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It’s About Human Rights

Faiza, daughter of Munawar Ali, was facing difficulty in getting a job because she did not have her CNIC.  She said she went to NADRA center several times with all required documents but was sent by NADRA officials without registration. When we conducted the community meeting in her locality, she displayed apprehension towards our authenticity claiming the system was fake and fraudulent and does not help the poor. She mentioned that theregistration for CNIC is one of the most difficult tasks. PPF ensured that if her documents were complete she would be facilitated to get her CNIC. Her name was put up in the lists by our volunteers, and she was facilitated on NADRA’s MRV. She received her token and the NADRA official at MRV accepted all the documents she presented and did not ask for any other/ new document as NRC’s.

Later, she sent us a video sharing how she secured a job showing the CNIC token and thanked PPF for making it possible.