Child kidnapping

The most heinous crime you can think of is kidnapping a child. With just one act, that for the kidnapper is nothing more than a step towards making some easy money, a child’s entire world is turned on its head.

The love and care, the pampering and pleasing of whims and fancies is suddenly replaced with brute force, harsh words and physical abuse. Puzzled and bewildered the child wonders what has happened to his or her fairy-tale world and who are these monsters that have suddenly replaced the angels in his or her life?

A horror story that for some children never ends, who are never found and either end up in some ditch or after several years appear on the roads as beggars to be exploited even more and these angels who could be going to schools in immaculate uniforms with tasty lunch boxes in their bags and farewell kisses from their mothers end up on street corners begging for alms that, in most cases are taken away by their handlers and they are left to contend with leftovers outside eateries to satisfy their hunger.

This is more than murder because murder at least is an end to suffering but being kidnapped and surviving to serve the criminals that carried out this horrible crime is eternal torture, humiliation and misery that cannot be described in words.

What brings me to this subject of kidnapped children is an alarming increase in child kidnapping in Karachi.

According to an NGO, there is an alarming increase in the incidents of kidnappings and mysterious disappearances of children in Karachi. As per the statistics gathered by this, non-governmental organization (NGO), 1255 children went missing during the year 2023 alone. Of these, over 950 were recovered while over 250 are still missing. Can you just imagine the plight of the remaining 250 and more than that, the plight of the parents of these children, specially the mothers?

It is not just children being abducted from the streets but even children that have just opened their eyes in this world. According to press reports, a newborn baby girl was abducted from the maternity ward of a government hospital.

The parents of the abducted baby were identified as Muhammad Ismail and his wife, residents of Baldia, Yusuf Goth. They were shattered by the news of their newborn daughter being taken away from them just moments after her birth.

The modus operandi of the crime came to light when the hospital authorities reviewed the CCTV footage. The video clearly showed a woman entering the maternity ward around 2 am, posing as a visitor. She can be seen calmly walking towards the baby girl’s crib, lifting her carefully, and swiftly leaving the hospital premises through the main gate.

It is bewildering to see the ease with which the abduction is executed; a heinous crime that will have horrific effects on the lives of the child concerned and the devastate family.

This incident has created an uproar and people are calling for stricter protocols to ensure the safety of patients, especially vulnerable newborns, in healthcare facilities across the city. This incidentally is not the first such occurrence.

Every year there are reports of such attempts to kidnap newborns from the maternity wards of hospitals. All this requires greater vigilance at all hospitals public and private, to save innocent newborns from these unscrupulous men and women who have made it their profession to make money from human misery.

The anguish of parents in such a situation is best illustrated by the story of seven-year-old Pirya Kumari daughter of Raju Mal, who runs a grocery shop in Sangrar town of Tehsil Salehpat in Sukkur. Unidentified individuals kidnapped her from outside her home. Even after two years, there is still no trace of her.

When she went missing, Priya was a third-standard student in a local private school. Her mother, Veena Kumari, is overcome with grief. She cries constantly for her daughter and spends hours talking to the walls. It is the same with the father who has searched high and low for his daughter without success.

The pain and anguish of parents whose child has been kidnapped and the horrors the child must go through, prompts strict and swift action against the perpetrators of such crimes. Not only should they be caught but punished swiftly and rigorously to stop this inhuman trade from flourishing and turning the lives of parents concerned into a nightmare.

Source: Business Recorder

LCCI awards Best Performance Certificates to women entrepreneurs

LAHORE  –  The Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry Friday awarded Best Performance Certificate to women entrepreneurs for outstanding performance in their respective business sectors.

LCCI President Kashif Anwar distributed the certificates in a prestigious ceremony at the Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry. LCCI Senior Vice President Zafar Mahmood Chaudhry and Executive Committee Member Fareeha Younas also spoke on the occasion. It would be worth mentioning here that the Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry also arranged a Best Performance Acknowledgement Ceremony for these women entrepreneurs at Aiwan e Sadar Islamabad where President Dr Arif Alvi was the chief guest who spoke highly about the untiring efforts of LCCI for the promotion of women entrepreneurs.

President of the Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry Kashif Anwar said that the society and economy cannot run without participation of women. He said that LCCI wants to set a perception that the Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry is working hard for women entrepreneurs and making all out efforts to resolve their problems. He emphasized that the women entrepreneurs should get themselves documented and come into the tax net. He informed the participants that the Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry has established a Women Entrepreneurs Lunge where Executive Committee Members guide women entrepreneurs.

Kashif Anwar said that the Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry has organized various events for women and also marks International Women Day. The LCCI president shed light on the recent event for Women Entrepreneurs held in Aiwan e Sadar Islamabad saying that President House is taking keen interest in promoting women entrepreneurs. He said that all the awards were given to women and even LCCI office-bearers did not receive award but the awards were given to female EC members to encourage them.

“I am thankful to my team and EC member Fariha Younis who played a vital role for organizing this whole event”, Kashif Anwar said and added that LCCI wants to enhance participation of women in business and economic activities. The award holders said that participation in the event was a great experience for them and they got to know other women doing great work through the event.

Source: The Nation

Talks held to protect rights of women voters

PESHAWAR   –   Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Commission on Status of Women (KPCSW) here on Friday organised a consultative session for the involvement of civil society and stakeholders to protect the rights of women in elections. Addressing the session, Deputy Director Election Commission, Suhail Ahmad informed the participants about efforts being made to provide the same environment to female voters in the electoral process.

Source: The Nation

Pakistan’s Minister for Information Condemns Online Harassment of Journalist

In a stern rebuke against the online harassment of journalists, Murtaza Solangi, the Caretaker Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting in Pakistan, publicly denounced the harassment of journalist Gharida Farooqi by online supporters of a political party. The minister’s condemnation arrived in response to the deliberate leak of Farooqi’s home and residential addresses online, a move that Solangi equated to an attempt to incite violence and harassment.

Unveiling the Unacceptable

The minister labelled the act as ‘tantamount to torture and harassment’, emphasizing that such actions will not be taken lightly. In an era where digital spaces are supposed to be safe havens for expression and dialogue, the leaking of personal details such as home addresses and private phone numbers is a blatant violation of privacy that could potentially endanger the lives of journalists.

Justice on the Horizon

Amidst the indignation, Solangi assured that the authorities are thoroughly investigating the incident. He underscored that the culprits, along with their accomplices, would face the full force of the law. The statement serves as a stern reminder that no one is above the law, and those who choose to use their online presence to intimidate and harass will face legal repercussions.

Preserving the Fourth Estate

This incident underscores the risks journalists face in the digital age, particularly when their work challenges political entities. Despite the odds, they continue to uphold their role as the ‘fourth estate’, providing the public with essential information. As the world continues to navigate the complexities of the digital age, it is imperative that the safety and rights of journalists remain a top priority.

Source: BNN Breaking