Grand Jirga also confirms murder of five girls

Man kills wife

After former member provincial assembly, Maulana Dildar, a grand Jirga on Monday also confirmed the killing of five girls of the Kohistan video scandal. A grand Jirga comprising 52 persons hailing from 27 clans was held in Pattan area of Lower Kohistan. The brothers of male characters of the video scandal, Afzal Kohistani and elders of various tribes also participated in the jirga.

The grand Jirga said that the five girls had been killed. They held sitting MPA from Kohistan Maulana Asmatullah responsible for misguiding the judicial commission. The Jirga also confirmed that alternative girls were presented before the judicial commission. They demanded to disqualify MPA Maulana Asmatullah for lying about the girls. It is worth mentioning that former MPA belonging to Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F) Maulana Dildar had confirmed on Saturday that all the five girls in the video hailing from Azadkhel tribe were killed and three brothers Shah Faisal, Safiuddin and Sher Wali were also shot dead in revenge.

Business Recorder