‘Access to digital technologies must for women empowerment’

Digitalisation is changing how we experience our world. Unfortunately, not every woman experiences this transformation. Globally, men are 21% more likely to be online than women, it rises to 52% in low-income countries,” said Sharmeela Rassool, Country Representative, UN Women Pakistan, on Wednesday.

“This disparity has to change now. Ensuring women and girls have equal access to and use of digital technologies is central to their economic empowerment therefore imperative to develop and build empowered societies,” Rassool said while speaking at event organized by the women-led not-for-profit tech startup CIRCLE, in collaboration with L’Oréal, to celebrate the Digital Literacy Program graduates in Karachi.

State Bank of Pakistan Deputy Governor Sima Kamil was the guest of honour at the event which aimed to promote and encourage the exemplary women who were driven to change the course of their future by learning new skills under the Digital Literacy Program.

“I am truly inspired by the stories shared by the graduates of the Digital Literacy Program about their journey and the positive impact of the program towards their personal and financial empowerment,” Sima said. “The State Bank of Pakistan is also proud to be working towards notable initiatives to ensure economic empowerment and financial inclusion of women in Pakistan.”

The Digital Literacy Program was initially designed and piloted under the pandemic with the support of UN Women in 2021. As many as 1,680 women in 30 cities across Pakistan have been trained, while it targets to train 5,000 women all over Pakistan by the end of 2022.

Source: The Express Tribune

Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) launches crackdown on cyber, anti-social elements

Islamabad: The Cybercrime Circle (CCC) of the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), hunted down child pornographers, and activists of the ‘Dark Web’ involved in sexual harassment within ten days.

The FIA has already launched a countrywide crackdown against the ‘Dark Web’ and targeting child pornography, Director Cyber Crime Islamabad, Waqaruddin Syed said when contacted by this correspondent.

“The prime priorities of the newly appointed Director General (DG) FIA are hunting down the gangsters engrossed in Child Pornography, Sexual harassment and Human Trafficking, causing notoriety and humiliation for the country,” The Director maintained and added that objectives have initiated at satisfactory echelon and have achieved more than expectations at the early stages of operations.

One week statistics compiled by the relevant department of the FIA said that more or less 33 gangsters engrossed in Child Pornography and 28 blackmailers engaged in sexual harassment have been tracked down active in the Punjab, KPK, Sindh, and Baluchistan,

The gangsters attached with the ‘Dark Web’ and running the trade of Child Pornography, were 33 in number and the count of episodes of child pornography that occurred in the Federal Capital Islamabad was found 13, a much higher count as compared to the happenings of other areas of the country.

The Anti-Human Traffic Cell (AHTC), has rounded up 52 human smugglers during the same span of time, the sources said, adding that the three most wanted human traffics are included on the Red List.

The human traffickers were arrested from all four provinces but the majority of cases were registered in Peshawar, Rawalpindi, Gujar Khan, Jehlum, Kharian, Lala Musa, Wazirabad, Gujrat, Lahore, Haiderabad, and Karachi.

The spokesman of the FIA, said when contacted that according to preliminary investigation, digital media associated with alleged content, social media accounts, sexual images, and videos of children were also recovered from the people engaged in the child pornography kept in the mobile phone of the suspects.

The gangsters engrossed with child pornography and sexual harassment, have been booked under PECA Act.

In the perspective of Human Trafficking, the spokesman said that the authorities have constituted policies to effectively counter the internationally regretted act of Human Trafficking to clean the dark spot from the face of our country, adding that the bosses of FIA have continued to work closely with provincial police, police training colleges, federal and provincial departments, and judicial academies for awareness and capacity building on the implementation of trafficking laws and rules for the PTPA.

He said that following the policies of FIA authorities, the US State department admired the efforts made to eradicate Human Trafficking and resultantly, Pakistan’s position has been upgraded to Tier 2 in TIP report 2021-22.

Source: The News

Woman poisoned by in-laws over family row

BAHAWALNAGAR: Dunga Bunga police booked a man on charges of torturing and poisoning his wife in connivance with his family over a domestic dispute here on Tuesday night.

According to the first information report registered with Dunga Bunga police station, 19-year-old Anam Bibi of Khadimabad Colony had married Ali Hasan Ghouri of Dunga Bunga about one and a half years ago and the couple had a six-month-old baby girl. It said Anam was often [allegedly] subjected to torture by her husband and in-laws.

On Aug 2 at about 9am, the woman’s in-laws including her husband, mother-in-law and two brothers-in-law forcibly administered some poisonous item to her, due to which she died at the DHQ hospital, the FIR said.

Meanwhile, locals told newsmen that soon after the marriage, Anam began to be beaten by her husband; however, this victimisation escalated when she gave birth to a baby girl. They said Anam was an orphan girl and after her marriage, her family stopped taking care of her due to which she was often subjecting to torture by her in-laws.

On the other hand, the deceased’s in-laws termed it a suicide.

The investigation officer told Dawn that a murder case had been registered against four people on the complaint of the deceased’s brother. He said police were awaiting the autopsy report for further proceedings.

Source: Dawn

Wife’s right to be ‘maintained’ by husband is absolute: Supreme Court (SC)

ISLAMABAD: The Supreme Court held on Wednesday that a woman’s right to be “maintained” by her husband was absolute under Islamic law as long as she remains “faithful and discharges her own matrimonial obligations”.

“A Muslim husband is bound to maintain his wife even if no term in this regard is agreed to between them at the time of marriage or she can maintain herself out of her own resources,” observed Justice Syed Mansoor Ali Shah in a judgment he wrote.

Justice Shah was a member of a three-judge Supreme Court bench, headed by Chief Justice Umar Ata Bandial, which had taken up an appeal moved by Haseenullah against a March 9, 2020, Peshawar High Court (PHC) ruling.

The controversy at hand concerns a case filed by Ms Naheed Begum — wife of Haseenullah — in a family court at Charsadda for the recovery of her dower: four kanal of agricultural land which was mentioned in column no.16 of her Nikahnama as well as maintenance for herself and her five minor children. The husband had contracted a second marriage and was living with his second wife.

Justice Mansoor says payment of dower to bride intrinsic part of Muslim marriage

The court decreed the suit to the extent of her claim for maintenance of her minor children, but rejected her claims for recovery of her dower and maintenance. A district court dismissed her appeal, upholding the verdict of the family court.

She then approached the PHC, which reversed the judgements of the courts and decreed her claims of dower and maintenance. Conse­quently, the petitioner approached the Supreme Court through an appeal.

In the judgment, Justice Shah emphasised the Holy Quran enunciates that men were the protectors and maintainers of women because God has given one more strength than the other and because they support them with their money.

Moreover, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) has also instructed Muslim men to provide their wives with maintenance in a fitting manner and declared it to be a woman’s right, the judgment said. But the judge regretted that the petitioner, instead of paying maintenance and giving the dower to the respondent willingly and graciously, has been evading his legal as well as moral obligation on one or the other pretext.

First, he totally denied to have agreed to and mentioning in Nikahnama, the term of giving four Kanal agricultural land as dower to his wife and later started opposing it with the argument that it was an alternative to be given only if seven tola gold ornaments mentioned in column no.13 of the Nikahnama had not been paid.

“This is a male-dominated society; men since ages have always been more concerned about their rights by using religion for their own convenience, especially in matrimonial matters, but forget religion when it comes to their duty and obligation towards women,” Justice Shah observed.

Justice Shah also traced the history of dower by recalling how payment of dower (mahr) at the time of marriage was a customary practice in Arabia before the advent of Islam. This practice of paying dower as a bride-price to male guardians of the bride was reformed by Islam through the Quranic commands of paying dower as the bride-wealth to the bride herself, who becomes the sole owner of it, he added.

The Holy Quran also forbids the believers to take back anything from their wives out of the paid dower even it be a great sum, Justice Shah observed. In Islam, the payment of dower to a bride at marriage was an obligation that was imposed by God Almighty, and was thus an intrinsic and integral part of a Muslim marriage.

This case where a husband disputes the payment of maintenance and dower to his wife, provides an occasion to underline the principles, duties and obligations of a husband towards his wife under Islamic law with regard to maintenance and dower, Justice Shah observed.

“It is regrettable that the petitioner, an educated person who belongs to the noble profession of teaching, does not realise his obligation to pay the dower agreed upon by him at the time of marriage, not only under the law of the land but also under the commandments of the God Almighty given in the Holy Quran to persons who proclaim to be Muslim.

Justice Shah observed that the petition moved by Haseenullah was baseless and therefore dismissed.

Source: Dawn

Businessmen, women chambers urged to launch corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects

ISLAMABAD: President Dr Arif Alvi has called upon the business community and Women Chambers of Commerce and Industry, to establish linkages with society by launching corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects to create awareness and help in resolving burning social, health, and environment issues which, he added, would serve the larger good of the society and in turn would also increase the acceptability of their products and services by their customers, said a press release issued on Wednesday.

The president gave these remarks during a meeting with a delegation of the Faisalabad Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FWCCI), led by President FWCCI, Nighat Shahid, at Aiwan-e-Sadr, today. Vice President FWCCI Farhat Nisar and members of the Executive Committee of FWCCI were also present during the meeting.

The president called upon women’s representative bodies, NGOs, the women wings of political parties, eminent women and members of the civil society to play an active role to bring the idle women human resources in the business, trade and industrial sectors and alleviate them to the decision-making level. He said that our dream to make Pakistan an economically and financially independent country would remain elusive if we failed to mainstream the women population in the economy who made up almost 50% of the population.

Expressing his concern over the low level of disbursement of loans earmarked by banks for women entrepreneurs and women business persons, the President said that as per reports around 5% of the amount set out for the loans by banks had so far been utilized which, he said, was alarmingly low.

He called upon all the Chambers of Commerce, especially the Women Chambers of Commerce, to encourage and motivate women entrepreneurs and skilled women to avail these loans from designated banks by proactively helping them in the documentation process and managing other issues faced by the loan seekers.

The president advised the women entrepreneurs to approach Chartered Accounting firms hired by certain banks to assist business women in making bankable business plans and completing the documentation process which, he said, would help them in securing business loans on a fast-track basis.

He also expressed his concern over the low representation of women in the country’s Chambers of Commerce as well as businesses, industry and services sectors. He said that Government had introduced many business-women-friendly initiatives and had been encouraging women across the country to participate in business activities but so far desired results were not forthcoming.

The president regretted that even the Chambers of Commerce across the country did not have adequate representation of women as members and in leadership positions, which was alarming. He called upon the Chambers of Commerce to take practical and meaningful steps to address this gender disparity and encourage their female family members to actively participate in business activities. He added that Hazrat Khadija (RA) was a businesswoman and an ideal for women to follow.

He called upon the leadership of industrial and business establishments to create a secure channel for women in their areas through dedicated transport services and creating a harassment-free workplace to encourage the families to send them to work with full confidence and give women employees peace of mind to contribute their share in wealth creation for the nation.

The president said that the country had around 200,000 nurses at the moment against the demand of 900,000, this status, he added, had put a lot of pressure on our health system. He urged the private health facilities to set up training facilities for health providers, especially for nurses and advised the relevant training institutions in the public sector to offer quality short courses in combination with in-house, hybrid and online teaching modules to fill the acute gap between supply and demand.

He also advised FWCCI to encourage and motivate new entrants and the existing women entrepreneurs to avail training programs specially designed by Facebook and Amazon for business women to sharpen their business skills and use online platforms for sales and marketing of their products and services.

He noted with satisfaction that the breast cancer awareness program had delivered results as more and more women were seeking timely medical help for the early diagnosis of breast cancer. He urged the business community to play an active role to sensitize the nation about breast cancer through effective awareness campaigns about the disease.

Replying to a question, he said that the private and government educational institutions should devise a comprehensive and well-thought-out policy and chalk out implementation plans to regulate admissions in the institutes of higher learning and training institutions to create the right balance between supply and demand in any given sector.

Earlier, the delegation apprised the President of the achievements of the Women Chamber of Commerce and the difficulties faced by its members in terms of taxes, rising costs of the business inputs and the requirement of lengthy procedures of documentation while applying for business loans.—PR

Source: Business Recorder