Islam gives privileged status to women: Speaker

RAWALPINDI: A philosophical and intellectual lecture on “Character and Role of Women in Islam” was organised by the Student Affairs Office of Fatiam Jinnah Women University (FJWU) here at the varsity on Friday.

The lecture was aimed to increase awareness and knowledge of Islam regarding the rights and responsibilities of women in society.

Dr Syed Bilal Qutab, ex-professor Boston University USA, was the guest speaker on the occasion. While briefing the students about the concept of women in Islam, Dr Bilal said that Islam has given a privileged status to women. The role of women as a mother, daughter and sister is a blessing of Allah. He said, “Being a Muslim it is our dilemma that we lack wisdom and depend upon the third party to come and solve our problems, but in reality situation is different.

That’s way we outsource schooling.”

He also explained many complex issues regarding women rights in detail and differentiated the teachings of Islam from other religions. He urged that character must be part of faith otherwise Muslims would be in troubles. Role of Hazrat Fatima (RA) and Hazrat Khadija (RA) id role model for Muslim women, he added.

There were differences between women’s and men’s roles, rights and obligations. While answering a question, he said that in the Holy Quran, Allah Almighty gave superior power to men because he was responsible for livelihood. He also highlighted the need and importance of moral education in the curriculum for personality development and character building of the students.

Dr Qutab also shed light on the teachings of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) with references of Hadith and Sunnah. Islamic law is the product of Quranic guidelines, as understood by Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqa) as well as of the interpretations derived from the traditions of Holy Prophet Muhammad (Hadith), that are agreed upon by majority of Muslim scholars.

A large number of students and staff members attended the lecture followed by interesting question/answer session.

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