicated in a fake case as the girl had never been abducted.

He added that the complainant had adopted the girl and her brother and had been bringing them up as members of the Hindu community.

The counsel contended that his clients were entitled to the concession of bail as they didn’t force the girl to leave her home.

Source: Dawn