Woman gives birth to baby in auto-rickshaw

LAHORE: A woman gave birth to a child in an auto-rickshaw stuck in a traffic mess at Canal Bank Road during Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s movement in the provincial capital on Friday, hospital sources said.

Tayyaba of Dharampura area was being driven to Services Hospital, but the three-wheeler got stuck in a massive gridlock. Unable to be ferried to the hospital on time, the lady went into labour inside the rickshaw.

“They – the mother and the baby – were brought to the hospital 10 minutes after the delivery. They are both well,” said a doctor.

During Premier Sharif’s movement, police halted general traffic on the intersections and traffic signals for a considerable time, to give safe and smooth passage to his cavalcade, for security concerns.

The prime minister spent a busy day in Lahore and also attended the 12th annual convocation of Government College University, where an honorary doctorate was conferred upon him. His movement however triggered the worst type of gridlock in the various parts of the city.

In February 2010 a woman in Quetta gave birth to a baby-boy in a rickshaw stuck in a traffic snarl during movement of the then President Asif Ali Zardari. The family named the boy after Asif Zardari. The former president took notice of the incident, and compensated the family with Rs500,000.

The Nation