Gang rape in Muzaffargarh…

gang-rape case

By Tajammal

Amina Bibi of Muzaffargarh was gang-raped in January and she immolated herself in March. During this period she must have made strenuous efforts to get justice but apparently all in vain. She was bold enough to have her complaint registered at the concerned police station. The accused were identified by her but apparently the rapists were influential enough to influence the police investigation in their favour and get the court to set them free on bail. Incidentally the court did not bother to call independent witnesses nor was any weight given to circumstantial evidence. In all likelihood there was not even a medico-legal report to determine if a rape occurred.

Gang-rapes have become very common and special measures are required to curb this menace. In such cases investigation should be done by the district police officer himself or by the SP investigation of the concerned district without entrusting it to a subordinate officer. The initial investigative report, complete in all respects, should be submitted to the court within one month. Special courts should be constituted, or courts should be earmarked, to deal with such cases. Daily hearings must be given so that rape cases may be decided as soon as possible. District and sessions judges and district police officers should review these cases on a monthly basis and the provincial government should be informed accordingly. If a couple of gang-rape cases end with exemplary punishments given to the perpetrators, this crime will be reduced considerably.

Pak Tribune