Mother testifies in kidnap case

By Ishaq Tanoli

KARACHI, Jan 20: The mother of a five-year-old boy recalled the events of the kidnapping of her son and the driver when she testified before an Anti-Terrorism Court here on Tuesday.

The ATC Judge, Syed Hasan Shah Bukhari, was conducting the trial of a kidnapping for ransom and killing case against three accused, Nisar Ahmed, Shahzad Masih and Munir Masih, who were charged with kidnapping the minor boy, Mohammad Rehan, and his driver, Irfan, with their vehicle on Oct 2, 2007. After collecting the ransom, the accused released the boy but allegedly killed his driver.

Although, the court had already recorded the final arguments, it summoned the victim child’s mother on an application filed by the special public prosecutor, Mohammad Khan Buriro, under Section 540 of the criminal procedure code (power to summon material witness or examine persons present) requesting the court to examine the victim’s mother.

The mother of the kidnapped boy, Sadaf, appeared in court as a prosecution witness and narrated her ordeal. She said in her statement that on Oct 2, 2007 her driver went to pick her son from his school but did not return.

She said that she contacted the driver over the phone but it was attended by an unknown person who informed her that her son and the driver had been kidnapped. He demanded ransom for the release of her son and the driver.

She said the ransom amount was delivered to the kidnappers at a specified place in Manzoor Colony.

The mother testified that the kidnappers had released her son after collecting the ransom but neither freed the driver nor handed over the vehicle. However, the police found the driver’s body and the vehicle near the Baloch Colony bridge on the following morning. A case (FIR222/07) was registered under Sections 365-A and 302/34 of the Pakistan Penal Code on the complaint of a relative of the kidnapped boy. Later, on Oct 10, 2007 acting on a tip-off, a team of the Anti-Violent Crime Cell conducted a raid in the limits of the Mehmoodabad police station and arrested the accused.

The court adjourned the hearing till Jan 24. The special public prosecutor will argue on the next date of hearing.
Source: Dawn

Need stressed to educate more women

Karachi, Jan 20: Provincial Minister Khalid Bin Walyat stressed the need to impart education to more women in order to brighten the future of coming generations in modern era of science and technology.

This he said while addressing a debates ceremony organized by Dhaka Group of Educational Institutions and Daira-E-Adab Saqafat International at Khatoon-e-Pakistan, Government College for Women here on Tuesday.

He said it is need of hour to impart education both to men and women, so that more educated women could train new generations in a better way. He said this is an era of science and technology and without imparting scientific education, development in the country could not be achieved.

He urged teachers to play their pivotal role in imparting and spreading education. He further said debate programs encourage students to use their capabilities positively

Speaking on the occasion, noted educationist Azfar Rizwi said his organization has organized several such programs across the city. The cash prizes were also given away to the winners.
Source: The Nation

Presidency, PM House split on Farah episode

By Ansar Abbasi

ISLAMABAD: The Presidency and the Prime Minister’s House differed on the Farah Hameed Dogar case, like their clash of opinion on some other issues, with the former eager to defend the chief justice’s daughter while the latter trying to stay neutral.

It was because of the differences between the two highest offices on this specific issue that the government could not forge a unified stance, but the Presidency’s strategy prevailed owing to the role reportedly played by two key players – Law Minister Farooq H Naek and Attorney General Sardar Abdul Latif Khosa.

Both are considered President Asif Zardari’s men. Khosa, however, denied to have been assigned with any such role, while Naek could not be approached for comments despite hectic efforts by The News.

What has not yet been revealed is the devious part played by the Law Ministry, which presented distorted facts in the Farah Dogar case before the Islamabad High Court to get a ruling in the student’s favour despite the Education Ministry’s clear stance that a re-assessment was not allowed under the law.

Background interaction with key players in the government reveals the Law Ministry vetted para-wise comments submitted before the IHC on behalf of the Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (FBISE), provided inaccurate information to the court that the answer sheets of 201 candidates including Miss Farah Dogar, were re-assessed.

The reply presented by Agha Tariq Mehmood Khan, presently deputy attorney general, submitted to the court distorted facts, which did not differentiate between the Farah Hameed Dogar case and others.

The IHC was given the impression through this para-wise comment, prepared by the Law Ministry and submitted by the attorney general, that Miss Farah Dogar was one of the 201 students, whose marks were increased after their “answer sheets were reassessed.”

As already stated on Monday by Education Minister Mir Hazar Khan Bijarani that a re-assessment is not permissible under the rules, the FBISE had presented all relevant facts to the Law Ministry and also clearly said the relevant law did not allow a re-evaluation under any circumstances.

But what was produced before the IHC was the presentation of Miss Farah Dogar’s case as one of many routine cases. The fact, however, was that the then chairman had ordered a re-assessment in clear violation of the rules only in the case of Farah. All other cases, where marks of candidates were increased, fell in the category of legally allowed re-checking.

The Law Ministry which vetted para-wise comment wrongly informed the court: “On the severe claim of some students including Miss Farah that their papers were not properly checked, though they had performed the same properly, the chairman in his note – dated 10-09-2008 – directed the controller of examination ‘Pl have the answer books of this candidate re-assessed.”

Here the FBISE comment gave the IHC the impression as if the chairman had ordered a re-assessment in several cases, which is not a fact, as it was done only in the case of Farah Dogar.

Later, the FBISE comment played a further trick on the IHC by adding: “Out of the said students, on rechecking, 201 students’ answer sheets were reassessed and their marks enhanced.” What the FBISE report concealed was the fact that the marks of 200 students were increased through the legally allowed re-checking process whereas the re-assessment was done only in the case of Miss Farah, who secured 20 marks for the same reason.

While the law minister was not available for comment, Attorney General Sardar Abdul Latif Khosa categorically said neither he was assigned any role in connection with Miss Farah Dogar case by the Presidency nor has he been associated with the preparation of the para-wise comment submitted to the IHC by his deputy. He insisted he did not know if the FBISE comments were presented before the IHC in a distorted shape.

The Education Ministry was, however, not inclined to vote in favour of the re-assessment at any cost while Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani was against the idea of defending the Miss Farah case – inside or outside the Parliament.

Gilani instead had fired his press secretary as soon as he came to know about his role in facilitating a meeting of this correspondent with the Chief Justice Abdul Hameed Dogar on the issue of Farah’s marks in the FSc exams.

Education Minister Bijrani not only conceded before the Senate as well as NA Committees on Education that there was no provision in the law allowing a re-assessment, but also opposed the government’s defence of this glaring violation of the rules.

But the presidential camp prevailed and even the National Assembly Secretariat was successfully manoeuvred to halt the proceedings of the NA panel, whose Chairman Abid Sher Ali was adamant on discussing the matter at all costs.

After a three-member bench of the Supreme Court had dismissed an earlier order of a single bench staying the proceedings of the NA Committee on Education, Bijarani had admitted the Miss Farah Dogar case was no more sub-judice and he would participate in the committee meeting to discuss the issue. However, a few days later, when the NA Committee was to meet, the minister reverted to the original stance of the presidential camp and refused to discuss the sub-judice issue.
Source: The news

Ordinary girl denied solitary mark by FBISE

By Usman Manzoor

ISLAMABAD: The case of a girl, whose father had died during her exams and yet she was denied one mark by the Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary ducation (FBISE), clearly reveals how grave injustices are meted out to poor students and illegal favours conferred on “special daughters”. The one mark she had sought could have prevented the girl from being declared failed.

The daughter of the deceased had sought a solitary mark to qualify for appearing in the supplementary examination. But she was denied the same by the board, which had no qualms about illegally allowing a reassessment of Farah Hameed Dogar.

Amna Khan, student of FSc Physiotherapy at the College of Medical Technology (CMT),

Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS), appeared in the examination held in May 2008. Her father passed away during her examination, putting enormous mental pressure on the girl, as reflected in her result.

Amna appeared in 18 papers, including physiotherapy (equivalent to FSc) practicals and passed 14. She was declared unsuccessful in Applied Sciences-I, Applied Sciences-II, English and Basic Medical Science (BMS) papers.

For taking the supplementary examination, she needed to pass at least 15 subjects; otherwise, she had to reappear in all the 18 papers. She obtained 16 marks out of 50 in Applied Sciences-I and, thus, required only one mark to pass the paper.

But the board officials ruled she could not get that desperately-needed one mark. “Had my father been the chief justice of Pakistan, I would have got the required mark,” remarked Amna while speaking to The News: “If Farah Dogar’s marks could be increased by 21, why was I denied just one mark?” she asked.

The poor soul added she could not afford to bear the expenses of her education after her father’s death and appearing in all the papers would make it difficult for her to continue her studies.

Eyeing a single mark in Applied Sciences-II, she had applied for a recount. “The controller of examinations will soon give me his reply in writing that my marks could not be enhanced.” Amana said she was shell-shocked to learn that Farah Dogar’s score had been raised by 21 while her application for only one mark was rejected by the same board and in the same exam. “I have made up my mind to appear in all the papers, as I have no hope of getting that one mark. Simply put: I am no Farah Dogar,” Amna Khan concluded.
Source: The news

Teenage girl shot dead

KHAIRPUR, Jan 20: A teenaged girl was killed on the pretext of karo-kari in Lal Bux village on Tuesday.

Ms Arbeli, 18, was working in her house when her step brother Karman Ujjan shot her dead.

No case was filed till the filing of this report.
Source: Dawn