Punjab for Women Protection Centres all over province

Punjab Law Minister Raja Basharat said on Tuesday that the government is setting up Women Protection Center all over the province to provide them a safe space and give them assistance in getting quick justice.

Speaking at a local hotel, he said that the government is taking strong ‘pro-women ‘measures under the leadership of Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar, adding that the provincial government has introduced a new law that will help women get inheritance certificate.

“The government has extended the job tenure to Women Ombudsmen chairperson to four years. The federal law minister and all four provincial law ministers are reviewing the inheritance laws,” he said. “Pakistan has all required laws in place; the only limitation is its implementation.”

In a violent society like Pakistan, there is a need to promote tolerance. What happened in Sialkot doesn’t fit in with any Muslim character, he said.

Meanwhile, to counter rising crimes of harassment and violence against women in Lahore, police have set up an Anti-Harassment and Violence Cell (AHVC) to ensure prompt registration of cases and investigation in every such case. Capital City Police Officer Lahore Additional IG Ghulam Mahmood Dogar inaugurated the first Women Harassment and Violence Cell of Lahore police. Lahore police is also establishing its second Anti -Women Harassment and Violence Cell at Liberty roundabout area, the CCPO said.


Source: Pakobserver

Government to set up more women universities, Punjab Assembly told

LAHORE: The government would establish more women universities in the province, the Punjab Assembly was told here on Monday.

Higher Education Minister Raja Yassir Humayun said during the Question Hour the government intended to set up more women universities in the province and the projects would be executed soon after resources were available for the purpose.

He told a questioner that the allegations of use of substandard material in the construction of buildings for educational institutions must be investigated. He said the department would request the chief minister for action against the Communications and Works Department officials for the poor construction of various colleges’ buildings.

Replying to a questioner, he said though he believed that there should be a college in each provincial assembly’s constituency, the government was not going to establish new colleges and was rather focusing on completing the buildings and missing facilities of the existing institutions.

Source: Dawn