Modern training modules for midwives

skilled health care

LAHORE: Director General Health Services Punjab Dr Zahid Pervaiz said that the government was evolving training modules for Community Midwives on modern lines.

Addressing a ceremony on Wednesday, he said that the government would increase seats of CMWs for improving service delivery in remote areas. Save the Children in collaboration with Integrated Reproductive Maternal Newborn Child Health & Nutrition Program Punjab conducted the 2nd Health Worker Awards, honoring the best performing lady health workers from Punjab. These health workers, often with limited training and support, are involved in saving lives and building healthier communities every day.

The objective of the ceremony was to acknowledge and appreciate the commitment and efforts of LHWs and CMWs. Civil society, donors and government representatives were invited to the award ceremony. Brand ambassador of EVERYONE Campaign of Save the Children Tauseeq Haider, Director MNCH Programme Dr Zafar Ikram, Additional Director General Health Integrated Management of New Born Childhood Health (IMNCH) Dr Tanvir Ahmed, Director Family Planning and Primary Health Dr Javed Omer, Director Health Sector Reforms Programme Dr Akhtar Rasheed Malik, representatives of Save the Children Pakistan and a large number of Lady Health Workers and Community Midwives were also present.

Dr Zahid Pervaiz said that LHWs and CMWs were backbone of healthcare system and they play a pivotal role in promoting mother and child health, controlling epidemics and disseminating public health messages. Arshad Mahmood, Director Advocacy & Campaigns and Child Rights Governance at Save the Children Pakistan Program, briefed the audience about the EVERY ONE campaign. He said that currently Punjab has 48000 LHWs covering more than 71 % of the population.

He said: “We need to ensure that not only Punjab but the whole country is 100% covered by LHWs, so that every mother and child have access to health care. Similarly there are 4000 CMWs in Punjab and there is dire need to induct more CMWs to ensure the presence of Skilled Birth Attendance at all deliveries.”

Dr Tanwir Ahmed ADGHS IRMNCH&N thanked the Health Workers for being a part of the program. “The Health Worker Award ceremony has been arranged in collaboration with Save the Children 2nd time at provincial level to acknowledge the services of Health Workers”, said Dr. Tanwir.

Dr Zafar Ikram, Provincial Coordinator MNCH Program said that the government should increase the number of CMWs by 15000 to ensure presence of Skilled Birth Attendant at every delivery.

Dr Javed Umar, Provincial Coordinator LHW Program, shared the process of selecting the best performing lady health workers and CMWs of the districts and their motivation towards achievement of MDGs 4 & 5.

Dr Naveed, Provincial Manager Advocacy & Campaigns, thanked all the Health Workers, Chief Guest, Departent of Health, Developmental partners and civil society organization for their active participation at the event.

Later shields, certificates and cash prizes were distributed to the best health workers of all the districts in the province by the guests of honor.

The Nation