Punjab for Women Protection Centres all over province

Punjab Law Minister Raja Basharat said on Tuesday that the government is setting up Women Protection Center all over the province to provide them a safe space and give them assistance in getting quick justice.

Speaking at a local hotel, he said that the government is taking strong ‘pro-women ‘measures under the leadership of Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar, adding that the provincial government has introduced a new law that will help women get inheritance certificate.

“The government has extended the job tenure to Women Ombudsmen chairperson to four years. The federal law minister and all four provincial law ministers are reviewing the inheritance laws,” he said. “Pakistan has all required laws in place; the only limitation is its implementation.”

In a violent society like Pakistan, there is a need to promote tolerance. What happened in Sialkot doesn’t fit in with any Muslim character, he said.

Meanwhile, to counter rising crimes of harassment and violence against women in Lahore, police have set up an Anti-Harassment and Violence Cell (AHVC) to ensure prompt registration of cases and investigation in every such case. Capital City Police Officer Lahore Additional IG Ghulam Mahmood Dogar inaugurated the first Women Harassment and Violence Cell of Lahore police. Lahore police is also establishing its second Anti -Women Harassment and Violence Cell at Liberty roundabout area, the CCPO said.


Source: Pakobserver

Women’s participation in elections stressed

LAKKI MARWAT: Speakers at a session have called for increasing women’s participation in the local government elections, saying that casting vote in election is the fundamental and constitutional right and women cannot be deprived of it.

The session was arranged by Trust for Democratic Education with the support of Free and Fair Election Network at the Bannu Press Club on Friday. Social activists and representatives of NGOs participated in the function.

Matters related to women’s participation in active politics and problems being faced by them were discussed on the occasion. The participants also discussed problems of the working women and urged mediapersons to highlight their issues.

Ms Maryum Fareed, Yasir, Faheem Khan and other speakers said that women had the right to vote in elections and it was the responsibility of the family heads to allow them to exercise their right freely.

Source: Dawn

Women’s property rights

Both under Sharia and the law of the land, women in Pakistan are entitled to inherit property of their parents and husbands. Violation of these laws carries imprisonment ranging from five to 10 years with a fine, or both. However, due to the societal structure, women, who comprise 50% of the total population of the country, are deprived of their inheritance rights through forgery and fabrication as well as under various pretexts.

To put things right, the government of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa is making efforts to raise awareness about the issue among both women and men. In this connection, recently the provincial government launched a guidebook for stakeholders to spread awareness regarding ‘K-P Women’s Property Rights Act, 2019.’ Speaking at the launch ceremony of the guidebook, the ombudsperson of the Protection of Women against Harassment at Workplace rightly pointed out that long delays in settling court cases pertaining to women’s property rights resulted in women losing their due share in family property. Excessive delay in other litigation matters too mars our justice system. Unscrupulous elements try to linger the legal process in order to make their opponents run around to the point of exhaustion so as to get the court decision in their own favour. Some property cases, including those involving women’s right to inheritance, linger for several generations.

The strongest point of the Ombudsperson’s Office in K-P is that the ombudsperson is empowered to enforce her decision. The police, revenue and other relevant departments are bound to help carry out the orders of the ombudsperson, including those relating to women’s property rights. The delays in resolving property cases pending in courts are a major obstacle in the way of dispensation of justice to women. There is a need to expedite the legal process. In order to ensure women’s inheritance and other rights, it is of utmost importance to convince society to give women their due rights. Mere laws on the statute books cannot be effective unless there is a positive change in society’s outlook.

Source: Express tribune (Editorial)

Memorandum of understanding signed to set up Women’s Healthcare Centre

LAHORE:Johns Hopkins Medicine International and a private hospital have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to mark cooperation between the two institutions to set up a Women’s Healthcare Centre.

US Political Officer Khatijah Corey represented the US government at the MoU signing ceremony. She assured of the US government’s support for women-centred healthcare stating, “Quality women-centred health care is difficult to find even today. From my own personal experience, these institutions offer safe and comfortable space where I feel my care is personalised and focused on some of the unique hurdles women face.”

Pakistani doctors in the United States help ensure better health outcomes there and the US healthcare system provides access to high-quality training and information on best practices for Pakistani medical professionals. The US government, in conjunction with the US Agency for International Development (USAID) works with government to ensure that Pakistan’s healthcare system can offer improved and cost-effective services to the people of Pakistan.

USAID also works closely with the health system to prevent, detect, and respond to infectious disease in Pakistan. Chairman of the hospital Shahid Hussain and Dr Laurent from Johns Hopkins International were also present.

Source: The News

Alvi stresses financial inclusion of women


ISLAMABAD: The key factors that can contribute to the empowerment of women in the society are digital and financial inclusion, a safe environment and good health, said President Dr Arif Alvi.

Addressing the launch ceremony of the National Gender Data Portal on Thursday, Alvi said data collection was direly needed for policy formulation and decision making.

Developed by the National Council on Status of Women and the UN Women, the interactive portal provides statistics and knowledge on indicators related to women and supports the government to report on international obligations on gender.

“There can be no women empowerment sans right of inheritance and financial inclusion,” he said.

The president told the gathering that the government was bracing up to disburse cash assistance to women through their bank accounts which would provide them better control over their money besides increasing their value in the family.

He stressed upon the government and the society, including trade chambers, to create employment opportunities for educated women and impart skills training to the illiterate ones to enable them to earn by either selling merchandise in the market or through e-commerce platforms.


Reiterating the importance of data, the president disagreed with Pakistan’s ranking of gender gap. He further called to initiate remedial measures for to boost inclusion and empowerment of women. The president also talked about the government’s pro-women initiatives such as easy loans from banks.

On the occasion, National Commission on Status of Women Chairperson Nilofar Bakhtiar also disagreed with the country’s international ranking on gender gap and hoped that the portal would help provide correct data to report the correct situation.

Source: Express tribune