Two women molested

Islamabad: The Shams Colony police have rounded up two alleged rapists involved in the gang rape of a
woman working in a biscuit/nimco factory in Islamabad.
A woman lodged a complaint with the Shams Colony police station saying that she was a divorcee and
living in Nasirabad, Rawalpindi with her minor son but having no source of income, after some search
she got employment in a nimco/biscuit factory as a daily wager. One October 13, when she reached
factory, three people identified as Mohammad Asif, Ali and Wajahat were present in an office of the
factory who asked her to come to the office. “They held me as I entered the room, one Ali started
capturing video and others Asif and Wajahat and lately Ali gang rapped her on gunpoint,” the victim told
the police adding that they threatened her not to lodge any complaint with the police otherwise her
video would be loaded on social media to spoil her life.
The police have taken up the case and lodged first information report (FIR) against the alleged rapists
after conducting her medical examination under section 375(A) PPC and initiated efforts to hunt down
the third alleged rapist. In another incident, a woman has been raped in a neighbouring house Sunday at
Sohdran old market falling in the jurisdiction of Shahzad Town police station. One, Shahzad Masih
lodged a complaint with the police, saying that he was on job, when according his wife who was alone in
the house, his neighbour entered the house, dragged her to his house and raped her on gunpoint. The
police have registered FIR under 376 PPC and arrested the alleged rapist identified as Abrar.

Source: The Nation