Woman shot dead in Jaffarabad

Woman shot dead

DERA MURAD JAMALI: A villager allegedly shot dead his wife and injured a man in Jaffarabad district on Friday, police said.

Miran opened fire on his wife and her alleged paramour in Goth Sona Khan Rind. The woman died and the man fled after having been injured by the gunfire, they added.

“The cause of the killing was karo-kari,” police said.

The body was shifted to Dera Allahyar Hospital and later handed over to relatives.

A case was registered against the suspect and further investigation was in progress.

Kidnap victims return: Two men kidnapped four days ago reached home early on Saturday, police said.

Mir Hasan and Ganjo Khan were abducted by armed men from Hamidpur area in Subatpur district, they added.

Meanwhile, police found a kidnapped colleague from forests in Jhal Magsi.

Inspector Noorullah, a relative of Abdul Majid Abro, Adviser to Chief Minister on Zakat and Usher, was kidnapped a few days ago, they said.