=> Islamabad: United Nations Development Fund for Wom

Islamabad: United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) would hold its second meeting on ‘Alliance of Eliminating Violence against Women’ today (Monday).

Anna Fumarola, Communication and External Relations Advisor, UNIFEM Pakistan, told APP that the ‘Alliance of Eliminating Violence Against Women’ was launched on November 29 with the collaborative efforts of UNIFEM and other institutions including the Ministry of Women Development, National Commission on the Status of Women, some international organisations as UNAIDS, the delegation of the European Commission and several NGOs.
Source: The News

Homeless women constitute one of the most vulnerable parts of the society

Homeless women constitute one of the most vulnerable parts of the society with many of them facing hardships because of dearth of facilities that could provide permanent shelter to them.

One case in point is that of Sana Kanwal, an artiste who worked for Radio Pakistan and has performed in several stage plays. Having been divorced by her husband, she decided to earn and live on her own. Her courage to fight for a place in the society suffered a setback when she went down with a diabetic foot.

At 34, she was alone and remained in the surgical ward of the Federal Government Services Hospital (FGSH) for four months where she was totally dependent on the hospital staff. With organisations she served in the past looking the other way during her ordeal, it was the hospital administration that allowed her free treatment for such a long period.

On her request, she was discharged from the hospital after her foot seemed to have healed. Then came the time to find shelter and start up a new life. She was not eligible for admission to the workingwomen hostel for she was not able to work.

The Women Centre agreed to let her in for a month or so although these facilities prefer to provide shelter only to victims of violence, that too not permanent. For Sana, the other choice was Edhi Home but living there meant no access to the outside world because they don’t allow free mobility to women for security reasons. “If I opt to stay there, I would not be able to find a job,” said Sana who is desperate to start earning to make ends meet.

With no money, she cannot go to live in a rented room. “People usually refuse to let a woman in without a family,” she said citing her past experience. “Besides, I have no money,” she said. Her stay at the Women Centre was brief for her foot began to trouble her again.

A Masters in English Literature, she never imagined that this continuous insecurity and misery would become a permanent part of her life. She now fears that the hospital administration might not admit her for she left the Surgical Ward on her own. Truly, she is a woman in distress.
Source: The News

Leadership traits, once considered as close preserve of people

Leadership traits, once considered as close preserve of people, particularly men at the helm of affairs in any sphere of country life, has undergone a conceptual change during the last three decades.

The concept of leadership now has a widened scope and it recognises that women and other economically and socially disadvantaged segments of population, if provided opportunity and conducive environment, can be effective leader in the area of their responsibilities. No doubt it presupposes that they are possessed of requisite academic and professional expertise to draw potentials of others to perform effectively on the jobs assigned to them and also that they can bring a positive change in line of their profession / work by influencing the course of events through their vision and power of perception.

Decision making is considered as the most important attribute of leadership. In Pakistan and even in India despite women emancipation experienced during the last thirty years and their earning entry in a big way in all lines of professions including politics, leadership responsibilities are assigned to them very sparingly.

In Pakistan, no doubt women representation in assemblies, Senate and local government has increased manifold in recent years, yet decisions taken through legislative process relating to issues pertaining to women and children exclusively are flouted by male legislators and thus women’s sense of responsibility for creating change in social and political environment is arrested.

This may be due to the fact that majority of the women legislators have been elected on reserved seats of all the houses and selection / election of women on these seats solely depends on whims of male members of that political party. In this regard women representatives in assemblies need to show candor and assert for their right to mobilise the opinion of the entire parliament for all the gender related issues and policies irrespective of general policy / views of the political party they belong to on that particular issue.

In academic field although almost 50% of total students strength in universities and campuses comprises women, yet representation of women as heads of departments or vice chancellors of universities and principals of professional colleges is very low.

There are only six women vice chancellors among more than 100 recognised universities and professional education academies. Same percentage can be assigned to women principals of the colleges other than exclusive women colleges. It is purely culture norms and values, which associate leadership primarily to men despite the fact that women are found well placed with regard to all attributes of leadership if compared to their counterparts.

In the field of finance quite a headway has been made. Appointment of a woman as Governor State Bank of Pakistan, establishment of First Women Bank headed by a woman and run by women are no doubt few affirmative steps taken by consecutive governments from 1989 onward, which helped recognise the capability of women as leaders in financial sector and thereafter all the financial institutions and banks started providing level playing field to female employees with regard to their career progression and now women can reach top ladder of the hierarchy on merit through open competition. Resultantly now quite a number of women have risen to senior management level in both indigenous and foreign banks. It happens when women enter and succeed acquiring diverse skills, new technologies in their line of profession, which are increasingly valued.

Globally, on average, women in managerial position are found more effective leader than man of the same hierarchal status. Women by nature are pruned to participative style of management. They have equal concern for the welfare and growth of employees and organisation itself. Her interaction with staff is always friendly and like a teacher rather than a boss.

Through her transformational role she develops confidence and competency among her team members, hence she is taken by her employees as role model and source of strength in the sense that she is always available to redress their grievances and problems, which is the characteristic of transactional leadership style, which implies to rewarding employees for good performance and penalising for poor performance. Experience has shown that women leaders’ transactional role confines only to rewarding and very few resort to punishing workers come what may be the circumstances. Transactional role of punishment is generally associated with male leaders /executives.

Besides personal traits need to be embodied in a leader like job competence, emotional intelligence, empathy towards others, integrity and commitment are found more with women than men.

Emotional intelligence presupposes one’s power of perception of her / his intellect, academic ability and capability to adjust in all social environments, which enables the person to understand and perceive the said qualities in her / his entire team, which she / he is leading. Accordingly her transactional role as a leader is facilitated. Women leaders are generally found to have strong power of perception particularly due to the fact that on taking their position of responsibility they feel highly motivated, hence they communicate effectively with all stake holders in the project / organisation including clients, thus achieve long term or everlasting relationship and network.

The consistency in the area of their responsibility is also the result of their power of perception, which helps them to understand others point of view (of all stake holders in the business) and take appropriate steps to satisfy all, thus their aptitude to work in total harmony with others, results in success of the organisation / project.

Women who cherish to reach a hierarchial position where they can lead, they need to strive for competency to the extent that they excel in leadership qualities. At that stage, for them there is no other motivational factor, but their determination to excel and more importantly the socio economic wellbeing of their family to which they belong.

Further, cultural norms and values of a society also have predetermined gender based leadership traits. Authoritative style of management and pre-decisive approach to all matters are still recognised as leadership traits confined to men. Same traits if found with a woman in commanding position in any organisation are discarded by every one.

Empathy, cooperation, supportive approach, emotional intelligence, natural instincts common with women are now considered desired traits of a good leader / manager. Proponents of concept of team work, participative style of management and Management by Objective (MBO) had based their theories on these very human characteristics.

The global experience with regard to women leaders and managers is associated with the fact that they promote congenial working environment in the organisation through their understanding of the need of ethnic and racial diversity in hiring, equal opportunity based on merit and all policies promoting harmony in the organisation.

For effective leadership, it is essential to understand emotions / feelings of people in the organisation. A visionary leader must have quality of building relationship by putting in place effective communication mechanism, which reduces the chances of conflict and uneasiness in the organisation. Edna Mitchell – a behavioural scientist vehemently supports women leadership saying “we encourage women’s leadership as a connection between values and actions. Women leaders understand that they have the responsibility and ability to improve quality of life on the planet”

Since all over the globe there is shift towards people oriented management style, women have proved themselves good leaders as CEOs, business executives, and chairpersons of NGOs because of greater consistency of their ideas and capability to communicate with candor and clarity with all persons working under their jurisdiction and also listen to their problems on one to one basis irrespective of status of the workers. Besides that, women leaders / managers generate career progression opportunities for all employees by providing level playing field to perform with full commitment and creativity. Accordingly a pool of competence is developed in the organisation and growth culture of the entity continues to sustain despite change in leadership.
Source: Business Recorder

Federal Minister for Culture Sardar Sikandar Hayat Khan Jogezai has asked for report regarding human trafficking

Federal Minister for Culture Sardar Sikandar Hayat Khan Jogezai has asked for report regarding human trafficking through cultural troupes and persons involved in the heinous crime.

During a meeting with Federal Minister for Human Rights, Ansar Burney here, Jogezai said that in the past young and innocent girls were sent abroad in the name of cultural troupe and were forced to get involved in anti-social activities.

In this regard, the authorities concerned have been directed that Pakistani cultural troupe visiting out of country should be made mandatory that all the members of the team to return back to the country after their artistic performance abroad.

Both the ministers expressed their grave concern over the human trafficking issue and took serious notice of the situation and said that the persons involved in such practices should be dealt and punished according to the law of the land.

The Minister for Human Rights Ansar Burney told the minister that in the name of cultural troupe, amateur male and females are smuggled and they are forced to work as a bondage labour and other immoral activities.

He further said that seven month ago a girl named Sobia was taken to Dubai and she was left alone there while the culprits are demanding Rs0.5 million now as ransom from her parents. Ansar Burney on the occasion appreciated the culture minister for taking anti-human trafficking measures, which have started producing results and the human smuggling has declined.

Jogezai has also directed that such troupe visiting abroad for performance, the immigration authorities should make sure that the number of troupe members should return back to the country.
Source: The News

SHC moved against detention of Dr Afiya

Right activists filed petition in the Sindh High Court (SHC) against the continuous detention of Dr Aafiya and her two children by the US authorities.

Intekhab Alam Suri and Imran Ahmed of Human Rights Network said that Dr Aafiya, a resident of Karachi, along with her three children was allegedly kidnapped by the law enforcement agencies from Gulshan-e-Iqbal Karachi in March 2003 when she was leaving for Rawalpindi from her mother’s house.

The petitioners alleged the US agencies – CIA and FBI – were also involved in such operation and submitted that threats were issued to Dr Afiya’s family to remain silent over the abduction otherwise their lives could be in danger.

They said the detainees were handed over to the US agencies by Pakistani LEAs in violation of the Constitution. The counsel of petitioner Iqbal Aqeel said that the detainees were not produced before any court of law in Pakistan and on pointation of British journalist Yvonne Ridley this year that detainee Dr Afiya was detained in Bagram Airbase in Afghanistan the US authorities due to pressure of rights organisation falsely shown arrest of Dr Afiya in Afghanistan and booked her in a false case.

Dr Afiya, who studied at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US, and did her PhD in genetics, is now facing trial in US for allegedly attacking US soldiers in Afghanistan.The counsel said the Pakistani government had failed to fulfil the requirements of its undertaking rendered before the court of law in a case regarding extradition of Yousuf Ramzi to the US in 1997 as the government law officer undertook that the government will make all efforts to protect the lives and liberties of the citizens in accordance with the law. He said that handing over of Dr Afiya to the US was amount to sale of Pakistani citizen and violation of law of the land.

He said one son of Dr Afiya Mohammad Ahmed Khan was released by the US authorities while the whereabouts of her two children Mohammad Suleman and baby Marium were still unknown and the kidnapping case was also brought into the knowledge of IG Sindh and federal government.

It was argued by the counsel that the government has disrespected the nation by kidnapping the family of a detainee and a case be registered against the people involved in the kidnapping of Dr Afiya and her children.

The counsel contended that the US courts have no authority for the trial without fulfilment of lawful extradition formality and the detainees should be handed over to the Government of Pakistan.

Naming the Ministries of Defence, Foreign Affairs, Interior and Sindh Home Department as respondents the court was prayed to direct them to give explanation for violation of fundamental rights and responsible persons involved in kidnapping of Dr Afiya and her children be tried by the court of law. The petitioners also prayed to the court to direct the government to make arrangements for protection and release of detainees from the US.
Source: The News