Abusing the powerless


In 2017, the case of Tayyaba, the 10-year-old child who was tortured while employed as a domestic helper by an additional sessions judge, exposed the darkness and exploitation that is all too common in elite Pakistani society. Here was a child who was not only being forced to work in contravention of laws on child labor but was being severely abused both physically and mentally. As the case progressed, we saw how there is one set of rules for the rich and powerful and another for everyone else. Tayyaba was not the first nor the last child helper to go through such cruelty. Today, in 2023, we are once again faced with the story of a 13-year-old girl employed as a domestic worker by a civil judge in Islamabad being subjected to severe torture and violence, allegedly by her employers. The girl was sent to work at the judge’s house in Islamabad six months earlier by her father.

Although several official acts set minimum standards and requirements for domestic workers, including age requirements which the victim, in this case, did not meet, given the frequency with which child domestic workers are reported to be abused and mistreated, it is clear that enforcement mechanisms are not up to par. In addition, the International Labour Organization report from July 2022 estimates that a quarter of all Pakistani household’s employ child domestic help and the majority are girls aged 10 to 14 years. This is even though employing domestic help under the age of 14 years is prohibited by acts in Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and prohibited under the age of 15 in Punjab. In Islamabad, the employment of child labor is not allowed under the Islamabad Domestic Workers Bill 2022.

It is not surprising that these laws are being flouted with such impunity as most domestic workers are unregistered and lack any official contracts. How does a child with little to no education, far from home, totally dependent on his or her employers for survival and mobility, and lacking any official paperwork, access legal support? The financial power that employers hold over domestic workers, who are predominantly poor and marginalized, is the biggest weapon our class-based system uses against the working class and the poor. In some cases, the domestic worker might be bonded labor, leaving them even more powerless. Then there is the whole question of what so many children of school-going age are doing as domestic help in the first place. Where is their constitutional right to an education? Certainly, there is a need for the reform of laws and better implementation of laws on child labor and violence against children. But even that will not be sufficient until we finally accept that those who are not privileged deserve the same rights and protection under the laws as everyone else.

Source: The News

ICP books wife of civil judge for torturing housemaid

Islamabad-The Islamabad Capital Police have registered a case against the wife of a civil judge for placing a poor 14-year-old housemaid under severe torture in her house located in a private housing society, informed sources on Tuesday.

The case was registered with Police Station (PS) Humak against Ms. Somia, the wife of civil judge Chaudhry Asim Hafeez, under sections 506/ 342 of Pakistan Penal Code (PPC) on the complaint of Manga Khan, the father of the victim housemaid, sources said. The victim’s housemaid has been identified as Rizwana, who was shifted to the hospital for medical treatment, they said.

Some legal experts claimed that the police had allegedly inserted weak sections in the FIR instead of relevant sections that attract the nature of injuries caused by the use of some blunt weapon by the accused wife of the judge.

According to sources, Manga Khan, a resident of Street No 16 Jinnah Colony Sargodha, complained to PS Humak officials stating that a civil judge Asim Hafeez had employed her 14-year-old daughter Rizwana as a housemaid through Chaudhry Mukhtar, the person known as to him (applicant), in his house located at a housing society on GT Road against Rs10,000 monthly wage.

He told police that Ms. Somia, the wife of a judge, made his daughter talk to her mother once or twice a month on the phone. The applicant said he along with his wife Shamim and brother-in-law Muhammad Fayyaz reached at house of the judge on 23/7/2023 to meet their daughter. “As I stepped into the house of a judge, I heard screams of my daughter coming out from a room. We rushed to the room where we saw she was lying on the floor in injured condition,” said Manga Khan adding that there were wounds on the head, face, legs, and other body parts of his daughter.

“Her teeth were also broken and there were bruises on her neck as if somebody attempted to suffocate her to death. Her ribs were also broken,” said the father of a girl in his application he filed before the police. He said that his daughter told him her landlord Somia had beaten her with sticks, clubs, and steel spoons and was not providing her food for many days. “The landlord lady had been detaining me in the room without food and water since I joined the duty,” the ill-fated father quoted his daughter as saying. He said that the landlord lady had thrown Rizwana in the room in injured condition instead of taking her to the hospital. The applicant appealed to the police to register a case against the accused and to arrest her. Police filed a case and began an investigation with no arrest so far.

A spokesman to the Inspector General of Police Islamabad said that police have registered a case against the accused on the complaint of the father of the victim girl. He said police have also launched a manhunt for the arrest of the accused. “The case will be probed purely on merit and the accused will be brought to justice as per law,” he said.

Source: The Nation

Police Officer in Faisalabad Suspended For Illegal Raid on Girls’ Hostel

Faisalabad City Police Officer (CPO) Usman Akram Gondal has suspended Station House Officer (SHO) Gulberg. This comes in the wake of allegations by Madam Saima Kanwal during a press conference held at the Faisalabad Press Club.

She operates a reputable girls’ hostel in the area where SHO Raja Ehsan, accompanied by male constables, conducted a surprise raid on the night of 23 July without any legal justification or warrant.

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Kanwal accused the SHO of harassing and maltreating the female residents of the hostel. There were no lady constables present during the raid, raising further concerns about the conduct of the police team.

The police allegedly detained some of the girls, forcibly placing them into a police van without proper legal procedure. Kanwal went on to claim that the detained girls were held against their will and released only after being subjected to video recordings and coerced into signing plain papers.

Source: Pro Pakistan