Police solve murder mystery of woman cut into pieces

Karachi: A woman whose body was found in three pieces over the course of three days from Soldier Bazaar police limits was identified on Friday afternoon. Nasreen, mother of five children, went missing on March 10th. Pieces of her body were recovered over the next three days, and on Friday the body was identified by her family at the Edhi morgue in Sohrab Goth.

On March 10th, Soldier Bazaar police found the torso of a woman from a garbage dump. The rest of the body was recovered, in separate pieces, over the course of the next two days.

After completing the legal formalities, the police had shifted the body to an Edhi home in Sohrab Goth and had appointed Sub Inspector (SI) Sarfaraz as the Investigation Officer (IO) for the case.

On Friday morning, a family approached Soldier Bazaar police and told them that they were searching for Nasreen, alias Surayya Bibi. The family said that Nasreen, 38, had been missing since March 10th.

They had also informed the police that they already lodged a missing complaint in this regard. Once the entire body had been recovered, the police showed the family a picture of the recovered body and had also took the family to the Edhi mortuary in Sohrab Goth where the body was being stored. The family identified the woman as Nasreen.

After completing the legal formalities, the police handed over Nasreen’s body to her legal heirs for burial purposes.SI Sarfaraz of Soldier Bazaar Police Station told this scribe that the police had recovered the body on three separate days. On the night of March 10th, police found her torso, from her stomach down to her knees. The next day they found her stomach up to her head, and on March 12th they found her teeth, feet and legs.

He added that during questioning, her husband, Mohammed Sharif, informed the police that had married Nasreen 17 years ago in Karachi, and that during their wedlock she had given birth to five children. He added that he was a resident of Al-Syed Center, Quaidabad and that he works at an automobile workshop as a vehicle body maker.

Nasreen, who was a Christian by birth, had converted to Islam for their marriage. Sharif told the probers that on the morning of March 10th, he had left his house to take their children to school.

When he returned in the afternoon, he found the door of his house locked. He was informed by his neighbour that Nasreen had left home for the airport at around 10:30am for “some work”.

Sharif tried calling her cell-phone numerous times but to no avail: her mobile was switched off. After waiting for several hours, he checked with his in-laws, but this too was in vain, as they hadn’t seen her either.

On the morning of March 13th he registered a missing person complaint with the Khuldabad Police Post of Quaidabad. On Friday, he came to know that his wife Nasreen had been murdered.

SI Sarfaraz said that Sharif had no information regarding what “work” his wife had in the Airport area. He has, however, sent a request to the Investigating Department to provide the complete logs associated with Nasreen’s number.

The police have now received the complete call and message logs and the locations she visited before her brutal murder, and the investigation is still underway.

The News

Woman strangled to death by husband, brother

Karachi: The decomposed body of 30-year-old Zulaikha, a mother of two, was found in a gunny bag in a nullah near Kashmir Colony on Friday.

According to the police, Zulaikha’s aunt Sakeena had come from Mehrabpur to inform the police that her niece had been murdered by her second husband Waris and her brother Imran. She also told the police that the accused had thrown Zulaikha’s body in a nullah near Kashmir Colony.

On receiving this information, police officials rushed to the disclosed spot where they found a gunny bag with Zulaikha’s body inside. Police officials shifted the body to Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre (JPMC) for legal formalities.

The female medico-legal officer at the hospital said that the body was at least 10 days old, and that the cause of death was strangulation. The police also claimed that the woman had a love marriage with Waris two years ago. Police said that Zulaikha was the mother of two children, one of them from her first husband.

A few days ago, her husband and her brother, who had brought her to Karachi under the pretense of an outing, strangled her to death and then dumped her body.Zulaikha’s aunt also disclosed to the police that when she and her sister asked Waris about Zulaikha, he told them that she had run away with another man.She claimed that her family members had to force the accused to admit that they had killed her and dumped her body.

Elderly man among two killed in separate incidents An elderly man was among two persons killed in two separate incidents in the city on Friday. Gul Haider, 60, was stabbed to death in the Peerabad police limits. The incident took place early Friday morning in Gali No 1 of Islamia Colony, Peerabad.

Police said that acting on a tip off they immediately rushed to the spot where they had found the body of Haider who was stabbed to death. The police had shifted the body to the Abbasi Shaheed Hospital (ASH).

During investigation it was revealed that Haider was a labourer by profession and resident of the same area. For the past few days a dispute was going on with his daughter’s in-laws due to which he had called his daughter over to his house.

On Friday morning his daughter’s in-laws came over to Haider’s house and started arguing with Haider during which one of the suspects took out his dagger and stabbed Haider to death.

The family had lodged a nominated FIR and the murder is a part of personal enmity. Further probe is under way.

In a separate incident, Saleem Khan was shot dead in the Mominabad police limits. The incident took place on Friday evening in Fareed Colony. Acting on information the police team rushed to the spot and shifted the body to the ASH.

During investigation it was revealed that Saleem Khan was the resident of the same area and a driver of X-23 mini-bus. On Friday evening he was present outside his house when two armed men riding a motorcycle came over and started quarreling with Saleem Khan during which one of the suspects shot Saleem Khan dead and fled.

Saleem Khan had sustained two bullet wounds. The police had also found empties which were later sent to the Forensic Division of the Sindh Police. Saleem Khan hailed from Mianwali and was a supporter of a political party. A case was reported and investigation is under way.

The News

Women’s contribution unnoticed

ALTHOUGH patriarchal society has assigned unpaid and reproductive work to women and kept productive or income-generating work in the hands of male members, women’s contribution goes unnoticed. In our society women are still discouraged from joining productive work.

An analysis of developed nations shows that engaging women in the economic sector is a path towards development. Therefore, it can be surely said that if women, who are more than half the population of Pakistan, are engaged in productive work, the situation of Pakistan can be changed.

It is a dire need to empower women to help alleviate poverty in our country. This empowerment will also fulfil the millennium development goals of Pakistan.

