Married woman killed by friend

BAHAWALPUR: A married woman was killed allegedly by her jealous boyfriend who had brought her to Lodhran for shopping on Monday.

According to Lodhran police, one Arif Mayo had brought Nasim Mai from Kahror Pacca for shopping in Lodhran city. He brought her to a green area of the railway apartments near the railway station and attacked her with bricks, killing her on the spot. The victim’s face was mutilated and could not be identified.

Early in the morning, a railway gardener, Abdul Ghafoor, saw the body and informed the police. They shifted the body for a post-mortem examination and registered a murder case.

On finding some clues on the victim’s body, the officials contacted the Kahror Pacca police, which had already registered a case of disappearance of Nasim.

The Kahror Pacca police with the help of geofencing and the latest technology traced Arif Mayo and arrested him. The accused admitted that he had killed Nasim Mai, a mother of two, with bricks alleging that she was cheating on him and had an affair with another rival man. He admitted that he had brought her to Lodhran on the pretext of shopping and killed her there.

Source: Dawn

Qari arrested for ‘raping’ minor girls

TOBA TEK SINGH: Khanewal’s Kuhna police arrested on Monday a religious teacher who allegedly raped three minor girls of the same family.

A complainant from the railway station’s colony claimed in the FIR registered under sections 376(iii) and 377 B of the PPC that the girls, between 11 and 13, were learning the holy Quran from the accused belonging to Mujahidabad area.

She said the girls refused to go to the house of the accused teacher. When they were probed, they said the accused had raped them repeatedly and threatened to kill them if they spoke to anyone.

Kuhna SHO Muhammad Arsalan said the medical examination of the girls had been conducted by a lady doctor at the DHQ Hospital and their report was awaited.

Source: Dawn

Man held for acid attack on ex-wife

LAHORE: A man was arrested on Monday for throwing acid at her ex-wife in Multan on March 1.

The attack survivor, identified as Misbah Aftab, of Green Town, was at home when she heard someone knocking on the door.

As she opened the door, her former husband Qari Shaukat with Suleman and Ahmad was standing outside. They hurled a plastic bag filled with acid at her and fled.

Misbah suffered burns on her abdomen and hands and was rushed to hospital.

She told the police that Shaukat had divorced her a few months ago and had been harassing her ever since. She said he had threatened to kill her if she did not reconcile with him.

The police registered a case against the three suspects under the Acid Control and Acid Crime Prevention Act 2011 and launched an investigation.

Multan City Police Officer (CPO) Sadiq Dogar formed a team to arrest the culprits.

On Monday afternoon, the police team nabbed Shaukat from outside the district courts, where he had come to attend a hearing in another case.

The CPO said the police were conducting raids to arrest the other two suspects and assured that the victim would get justice.

Acid attacks are a form of violence against women that are prevalent in Pakistan, where perpetrators often escape punishment due to weak laws and social stigma.

According to the Acid Survivors Foundation, a non-government organisation that works for the rehabilitation of acid attack victims, there were 96 reported cases of acid attacks in Pakistan in 2020, of which 67 involved women.

Source: Dawn

Woman found dead in Clifton house

The body of a woman was discovered in a house in Clifton’s Shah Rosool Colony on Monday. Rescuers transported the body to Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre, from where it was taken to the morgue for identification purposes.

Police stated that the house where the woman’s body was found had been sold, and the owner of the house found the body upon arrival and informed the police. The woman’s body was wrapped in a blanket, and marks of torture were found on her body. Police mentioned that the victim’s age was between 50 and 55 years. A case has been registered, and further investigations are underway.

Source: The News

KCFR calls for urgent need to deal with women’s health issues

The Karachi Council on Foreign Relations (KCFR) called for an urgent need to deal with the pressing health issues faced by women. It organized a conference at local hotel on health care awareness for women in Pakistan to celebrate International Women’s Day, with the theme of “Empowering Women, Ensuring Health”.

The conference discussed issues from maternal health to reproductive rights and suggested that access to healthcare remains a significant challenge for many women across the country. The event featured a series of engaging sessions led by prominent experts and stakeholders in the field of women’s health.

Health experts Dr Zeenat Essani, Musarat Misbah, Dr Tipu Sultan, Dr Khalid Shafi, Dr Madiha Latif and others shared their insights and expertise on various aspects of women’s healthcare in Pakistan. They spoke about maternal health, access to reproductive healthcare, healthcare infrastructure, mental health issues and the advancements in medical technologies.

Expert panellists from the healthcare sector, academia, and civil society explored innovative strategies and best practices for advancing women’s health in Pakistan. The conference had a dedicated session for mapping existing resources and identifying gaps in healthcare infrastructure, with the goal of informing future policy decisions and meeting the rising demand of healthcare workers internationally.

Chairperson KCFR Nadira Panjwani said that women worldwide renew their resolve to challenge the societal and systemic barriers that perpetuate discrimination against them. They continue their struggle for equal opportunities in education, employment and leadership roles for a more equitable world. She paid tribute to the remarkable contribution of the women of Pakistan in all spheres of life.

Source: The Nation