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Pregnant woman goes missing from Jinnah Hospital

A 24-year-old pregnant woman mysteriously has gone ‘missing’ from the city’s Jinnah Hospital, it was surfaced on Friday.

According to the husband of the ‘missing’ woman, he shifted his wife to Jinnah Hospital for delivery, but she went ‘missing’.

The man said his wife went to have a meal at 1pm and returned back to the hospital. CCTV footage also shows that my wife returned to the hospital, but the staff is not cooperating on the issue. “After coming back to the hospital, my wife is ‘missing’,” the man said. Meanwhile, the police have received the application regarding the mysterious ‘missing’ of pregnant woman from Jinnah Hospital Karachi.

The police said there is no record of the woman’s admission to Gynae or any other ward of the hospital. The CCTV footage in which the woman can be seen in the hospital is of a waiting area, the police said and added they are investigating the matter from different aspects.

Source: The Nation