Senate body finalises recommendations on Vani, Sawara

ISLAMABAD: The Subcommittee on Women Development, constituted by the Senate Standing Committee on Women Development, finalised on Thursday its recommendations on womenís right of inheritance, and the evil practices of Vani and Sawara.

The meeting, presided over by Senator Sardar Jamal Khan Leghari, was given a detailed briefing by senior officers of the ministries of Law and Women Development. The sub-committee appreciated the two ministries for providing facts about Vani, Sawara and the custom under which the women folk are deprived of their rights to inheritance. These recommendations would soon be presented to the main committee of women development for further consideration.

The meeting was attended by Senators Razina Alam Khan, Dr Kausar Firdaus and Semeen Siddiqi. Senior Officials of the law and women development ministries were also present.

Source: The News


Government fails to provide basic human rights to women inmates

ISLAMABAD: The government has failed to provide basic human rights to women prisoners as about 90 percent of women suffer jailers’ bad behaviour, malnutrition, health services and legal aid deprivation, hygienic problems and deprivation of children education.

Sources told Business Recorder here on Thursday that women in jails are a marginalised group with regard to access to basic human rights, as most of women suffering from diseases are not provided satisfactory health services.

They said that the quality of the basic human need, safe drinking water, is substandard as about 78 percent of the female jail inmates have declared the quality of drinking water unsatisfactory.

The medical needs of female prisoners include psychological problems, physical illness, blood pressure, diabetes, heart diseases, infections, tuberculosis, pregnancy, abortions, birth control and births, they said.

Moreover, female prisoners exhibit a higher demand of medical and psychiatric services than male but unfortunately the government has failed to provide satisfactory health services to women. Despite huge health budget, the victimised women who actually desire for health funding remain deprived of health services which shows negligence of the government regarding the issue, they added.

It was stated that the failure to properly assess and adequately treat the women has desperate effect on the welfare and development of women in jails that shows actual condition of Women Development Ministry that provides only lip service and raises empty slogans on securing women rights.

They further said that it is the responsibility of the government and also the jail authorities to provide medical facilities to the women prisoners, they said. The children accompanying their mothers in jails are also entitled for the education facility to be arranged by the jail authorities but the phenomenon is totally non-existent in the jails, they said.

On the provision of education to women prisoners’ children, the reality is that the facility is almost non-existent in jails and the future of country is languishing in darkness, they said. The availability of legal aid or assistance to women prisoners is also not satisfactory in jails, they said.

The Ministry of Health should appoint lady doctors in jails for 24 hours to attend female patients, they said. The government should also provide free legal aid in jails so that these imprisoned women may have access to justice and food must be given according to health standards and hygienic conditions must be made better so that women prisoners may have basic human rights that is their birth right.

Source: Business Recorder


FIR not categorical on how Naseema reached home

* Police believe ‘media trial’ affecting investigations

KARACHI/SUKKUR: The FIR lodged after Naseema Labano’s gang rape on January 27 appears to have a number of discrepancies, including differing versions of the way she went home after the incident.

The FIR (No. 07-2007) was filed by Naseema’s father Hamzo at 6:30 p.m. on Jan 27. It was registered by Ubavro ASI Peeroz Khan. The FIR starts off with a background about the relationship between Abdus Sattar (an accused) and Naseema’s family. Abdus Sattar had had a fight with the elders of Naseema’s family over some matter related to children a while ago. After the fight, Sattar had threatened the family. “He used to say that he will ruin our reputation, and will not leave us fit to live,” Hamzo said in the FIR.

Naseema’s father works at a fertilizer factory in Dharki. “On Jan 27, I had gone to work as usual. At 3 p.m. my son, Asghar Ali came to me and said that Abdus Sattar and some other people had barged into our house. They beat Naseema, took her by force to the house, raped her, and sent her home naked,” Hamzo stated in the FIR. “I came home immediately and saw Naseema crying. … She said that she had been sitting with her mother (Nazeeran) at home, when Abdus Sattar and his friends barged in at around 1 p.m.”

Eleven men were nominated in the FIR: Abdus Sattar, and his brothers Shehzado, Morzado, and Abdul Jabbar (sons of Budho Labano), Manwar Hussain (son of Habibullah), Anwar Hussain and his brothers Khadim Hussain, Ali Hasan, and Naeem Shah Baig (sons of Long Khan), Long Khan (son of Ismail) and Bashir Ahmed (son of Jamaldin, resident of Dharki). Of these, Shahzado, Abdul Jabbar, Anwar Hussain, Ali Hasan, Naeem Shah Baig, and Long Khan have been arrested.

According to the FIR, the men who entered Naseema’s house on Jan 27 were armed, Abdus Sattar and Manwar had guns, while Anwar Hussain had a rifle. They beat Naseema and her mother, dragged Naseema to Abdus Sattar’s house, and locked her up. “Abdus Sattar then raped her. After this Anwar Hussain came into the room and he raped her as well,” the FIR said. “Naseema pleaded with them to stop, but they wouldn’t. Hearing her scream, Sardar Ali (son of Varyan), Jamaluddin (son of Zar Gul) and other people from the village rushed in and set her free. She ran home without her clothes.”

However, the next paragraph in the FIR says: “Abdus Sattar and Anwar raped Naseema, and then forced her to walk home naked.”

People familiar with the customs and norms of the area said that the latter seems more in tune with reality, because, firstly, when people from the village rushed in to help her, under no circumstance would they have let Naseema go home without anything covering her body. Secondly, the girl herself would not have gone out on the street naked, had she not been forced to do it under duress.

Ubavro ASI Peeroz Khan was not available for comment Thursday. His brother (who answered Khan’s cell phone) said that the investigating officer for the case, Aftab Hassan Farooqui, should be contacted instead.

“The media trial has had a negative impact on our investigations,” Farooqui told Daily Times. “It has caused the remaining five men to go into hiding, because now they’re sure of being hauled into court and punished. We are trying our best to trace them. We have conducted countless raids, but they keep changing their hideouts. The remand for the six men in police custody is going to expire tomorrow (Friday), and we will talk to our higher-ups if the investigation results up until now warrant a challan. If we file a challan, these men will be presented in court, and the remaining five men will become ‘absconders.’ A list will be sent out to all police stations across the city, and they will have no place to hide. Right now I’m in Mirpur Market, and we’re preparing for another raid.”

About the security being provided to Naseema’s relatives in the village, Farooqui said that a picket had been put up there. “A sub-inspector and a constable have been assigned there,” he said.

When asked whether action was being taken against police officials who had initially hindered investigations, Farooqui said: “That’s our department’s problem. Right now we’re too busy to do anything about it. It will be dealt with after we have apprehended the five remaining men.”

Naseema was admitted to Sukkur Hospital before she was brought to Karachi. “Naseema was absolutely fine when she was discharged from Sukkur Hospital on Sunday (Feb 11),” hospital administrator, Dr. Abdul Jabbar, told Daily Times. “She was admitted Feb 9 (Friday). Dr. Ambreen and Dr. Kartal Lal were assigned to her case.”

“Naseema was malnourished, so we treated her for that. Apart from that, she had initially shown some signs of mental stress, so we gave her anti-depressants. She was also given psychotherapy for three days,” Dr Jabbar said. “However, she was fine otherwise, and we didn’t feel the need to give her anti-depressants after the first day. She complained of pain in her lower back. X-Rays were conducted, but we couldn’t find anything wrong. She was given painkillers. Naseema was in perfect condition when she was discharged on Sunday.”

She was brought to Karachi Tuesday evening, and admitted to Civil Hospital Karachi (CHK) Wednesday afternoon. On Thursday, Daily Times visited the hospital when the Advisor to the Chief Minister for Home Affairs, Waseem Akhtar, went to see Naseema and her family. The media is (officially) still not being allowed contact with the family.

One room has been reserved for Naseema and her family in Gynae Ward-3. When Akhtar entered the room, Naseema was talking to a journalist on her grandfather’s cell phone. The minister told her grandfather not to let anyone speak to Naseema at all, “because it will stress her out more. If I find out that she’s been talking to anyone at all, your cell phone will be taken away,” he said.

Akhtar asked Naseema’s parents to be strong “because seeing you crying this way would stress her out as well,” he said. Naseema’s uncle and grandfather requested security for their family members in the village. ‘We have school-going children there. We need to know that they will be protected,’ they said. The minister assured them that maximum security would be provided to everyone. He also requested Naseema’s parents to ask her to allow doctors to conduct necessary tests. “No one will harm you here. These are all very professional doctors,” he said. Naseema has been refusing to be examined since being admitted at CHK Wednesday afternoon.

When asked why the fact that Naseema had been raped previously (as a result of which she is now over two months pregnant) is not being made public, Akhtar said: “It will increase the pressure on the girl. Enough has been done about this in the media. We don’t need them to highlight this any further,” the home advisor said.

“We’re making sure that proper medical facilities are being provided to Naseema,” Akhtar told media personnel waiting for him outside Naseema’s room at CHK. “I’m satisfied with the doctors here. Her tests are being conducted at the Aga Khan University Hospital, and we’re waiting for the results.”

When asked if any action had been taken against the police officers who had delayed investigations, Akhtar said that investigations were under way and it was too early to comment on that. Daily Times tried to speak to Naseema’s gynaecologist at CHK, Prof. Dr. Nusrat H. Khan, for details about Naseema’s medical history, the treatment being given to her at CHK, and future plans for treatment. However, Dr. Khan declined to answer any questions. “I’m sorry but I can’t give out details about a patient,” she said

Source: Daily Times


Kainat rape case takes a bizarre twist

KARACHI/HYDERABAD: The case of an alleged rape victim, Kainat Soomro, took a bizarre twist on Thursday as the accused presented marriage documents.

Kainat, a student of Class VIII at the Government Girls High School, Mehar, was allegedly kidnapped from a general store in a Mehar market, a town in the Dadu district, in the second week of January.

However, it has surfaced that the medical report of the victim denies the rape charge, while one of the accused claims to be her husband and it is stated that the girl, who claims to be the victim of the rape, is, in fact, the younger sister of the victim.

Ahsan alias Nomi Thebo, one of the four accused rapists, claimed on Thursday at a press conference in Hyderabad he married Kainat on Jan 12, 2007 in a court. He also showed newsmen a Nikahnama and a photograph showing him with the girl.

He also distributed copies of the medical report of Kainat, which denies she was raped. However, Kainat, who is on hunger strike in front of the Karachi Press Club since the last three days, claimed that her signatures were forcibly taken on a plain paper that might have been used to prepare a fake document of her marriage.

Thebo shocked journalists in Hyderabad when he said the girl sitting on hunger strike in Karachi was not the girl he married. “She is not Kainat, rather her younger sister,” he insisted.

He alleged that the father of the victim was exploiting his daughters. Thebo works at the store, from where the girl was alleged to be taken away. Niaz Ahmed Siddiqui, President Mehar Press Club, told The News that Nomi Thebo was the son of a poor farmer and he is not an influential person.

He also confirmed that Kainat had a younger sister whose name is Jannat and said the alleged victim shown on media was, in fact, Jannat and not Kainat. Thebo said his marriage with Kainat took place before a judge. After their marriage they moved to the house of his uncle, Kaleemullah Thebo, in Kotri, he added.

Later on, according to Thebo, the girl’s father, Ghulam Nabi Soomro, came to them and took Kainat with him, saying she would return as bride from his (Ghulam Nabi’s) house and he promised her Rukhsati. “However, Soomro backtracked on his words and lodged a fake case of rape,” he said.

SHO Mehar Ghulam Sarwar Panhwar, who is investigating the case, told The News by telephone that police believed it was a case of “love marriage”.

They married in the court of 1st Judicial Magistrate Hyderabad on Jan 13, said Panhwar. “We have verified from the court, the Maulvi and the witnesses,” he said. Maulvi Shabbir Ahmed solemnised the Nikah, he added.

Panhwar said he had asked the parents of Kainat to bring her before the police for recording her statement, but they had not done it so far. The investigation officer also confirmed that the medical report of the alleged victim did not show any signs of rape but the girl was “not virgin”.

When asked about the medical report, the mother of Kainat, who was also sitting with her daughter at the hunger strike camp at the Karachi Press Club, said they had lost it. When The News contacted the headmistress of the school, where Kainat studies, and asked her if she could recognise that the girl shown on media was Kainat or Jannat, she said there were around 1,500 students in her school and she did not recognise everyone by face.

“Her mother brought the picture, but I don’t recognise her by face,” said Arbab Chandio, the headmistress. Kainat is likely to be presented before the Sindh High Court, Hyderabad bench, on Friday (today) on a petition filed by Ahsan alias Nomi Thebo.

In another development, the War Against Rape (WAR), has moved an application with the CCPO Karachi for provision of security to Kainat during her journey to Hyderabad on Friday. “For the time being, there is no protection to her in front of the Karachi Press Club,” Sarah Zaman, project coordinator of the WAR, said.

Of the four accused in the case, three are on bail. The Sindh High Court, Larkana bench, rejected the bail application of one accused, Shahban Shaikh, as he did not appear before the court on Wednesday.

Source: The News


Husband kills wife, paramour

KHAIRPUR: Two persons, including a woman, were on Thursday killed on charges of Karo-Kari in the village of Nazru Shar on Thursday midnight.

Police reports said that Nazar Hussain Shar gunned down his wife Sharifan and a youth Qaiser Shar in the Nazru Shar village in the limits of Mirpur Mathelo police station. Later, he buried them without funeral rites.

The reports further said that Qaiser Shar had come from Kashmor and stayed in the house of accused Hussain Shar. The accused saw Qaiser Shar with his wife Sharifan in objectionable condition Thursday midnight and he killed them on the spot, the reports said.

The accused after committing double murder escaped and was still at large. Further investigation was underway. Meanwhile, a young man was killed here on Thursday on a petty issue in the limits of Gambat police station. According to details, accused Khadim Hussain and Murtaza over a minor issue strangulated Ghulshan Ali, 18. After committing crime, the accused threw body of the deceased in canal and managed to escape. Police have lodged the murder case against the killers.(The News Feb 16, 2007)

Source: The News
