Law on domestic violence stressed

LAHORE: Pakistan needs law on domestic violence as majority of crime against women are of domestic nature but they are not reported due our weak social and legal system.

These views were expressed by Justice (r) Nasira Javed Iqbal while addressing a seminar organised by the Ravians Law Society at the GC University, Lahore in connection with the International Women’s Day. Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Khaleequr Rahman was the Guest of Honour at the seminar which was also addressed by a large number of successful women from different walks of life.

“If we don’t protect a woman at her home and ensure its domestic rights, how can we protect her in the world, which is ruled in majority by men?” said Justice (r) Nasira, the daughter­in­law of Allama Iqbal and noted human rights activist.

Justice (r) Nasira called upon the political parties to select female parliamentarians on merit for reserve seats; not on the basis of nepotism and favouritism. “I don’t see any true female human right activist, teacher, scientist, nurse or doctor in the parliament on reserve seats,” she regretted.

She highlighted that the women rights were also being affected due to delay in local bodies elections. She said that the participation of women in politics at the union council level provided strong base for empowerment of women in the country, besides these women played a crucial role in resolving social and domestic issues of their gender in their community.

The retired judge called upon the educated young girls to contest local body elections and contribute their skills in grooming health, sanitary and education sectors at grassroots level.

She said that terrorists group were frightened of educated women who had knowledge about their rights, and that’s why they were destroying their schools. She also appreciated the recruitment of women in police and army, saying they had more strong decision power than men.

Addressing the seminar, Ms Aziza, a visually­impaired girl doing PhD in Urdu from GCU, believed that women were talented and hardworking by nature but their social setup made them weak. She urged the parents to support their daughters in their educational and professional lives. She paid glowing tribute to her father who gave her confidence and lot of support.

Addressing the gathering of female students, Vice Chancellor Prof Rahman said that women were superior to men for their intellect, integrity, commitment and emotional stability and their contribution to social evolution as mothers, sisters, wives and daughters was also deserved.

He said that the best way to empower women was to provide them more and more opportunities of quality education. He said that in many departments of GCU, ratio of female students was higher than of boys, it’ was all because that women seemed more focused to their studies and He appreciated the government’s initiative of celebrating Women’s Day in all major universities of Punjab, as it provided an opportunity to discuss and highlight the gender issues.

The Nation