Child marriage bill to be tabled soon: minister


Karachi: Sindh Minister for Women Development Rubina Qaimkhani said on Friday that the marriage of girls at tender age was against the teachings of Islam and also against the values of civil society.

She said that the Sindh government was fully aware of such acts and making efforts to provide justice to young girls and women in society.

Addressing a special committee meeting held to discuss child marriage bill at the committee room of Sindh Assembly, the minister said that every stake holder has to play due role for stopping marriages of girls at such an early age, which was totally an injustice with the young girls.

She said that the special committee constituted for this purpose has given an approval and the draft bill would soon be presented in the Sindh Assembly for legislation purposes.

“The girls should not be taken as a burden on the family since Islam has regarded them as Rehmat (blessing),” she said, adding that the girls happen to be innocent and they should be treated in accordance with the Islamic rules and injunctions.

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