Parents held for allegedly burning daughter to death

GUJAR KHAN: Parents of an 18-year-old girl have been arrested by Pind Dadan Khan Police of Jhelum district on Friday for allegedly torching her to death.

According to police, Ruqaiya Bibi, 18, a resident of the Koura area, was brought to Tehsil Headquarters Hospital on Thursday and succumbed to her burn injuries. Police reached the hospital for preliminary investigation and her parents were asked about the incident.

Police said when the victim’s father was asked about the incident, he said she suffered burn injuries after a cylinder blast at home while the mother said she set herself on fire by pouring kerosene oil on herself.

Statements of the mother and father were contradictory and they tried to give the incident the colour of suicide or a cylinder blast. When police investigated locals, it emerged that the suspects doubted the character of their daughter and allegedly burnt her to death.

A case was registered by Pind Dadan Khan Police after carrying out the medico-legal of the victim and the parents were held by the police.

Source: Dawn

Man held in Karachi’s Saddar area for harassing Turkish vlogger

KARACHI: Police on Friday arrested a man for his alleged involvement in harassing a Turkish vlogger in Saddar.

South-SSP Asad Raza said that the Preedy police received a video clip via Whatsapp in which a man was seen harassing a woman who was making a vlog on Daudpota Road near Honk Kong Centre.

He said that the police searched the place and got confirmation from local shopkeepers about the incident.

Acting on a tip-off, the police arrested the suspect and registered a case against him under Section 509 (uttering any word or making any gesture intended to insult the modesty of a woman) of the Pakistan Penal Code.

During interrogation, the police said, he realised his ‘offence’ and ‘apologised’ for his wrongful doing.

The Preedy police said that the held suspect scared the vlogger, who hails from Turkiye, and the video had ‘defamed’ the country as well.

In his video recorded in police custody, the suspect said he was a resident of Khudadad Colony and he felt sorry and seek apology from the vlogger.

The SSP said the held suspect would be presented before a magistrate concerned on Saturday (today).

Source: Dawn

Man jailed for 22 months in online harassment case

KARACHI: A judicial magistrate has sentenced a man to 22-month imprisonment on charges of fraudulently obtaining and sharing objectionable pictures of a teenage student on social media to blackmail and force her into a friendship.

Abdul Khalique was found guilty of blackmailing the grade-IX student and demanding her Rs200, 000 in March in Gulistan-i-Jauhar.

Judicial Magistrate (East) Mukesh Kumar Talreja pronounced his verdict reserved after recording evidence and final arguments from both sides.

He also imposed a fine of Rs20, 000 for committing the offence of internet spamming punishable under Section 22(1) (b) (C) and (d) of the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act, 2016.

Besides, the judge also ordered the convict to pay Rs100, 000 compensation to the victim. On default, the convict would have to undergo an additional 60-day imprisonment.

The judge ruled that the identity of the victim/complainant and her family members had been protected in terms of Section 16(2) of the Sindh Witness Protection Act, 2014 to save them from any social harm.

During the trial, the victim deposed that she had developed a friendship with the accused. She used to share her pictures as well as talk with him on video call. The accused intentionally recorded/clicked images and videos from the video calls.

The investigating officer deposed that he recorded the statement of the victim’s aunt, who also supported the allegations of the complainant.

Later, the cybercrime cell arrested the accused and recovered his cell phone and a SIM card.

Forensic experts recovered sexually explicit images of the complaint and a further forensic analysis also found that the same objectionable pictures were shared on Facebook, WhatsApp and Instragram through a fake identity.

State prosecutor Shiraz Rajpar contended that prosecution had successfully established its case beyond a reasonable doubt.

Defence counsel Munawer Dahri submitted that there were material discrepancies in the story of prosecution and accused was framed in this case falsely.

A case was registered under Sections 20 (malicious code), 21 (cyber stalking), 22 (spamming) and 24 (legal recognition of offences committed in relation to information system) of the prevention of Electronic Crimes Act, 2016 at the Cyber Crime Reporting Centre in Karachi.

Source: Dawn

What women need?

AS Pakistan reels from the apocalyptic damage caused by this year’s monsoons, people are mobilizing to help the millions of men, women and children who have been displaced by the floods. Women and girls make up half of these people, but amid the scramble to ensure shelter, food, and medicines for them, their specific needs related to their biological reality are often overlooked.

Not this time, however, thanks to a group of young women — students, mostly — who have started a movement to collect sanitary products for these women and girls, some of whom will face their first period in these months. These groups are raising awareness about period poverty, in a country where not only are women marginalized in the best of circumstances, but where talking about menstruation openly has long been taboo.

It is a fact that half the world menstruates. The other half doesn’t have to think about this fact. While one half of the world must buy products to deal with this — think soap, sanitary pads, special undergarments, painkillers — and have access to clean water and toilets in order to maintain their health during this time, the other half of the world is free of these necessities. While one half of the world deals with pain, low blood pressure, anaemia, and all the effects this may have on their attendance at school or work, the other half is free of this burden.

Male privilege allows our society to be squeamish about the biological realities of women. Puberty, menstruation, fertility, conception, pregnancy and childbirth are seen as women’s issues, not to be discussed publicly or with men or boys present. Not long ago, advertising for sanitary products on television was controversial. Women and girls in Pakistan continue to live with human-created shame over a biological function that is vital to the continuation of life.

Women and girls in Pakistan live with human-created shame over a biological function that is vital to the continuation of life.

Older generations accepted these conventions as normal and necessary. The younger generation is not so accepting. Mahwari Justice, the brainchild of two college students in Lahore, Bushra Mahnoor and Anum Khalid, sends menstrual products out to women and girls affected by the floods. Private donations enable them to purchase and pack menstrual kits for the flood affectees. They regularly put out calls on social media for volunteers in different towns and cities, and Mahnoor has been doing media interviews with international news outlets, even though she wrote on Twitter that her family considers her advocacy “shameful”.

But Mahnoor and Khalid carry on, haunted by the woman who called and said she’d been using leaves during her period. Other displaced women end up staining the only set of clothing they have been left with, having lost everything else in the flooding.

Even before the floods, rural women used cloths, newspapers or rags to manage their periods. A luxury tax on sanitary napkins means they’re too expensive for most girls or women outside the cities of Pakistan. This period poverty, coupled with general ignorance about menstruation has kept women and girls in the dark ages, even in the 21st century.

When Mahwari Justice began their operations, a patronising debate sprung up about whether period products were a luxury or a necessity. “Why don’t you distribute shaving kits to men?” wrote one disgruntled Twitter user, displaying a lack of sensitivity that is typical of men who have never had to even consider what having a period means. Others said that since rural women did not use sanitary napkins under normal circumstances, forcing them to use these products was a form of imperialism enacted on them by the elite.

It’s true that women in rural areas of Pakistan are used to using cloths that they wash and reuse, the most ecologically sound manner of dealing with periods. But emergencies necessitate having to use alternate methods for period hygiene. In the floods, there is no clean water with which to wash the cloths. Adding biological waste to the already filthy stagnant water will just increase the spread of disease, the “second disaster” that the WHO has warned will hit Pakistanis now that the flooding has done its worst.

“We ask the women what they need and what they are comfortable with,” says Mahnoor. Kits may contain sanitary pads, underwear, cloth towels, cotton pads, and soap, depending on what the women themselves request. There is a small diagram to explain how to use these products. So far they have sent out more than 20,000 of these kits, and plan to keep going for as long as women need them. Other groups and organisations have followed suit, distributing period packs and pregnancy packs for women who are ready to give birth in the most dangerous conditions imaginable.

In more established shelters, like the new tent city established by Roshan Academy in Karachi to house IDPs for a longer period of time, washing and reusing cloth pads will be possible with a steady supply of clean water and toilets. Maria Taqdees of Hunar Ghar in Karachi has taught low-income women to make cloth pads on sewing machines and is making them available to relief groups. Across Pakistan women are answering the call to help other women, and not leave them behind in male-led relief efforts.

Relief groups led by women are taking menstrual supplies to the female IDPs and holding workshops explaining how they work and how they can be disposed of safely. Using sanitary napkins with belts is something that the rural women have been willing to try. Sensitivity and respect are very important to help women survive these times with dignity. But now may be the best time to teach these women and girls about menstrual hygiene and about how their bodies work, empowering them in unexpected ways.

Source: Dawn (Editorial) (writer: Bina Shah)

Government mulls forum to curb women’s cyberbullying

ISLAMABAD: The government has decided to prevent harassment and bullying of women on social media through a policy framework and by creating awareness to help them raise their voice against abusive behaviour and vile trolling.

The Prime Minister’s Strategic Reforms Unit (PMSRU) organised a virtual workshop on Friday in collaboration with the Federal Investigation Agency’s (FIA) cybercrime unit to support and facilitate women in repor­ting bullying on social media.

The meeting decided to set up a forum for raising awareness and timely resolving cybercrime cases under the supervision of the reforms unit and the FIA.

Salman Sufi, who heads the PMSRU, noted during the meeting that there was growing violence and instances of cyber-bullying in society. “Exclusion and impersonation against women are global social issues, where abuse is afflicted systematically, persistently and is often tolerated, if not explicitly condoned,” he said in his opening remarks.

“It can leave a permanent trauma on a woman whereby public memory of shaming and blaming can lead to distress such as anxiety and depression due to the fears of shaming, humiliation, harassment and stigma associated with cyberbullying and mental health challenges,” he added.

Resource persons of FIA, an additional director and a deputy director sensitised the forum about the policy framework and reporting mechanisms for cybercrime and encouraged women to not stay silent on such instances and instead raise their voice and report such cases to help eradicate cyberbullying.

Source: Dawn