58 Harassment Cases Reported in 7 Islamabad Universities, Comsats Leads With 41 Complaints

Islamabad: Disturbing revelations have come to light as a total of 58 cases of harassment have been reported across seven different universities in Islamabad. The details, acquired through the Right to Information (RTI) Act, paint a concerning picture of the safety and well-being of students and faculty members within these educational institutions.

Comsats University: The Epicenter of Concern

Comsats University emerged with the highest number of complaints, totaling a troubling 41 cases. Among these, 31 cases were filed by female students, shedding light on the challenges faced by them. Additionally, 10 cases were reported by female faculty members, highlighting the distressing range of the issue. Despite conducting 28 inquiries into complaints from female students and nine inquiries into complaints from female faculty members, details about the action taken against the accused were not shared by the university, despite the order from the Pakistan Information Commission.

Silence on Action Measures

In a similar vein, Quaid e Azam University faced seven complaints, primarily from female students across various departments. The university claimed to have resolved these complaints satisfactorily. However, the institution did not provide further insights into the measures taken against those responsible for the misconduct.

Addressing Inappropriate Messages

Allama Iqbal Open University received six complaints, primarily from tutors against students for sending improper messages. The university took appropriate action against the students.

Varied Records Across Universities

Hamdard University Islamabad handled two complaints from female students against their peers, along with one complaint from a female teacher against a student. The accused in one student’s complaint faced suspension for a few weeks. Meanwhile, the accused in the teacher’s complaint was expelled from the university.

The National University of Technology reported one harassment complaint, while Case University and National Skills University did not have any complaints on record.

Despite media reports suggesting that female students are often victims of harassment from male teachers or faculty members, not a single university shared details of complaints filed by female students against male faculty members.

58 Harassment Cases Reported in 7 Islamabad Universities, Comsats Leads With 41 Complaints

The information about the harassment complaints was obtained through the Right to Information commonly known as RTI requests filed by this scribe under the Right of Access to Information Act, 2017.

This scribe requested information from 17 different universities in Islamabad about the number of harassment complaints received, the actions taken against the accused, and the details of the complaints.

As per Section 14(i) of the Right of Access to Information Act, the universities were required to respond within ten working days of receiving the information requests.

However, not a single university acknowledged the receipt of the information requests, nor did they respond to the questions posed in the requests.

Consequently, appeals were filed against the universities to the Pakistan Information Commission on April 08, 2023, seeking intervention and resolution.

The Pakistan Information Commission is mandated to decide appeals within sixty days under Section 17(3) of the Right of Access to Information Act. However, the Commission failed to adhere to this timeline and held the first hearing of the appeals in the last week of June (after almost two months), surpassing the stipulated timeframe.

The failure of the universities to comply with the Right of Access to Information Act and the delay by the Pakistan Information Commission in deciding the appeals have raised serious concerns about the implementation of the Harassment Act in the universities of Islamabad.

Despite the passage of five months since information requests were filed under the Right to Information Act, of 2017, nine universities in Islamabad have withheld information about the complaints they have received, including:

Iqra University

National University of Medical Sciences

Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Medical University

Air University

Rephah University

National University of Science and Technology – NUST

Foundation University

Federal Urdu University

International Islamic University Islamabad- IIUI

National University of Modern Language

Source:  The Reporters


Autopsy finds Khairpur housemaid raped, tortured before death

HYDERABAD: The Khairpur housemaid, who died in mysterious circumstances, was subjected to a sexual assault, revealed the initial findings of a post-mortem report on Sunday.

Health Services Director General Dr. Irshad Memon said that a six-member team had conducted the post-mortem examination of the nine-year-old domestic help after exhuming the body.

He said that the team had reserved the cause of the girl’s death till the reports of a chemical examiner.

Quoting the provisional report, Dr. Memon states: “Post-mortem findings are suggestive of vaginal as well as anal penetration.”

Police rescue three more maids from Ranipur Haveli

The report noted: “Nine injuries of different dimensions and measurement. All injuries are antemortem in nature. Both eyelids were found swollen with greenish blue discoloration.”

The provisional report, a copy of which is available with Dawn, was signed by Prof Dr. Jawaid Ahmed Qureshi; Dr. Sultan Rajpar; Dr. Amanulah Bhangwar, additional police surgeon at Nawabshah; Dr. Yasmeen Jokhio, chief woman medico-legal officer at Naushahro Feroze Civil Hospital; Dr. Waqar Ahmed Shaikh, police surgeon Hyderabad and Dr. Summaiya Syed, police surgeon Karachi.

Earlier, the exhumation was carried out under the supervision of Prof Zakiuddin Ahmad, head of the Department of forensic medicine, Dow University of Health Sciences Karachi.

DNA samples collected from suspects

The Ranipur police have obtained DNA samples of the suspects in the maid’s murder case.

They picked up chief suspect Asad Shah’s father, Khair Shah, and his sons — Masood Shah and Sattar Shah as well as their servant, Bachal Abbasi — and took them to the Gambat government hospital for taking their DNA samples.

The police also arrested Ali Hassan Wassan, a retired doctor of the health department, who was working in a government hospital in Ranipur.

Khairpur SSP Rohail Khoso said that Dr. Wassan was in police custody and it would be decided later whether he had any role in the case.

He confirmed that some more suspects were in police custody including Ranipur SHO Ameer Ali Chang but it had not yet been decided whether he was to be booked in the case.

“We will produce some of the suspects in court to obtain their remand and their names will be disclosed tomorrow (Monday),” he said.

“We have obtained DNA samples of Asad’s father and brothers,” he said.

The Ranipur police searched the residence of Pir Asad Shah — the prime suspect in the maid’s murder case — and rescued three maids, aged between 30 and 50 years. Their identities were being protected.

Source: Dawn

Woman railways officer alleges denial of promotion, victimization

LAHORE: A female Pakistan Railways (PR) officer has accused the top authorities of the department of denying her promotion to grade 20 and victimizing her by transferring her to Sukkur, where she has been placed under her junior.

“Before my appointment at the PR’s Walton Training Academy, I didn’t know who is who,” says Fatima Bilal, a grade-19 officer of the CSS’s 30th Common Training Programme (CTP).

“This is the institution where someone can assess the competence and ability of the officers. After reviewing the facts, I came to know that many PR officers, including the top one sitting in the Ministry of Railways, have yet to pass the Specialised Training Programme — a significant test that is mandatory for officers to clear after the CTP. When you have not cleared the STP, you cannot get promotions under the law. So, how have they (the senior officers) succeeded in obtaining senior positions?”

Regarding the increasing ratio of train accidents, she also cited favoritism in the department as a major reason behind the most critical issue which is causing deaths of passengers and crew members in frequent accidents.

Sees favoritism behind increasing accidents

“In the PR, 35 percent of fatal and non-fatal accidents are due to human error. Why is this human error repeated again and again? The answer is simple: when seniors have failed to clear the STP, how can they make their juniors technically and professionally sound? The result is: they will make mistakes, leading to the deaths of innocent people,” she claimed.

In a letter to PR Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Shahid Aziz, Ms. Bilal protested her transfer to Sukkar and was placed under the subordination of her junior. She terms this act punishment for challenging the seniority of officers.

“Your kind attention is drawn towards the Federal Service Tribunal orders of July 4, 2023, and earlier. The posting orders arviolatehe the court directives as well as the rules of business in terms of seniority position. As per the rules of business, a senior cannot be posted to work as a subordinate to an officer junior to him/her. The DS (Sukkar) is the officer who is five steps junior to me,” reads the letter. “Therefore, the posting orders may please be withdrawn.”

She said that since more than 40 officers did not clear the STP, they should not have been promoted.She said that before transferring her to Sukkur, the authorities left no stone unturned to harass her through various inquiries. Once she was exonerated, officers reopened these inquiries just to pressure her.

“When they made me very uncomfortable, I had no option but to challenge the authorities with certain evidence,” she said, demanding that the Prime Minister and Railways Minister intervene and investigate such matters.

The PR chairman and the CEO were not available for comment despite repeated attempts.

Source: Dawn

Maid murder: Torture marks found on Fatima’s neck, lower torso, arms

The medical board has found torture marks on several body parts of Fatima, a 10-year-old who died while serving at the house of an influential religious leader in Sindh’s Ranipur, sources said.


The medical board found wounds on her neck, abdomen, and arms after the postmortem examination was completed, they added.


The samples taken from the body of the minor maid will be sent to a laboratory for examination and the results will likely return in around one month.



Earlier, Fatima’s body was exhumed for an autopsy. When the body was raised out of the grave, Fatima’s father broke into tears having seen it.


The exhumation was performed under the supervision of Kandiaro’s judicial magistrate. A five-member medical team was also present at the scene.


The grave site was covered with tents and journalists were kept at bay. A medical board conducted the autopsy to determine the cause of death.


After the postmortem examination, the body was reburied. The medical team also took samples from the deceased’s body for further investigations.


Fatima died on August 17

Fatima died on August 17, in Asad Shah’s house in the Ranipur taluka of the Khairpur district. Initial reports claimed she was killed and that marks of torture were found on her body.


She was buried without a post-marten examination but shortly after the burial, a video surfaced on social media showing marks on her body.


Another CCTV video showed her in a room writhing in pain as she lay on the floor. A man was seen sleeping in the bed in the same room, where two women arrived to check on the girl. There were allegations of rape.


Asad Shah was arrested after mainstream media, especially Aaj News, reported the issue. Before his arrest, Shah addressed a press conference and denied all the allegations, saying Fatima had fallen sick.


He said the family treated their servants as family members and allowed them to sleep in their air-conditioned rooms.


People gather near the grave of Fatima as a team carries out exhumation in Ranipur. Aaj News

Police also arrested the local SHO and a dispenser at Ranipur Hospital.


Police sources stated that the police shifted the dispenser to an unknown place after Asad Shah revealed that he used to come to his home to treat Fatima.


The authorities decided to exhume the body and the Sindh health department formed a three-member medical board. Another two doctors were added on Friday.

Source: Aaj News

WAF stages protest against the killing of 10-year-old Fatima

HYDERABAD-Women’s Action Forum Hyderabad staged a protest in front of the Hyderabad Press Club against the brutal killing of ten-year-old Fatima in Ranipur city of District Khairpur.

A large number of women including representatives of political and social organizations, lawyers, writers, and students participated in the protest. Speaking on the occasion, social activist Hussain Musarat and others said that the pre-arrest bail of Hina Shah, the accused nominated in the FIR of Fatima’s murder, is incompetence of the police, and action should be taken against those police personnel who facilitated the accused. She emphasized that police should collect the evidence of this high-profile case and complete the investigation without any political pressure and the crime scene should be sealed so that the evidence is not lost. She demanded protection for the women, children, the parents and family of Fatima, and those who were working in “Haweli”.

She demanded that the mobile phones of the accused named in the FIR should be forensically examined and the illegal facilities given to the arrested accused Asad Shah in police custody should be withdrawn. In the Fatima murder case, the ineffectiveness of the child protection agency has been proven, she added.

Protesters insisted that legislation should be made regarding violence against children under the charge of theft, who work in the houses. They demanded the government protect Fatima’s post-mortem report and provide complete justice in the case.

Source: Nation