Watta satta – your daughter in exchange for mine

By: Sarfaraz Memon

SUKKUR: Parveen has to deal with an angry husband every time her brother has a fight with his wife. She has to make sure her mother and brother don’t do anything to shake the volatile situation she has at home.

It’s been three years and Parveen continues to walk on eggshells just like she did when she was a newly-wed. Her marriage to Ashiq Ali was arranged at the same time as her brother Arbab set to marry his sister as watta satta, a custom of exchanging siblings in marriage.

“Believe me, I always try to live up to my husband’s expectations,” she said. “I don’t argue and do whatever he says but all my effort go down the drain when my husband starts to hit me and blame me for what my brother does. If my brother is not taking care of my sister-in-law my husband hits me.” She added that she was four years old when her parents decided on her marriage to Ashiq. Parveen is one of the many women who have to suffer a lot of domestic abuse because of watta satta marriage. Her neighbours know her as a caring, sensible woman but the fact that they know she’s part of a watta satta marriage, means they know she will be humiliated or beaten up every now and then.

Village elder Mouran is strongly in favour of the watta satta system. “This custom has been a part of our culture for centuries,” she said. “Watta satta marriages guarantee protection of both the girls involved as the families would have to think very carefully before taking any action.” He added that there were times that a girl would be mistreated by her husband and in-laws, especially in such cases. According to Mouran, it was a matter of honour. “We marry our daughters into someone’s house in exchange for their daughter,” she said. “In some cases where people don’t have daughters they pay a certain amount.”

Mirzadi, 65, is the mother of eight children and had a watta satta marriage. “Even today my husband beats me,” she said. “When his sister faces any problem at my mother’s house or if my brother is being difficult, then I have to suffer.” She added that she was married at the age of 14 and doesn’t remember a single day she was happy in her marriage. She claims that she received her first beating three days after she was married because her brother scolded his wife for breaking a glass.

“I have never been to school but I know about equal rights,” she said. “Parents seldom ask a girl about the man they select for her to marry. So why do men have the liberty to choose their bride? We claim to live in the 21st century but we still are living in the stone age.” She added that it was a pity that parents got promised their children in marriage even before they took their first step.

“I will not marry my daughter off to a man without taking a girl in exchange,” said Ghulam Ali. “If I get her married without a watta satta then how will her interests be guaranteed?” He added that watta satta was a good way to create a lasting bond between two families.

He gave the example of his own children. “My son-in-law and his parents will never harm my daughter,” he said. “If they do, then they know that their daughter will suffer.”

Human rights activist Jamila Mangi strongly opposes watta satta marriages. Such marriages not only ruin the lives of girls but can take two families to war, she said, adding that even if one girl takes good care of her husband, children and in-laws, she will be blamed for everything wrong in her sister-in-law’s life.

Express Tribune

Nadya condemns bomb attack, takes notice of torture on woman

torture on woman

KARACHI: Coordinator to Chief Minister Sindh for Human Rights Nadya Gabol has strongly condemned the bomb attack on a madarrsah at Orangi Town Karachi besides she has taken serious notice of a torturing incident on a woman by her husband in Sukkur. In a statement on Monday, expressing her deep sorrow and grief over the deaths and injuries caused by the explosion she said terrorist were targetting innocent people who had come to the madarsah for religious education, such people were open enemies of Islam and humanity. They are carrying out mindless massacres and terrorists’ acts to destabilise Pakistan.

Nadya Gabol said these kinds of brutal attacks were mean to create fear among students in order to keep away generation from education. She condemned the attack on journalist during the coverage of Orangi Town blast and told that it was a conspiracy hatched to malign facts and figures about the incidents to mislead the interrogation. She took serious notice of an incident of torturing on a women who married some four years ago and was kept in unlawful detention by her husband and in-laws. The incident took place in jurisdiction of B-Section police station Sukkur in which she was imprisoned, tied with chains and subjected brutality by her husband Nadeem and in-laws since her marriage, while her two years daughter Naiba was also kept in detention. She expressed apprehensions over the incidents of human rights violation in general and specially woman rights violation in Sindh. She said women were the part of the society and would continue to contribute their role in all walks of life without fear.

Daily Times