Anti-rape law: Senate committee summons Inspectors General, home secretaries

All provincial police chiefs and home secretaries on the implementation of the anti-rape law have been summoned by the Senate Standing Committee on Law and Justice on Thursday.

During a meeting of the Senate panel, its chairman Barrister Syed Ali Zafar appreciated the efforts of the government in promulgating the anti-rape law.

He maintained that since the law was passed, incidents of rapes in all major cities, including Islamabad, had been reported in the press.

He went on to add that the main objections in the past had always been about its implementation.

He further mentioned the case of Farhan and cricketer Yasir Shah, who had been accused of aiding the rape of a 14-year-old girl.

He noted that according to information received by him, the inspectors general (IGs) and home departments were not yet aware of the various provisions of anti-rape law.

“Although strict provisions relating to investigation and medical examination etc. were in place, but they are not being practically followed,” he added.

Zafar further informed the committee that recently some judgments had been rendered by the Supreme Court in which the question of separation of powers between parliament and judiciary was raised. HE added that the scope and parameters of parliament were decided.

He said parliament must safeguard its power and jurisdiction under the Constitution and directed that the details of these cases be presented before the committee on the next date of hearing for consideration.

The committee, which was dealing with various constitutional amendments moved by former Senate chairman Raza Rabbani and others, observed that parliament had the right to pass laws.

The chairman also directed the Law and Justice Division to provide details of what steps had been taken to implement the anti-rape law.

It further observed that the matter of separation of powers between the various organs of the State was of great constitutional concern and the issue therefore needed detailed examination.

Various constitutional amendment were also discussed by the committee on the role of the Senate in coordinating with the provinces and bringing forth their grievances as well as the constitutional power relating to promulgation of ordinances by the President.

However, the discussion on these important constitutional matters could not be concluded as comments from the various departments of the government in the matter were still awaited.

The committee also summoned the record of the past resolutions passed by the Senate regarding the proposed amendments.

The committee called the IGs and home secretaries of all the provinces and Islamabad to appear before it on the next date and give details to the panel on how far the new anti-rape law had been implemented.

Source: Pakistan today

Report sought on implementation of anti-rape law

ISLAMABAD: The Senate’s standing committee on law and justice has asked the home secretaries and the police chiefs of the four provinces and Islamabad to appear before it with data about implementation of the new anti-rape law.

Senator Barrister Syed Ali Zafar, who presided over the committee’s meeting on Thursday, lauded the government’s efforts for promulgating the anti-rape law, but said the main objections in the past had been about its implementation.

The Anti-Rape (Investigation and Trial) Act 2021, passed recently by parliament, seeks to establish special courts and the use of modern devices during investigation and trial in rape cases.

The meeting was attended, among others, by Senators Shibli Faraz, Mohammad Azam Khan Swati, Azam Nazeer Tarar, Mian Raza Rabbani, Kamran Murtaza, Manzoor Ahmed Kakar and Mushtaq Ahmed.

Senate standing committee summons home secretaries, police chiefs

Ali Zafar, the chair, stated that after adoption of the law, incidents of rape in all the provincial metropolises and the federal capital had been reported in the press. He cited a news report according to which some people aided the rape of a 14-years-old girl.

He said it was unfortunate that laws adopted by the legislature for benefit of the majority were seldom implemented.

Ali Zafar noted that information received by him suggested the IGs and home departments were not yet aware about different provisions of anti-rape laws. Hence provisions relating to investigation and medical examination were not being followed.

He directed the law ministry to provide details of the steps taken to implement the anti-rape law.

Source: Dawn