Women’s role in legislation

By: Shaheen Ashraf Shah

RECENTLY, as parliaments around the world celebrated the International Day of Democracy on Sept 15, I found myself wondering how democratic Pakistan’s parliamentarians actually are in representing women in parliament.

The legislative history of Pakistan’s National Assembly suggests that in terms of introducing women-specific issues in parliament, the performance of male parliamentarians has historically remained extremely low. Perhaps more worrying from feminists’ standpoint is that popularly elected female members often behave like surrogate men.

What contribution are elected men and women making towards the benefit of their female voters? This is a pressing query vis-à-vis shifting some of the burden from female legislators occupying reserved seats to men and women elected directly to the National Assembly. Representatives need to be equally responsive, after all, to both male and female voters.

Legislation is one of the prime functions performed by parliamentarians. Regarding parliamentary proceedings related to female parliamentarians’ performance in the last National Assembly, a comprehensive analysis carried out by the NGO Aurat Foundation reveals that during five years (2002-07) only 17 (6.3 per cent) of the National Assembly’s 269 male members stood in support of their female colleagues or individually initiated the issues of women’s rights. The findings relating to the attitude of women elected on general seats are similar.

Amongst the 25 female parliamentarians who were most active during the 12th National Assembly, only two had been elected directly on general seats. More recently, while evaluating data referring to the current National Assembly, the Free and Fair Election Network (Fafen) found that women elected on general seats contributed merely eight per cent of the interventions made by all female parliamentarians between March 2010 and March 2011.

During the earlier 2002-07 period, when a significant number of women first entered parliament, the Aurat Foundation report counted 3,698 interventions by 58 female legislators. The share of female MNAs in some of parliament’s proceedings as compared to male parliamentarians during the last National Assembly was 27 per cent of the total questions, 30 per cent of the total calling attention notices, 42 per cent of the private member bills, 24 per cent of the resolutions and eight per cent of the adjournment and privilege motions. Aurat Foundation’s report acknowledges women’s pioneering, persistent and purpose-oriented role, given their limited political and parliamentary experience.

There are clear indications of women’s growing role and outstanding performance during the current tenure of the 13th National Assembly, leaving male colleagues far behind in terms of legislative business. The yearly reports on parliament’s performance issued by the Pakistan Institute of Legislative Development and Transparency (Pildat) suggest that during 2008-09, female parliamentarians introduced and co-introduced the highest numbers of private members’ bill. In 2009-10, the maximum numbers of questions – 607 – were asked by female parliamentarians and the maximum numbers of calling attention notices – 60 – were also submitted by three outstanding female parliamentarians. Of the 26 single member’s bills, 22 or 85 per cent were introduced by female parliamentarians during the second year of parliament, all of which were returned on reserved seats for women.

During the third year (March 2010-March 2011) Fafen reports that despite the under-representation of women in parliament, they remain highly effective as compared to many of their male counterparts. Women introduced 2,458 interventions during the third parliamentary year by contributing 29 per cent of the calling attention notices submitted individually and 82 per cent of those submitted in collaboration, putting 51 per cent of the questions – on average almost four times more than those posed by their male counterparts. They also brought 50 per cent of the private member bills, sponsored 95 per cent of the resolutions put forward and 80.9 of the motions under Rule 259.

The in-depth analysis of 115 private member’s bills available at the National Assembly website of the past four parliamentary years (June 2008 — Aug 2011) by the 13th National Assembly of Pakistan also indicates that female parliamentarians have been the most active legislators. The results show that 70 per cent of the private member’s bills are introduced by female parliamentarians individually, a significantly higher proportion vis-à-vis their representation in the house.

Interestingly, there are great differences between the priorities of male and female legislators. The latter give greater priority to social and women’s issues. It cannot be said, however, that women are not interested in hard-core issues since they have significantly represented issues of a legal and constitutional nature. Comparatively, male politicians showed very little interest in women’s and social issues, their priorities being mainly related to legal and constitutional issues, as well as those of business and commerce.

From this it can be asserted that if more women take over seats in parliament, we should gain a greater number of politicians who prioritise social and women-specific issues.

Significant numbers of male and female parliamentarians nevertheless fail to participate in any form of parliamentary business. Yet the facts and figures demonstrate unprecedented legislative activism by female MNAs on reserved seats and their strong commitment to women’s issues. They are constrained mainly due to the indirect method of election, as pointed out by Farzana Bari in her research on gender politics: in the absence of women’s own power base, their presence through the gender quota does not lead to substantive representation. Honestly speaking, not much is achieved in the substantive sense as little women-specific legislation is passed by the National Assembly.

Source: Dawn


Betrayed by boyfriend, raped by ‘saviours’

By: Shamim Bano

KARACHI: A 21-year-old Christian woman allegedly raped by two men for more than a week narrated her horrendous tale before a court on Monday.

Recording her statement under Section 164 of the Criminal Procedure Code in the court of Judicial Magistrate (South) Hatim Aziz Solangi, the woman, M, said she became a rape victim after she was betrayed by her own boyfriend, who had promised to die and live with her.

The investigation officer filed an application in the court through Assistant Public Prosecutor Syed Shamim Ahmed that the woman wanted to record her statement.

The court, admitting the plea, gave some time to her to refresh her memory. She recounted that on September 3 her boyfriend Feroze asked her to come to Cantt Station from where they would elope to Lahore. She left home in Manora and reached the railway station. But to her dismay, her boyfriend refused to go with her and asked her to go back.

Highly disappointed with him, she decided to leave for Lahore alone. She said that when she was sitting at the station in a depressed mood, one Moonis came to her and expressed sympathy with her.

The woman said the man appeared a nice person and she told him what had happened. Taking advantage of the situation, she said, Moonis took her to his apartment in Rattan Talao in the Artillery Maidan police limits and consoled her that he would arrange her journey to Lahore.

The woman said Moonis locked her in the apartment, called his friend Faisal after a few hours and then both raped her several times a day for more than a week.

One day, she said, she tried to escape from his flat on the fourth floor by jumping through the kitchen’s window but she could not do so due fear and kept holding the terrace wall.

People on the street saw her hanging and informed police, who came and rescued her. The victim also told the court that she could recognise her tormentors upon seeing them. She also said she wanted to go back to her parents.

The court then summoned her parents and told them to forgive their daughter as she was already ashamed of her mistake.

Source: The News


NCSW condemns acid throwing on female teachers

ISLAMABAD: The National Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW) strongly condemned the incident of throwing acid on the faces of women teachers in Balochistan.

A statement issued here on Tuesday said that NCSW is extremely perturbed at the news item appeared in a section of press regarding acid throwing on women teachers of Balochistan while they were travelling back to homes in school vain.

It said that this recent case is an explicit and crude example of how acid is used as a tool to perpetuate violence against women. “From time to time some mischievous elements opt for such horrendous acts to discourage women from public life. The Commission condemns this act in absolute terms, and urges that strict measures must be taken against the perpetrators”, NCSW said.

The Commission demanded that the Government of Balochistan must take strong cognizance of the case, bring the culprits to book and ensure complete medical, psychological and economic rehabilitation of the victims. “We need to tackle and put efforts in place to eliminate violence against women at all the levels. The time is ripe for the women legislators to break the silence, stand up to respond on the issue and think about introducing timely and proper legislation”, it added.

As an immediate response, legislators should right away pass a strong worded resolution unanimously in Balochistan Assembly against the incident and put sever pressure on the law enforcing agencies to apprehend.

Source: The Nation


Man booked for killing wife

KARACHI: A woman was hammered to death in Gulshan-i-Iqbal`s Quaid-i-Azam Colony on Wednesday, police said.

They said some neighbours rushed to the house of 34-year-old Aqeela Bibi after hearing her children`s screams in the early hours of the day and found her body lying in a pool of blood.

“She was the mother of three daughters and a son,” said an official at the Mubina Town police station.

“The eldest daughter, who is hardly 13 years old, told us about that Aqeela and her husband Habibullah used to fight over some domestic issues. They had a quarrel in the early hours of Wednesday.”

He said that Habibullah allegedly attacked his wife with a blunt metal and inflicted injuries that proved fatal.

“The couple hails from Rahim Yar Khan but has been settled here for the past several years.

“The suspect was a wage earner and escaped after the incident,” said the official.

Kainat Soomro’s family attacked

KARACHI: A group of men attacked the family members of alleged gang rape victim Kainat Soomro, injuring her brother and father, on Thursday.

Talking to The News, Soomro said that the attackers belonged to the four accused in her case. “My appeal is in the high court, but the rapists want me to take the case back, and that’s why they attacked my family.”

According to Soomro, the attackers first broke the windowpanes of her car and damaged it at her apartment in Bhelpura locality.

“Then they started beating my father and brother with iron rods, and severely injured them. While they were attacking my family, I ran off to the nearby police station to lodge an FIR.”

Soomro said that the attackers threatened to kill her but she would not withdraw her appeal. “Where is the security which was promised? I request the authorities to provide us security as my life is in danger.” Later, Soomro and her family staged a protest at the Karachi Press Club.

Source: The News
