Pakistan: Hindu girl Meena Kohli back in captivity!

Having escaped after 14 months of captivity, Meena (20) d/o Wagho Kohli has been abducted yet again in Sindh, Pakistan by a Muslim man named Iqbal Bhambro, despite court orders to police to investigate & take legal action on her previous abduction.

Meena was first abducted along with her minor sister Rekha on 31 Jan 2022 in village Durlo Hingorjo of Khipro tehsil, Sanghar district of Sindh. Mushtaq Bhambro along with his sons including Iqbal barged in the house of a poor Hindu man Wagho Kohli and abducted his two daughters Meena (19) & Rekha (12) at gunpoint for sexual exploitation.

Meena, a newly wedded girl in a poor Hindu family, was abducted merely three days after her marriage from her parents’ house. The parents repeatedly pleaded the culprit and the local authorities, including influential persons & politicians, for recovery of their daughters, but to no avail. They were also not allowed to meet their daughters.

The incident came to light after 18 days when their video went viral narrating the horrible incident. They then staged a protest outside Khipro Press club, and to counter the same a video of Meena was released stating that she ‘left home, embraced Islam and married Iqbal of her own free will’, which was duly reported by a local TV news outlet Bakh Khipro on 20 Feb, 2022.

The media also exhibited her Conversion Certificate issued by Dargah Pir Jan Agha Jan Sirhandi at Samaro, bearing Sr. No. 412 dated 01 Feb, 2022 and Nikah Nama dated 4 Feb, 2022 registered at Sindh High Court, Hyderabad.

After fourteen months of captivity, Meena somehow managed to escape along with her infant son and reached her parents’ house and narrated her horrific experience of being abducted, gang-raped, forcibly converted & married at gunpoint, claiming further that she was confined in a room where she was repeatedly gangraped by seven members of the family. This was duly reported by local media on 10 April 2023.

Later, Sindh High Court Circuit Bench at Hyderabad issued an order to the Police on 18 May 2023 to investigate her abduction case and take legal action against Iqbal Bhambro & his family.

Challenging the court order, Iqbal on 25 June 2023, aided and abetted by 3 others, again abducted Meena along with her infant son at gunpoint while injuring her mother while they were on their way to a civil hospital for her treatment.

Her family is back to square one, again pleading the authorities, including Hindu local politicians Krishna Kohli & Veerji Kohli, for recovery of their daughters fearing they would be either killed or sold for flesh trade.

Her abductors have yet again released a video of Meena where she is heard saying that she was ‘not abducted’ and that her ‘family forced her to file a false complaint against Iqbal’.

In all this, the whereabouts of her younger sister Rekha continues to remain a mystery.

Source: Hindu Post