Two suspects harassing girl remanded in police custody

KARACHI: A local court on Thursday remanded in police custody two suspects detained for allegedly harassing a female student in the Essa Nagri area.

The suspects were arrested for allegedly harassing a grade-X student and other female residents within the remit of the PIB police station.

On Thursday, the investigating officer produced both the suspects before the judicial magistrate (East) to seek their physical remand for interrogation and investigation.

The IO informed that a video went viral of a girl complaining about harassment by the suspects, who were detained on her complaint.


The IO further informed that according to the complainant both the men used to harass the complainant and other girls in the locality and also threatened to kidnap them if they complained against them.

The complainant claimed that last week when she was returning home with her sister, cousin and friend one of the locals slapped her sister.

She added that her parents went to lodge a complaint with the Federal Investigation Agency and when they were returning from the FIA office another man beat her father.

The girl claimed that the local police were involved with the people harassing them, adding that she once attempted to commit suicide by consuming a toxic substance.

The IO asked the court to grant 14-day physical remand of the suspects in police custody for interrogation since investigation was still incomplete.

However, the judge granted two-day physical remand of the suspects in police custody with the direction to the IO to produce them on the next date along with an investigation report.

Earlier, the Sindh governor had reportedly taken notice of the girl’s video message circulating on social media and ordered the provincial police chief to arrest the persons involved in the incident.

A case was registered under Sections 354 (assault or criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty), 506-B (punishment for criminal intimidation), 504 (intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace), 337-A (punishment for shajjah) and 509 (insulting modesty or causing sexual harassment) of the Pakistan Penal Code read with Sections 6(2) and 6(3) of the Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Act, 2013 at the PIB Colony police station.

Newspaper: Dawn

PPP leader moves IHC for Cynthia’s deportation

ISLAMABAD: An office-bearer of the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP), on Thursday, approached the Islamabad High Court (IHC), seeking for directions to the government to deport Cynthia Dawn Ritchie, a US blogger, currently residing in Pakistan.

The PPP office-bearer, Chaudhry Iftikhar Ahmad, has cited Cynthia, secretary Cabinet Division, secretary Interior, director general (DG) Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), and the chairman Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) as respondents.

Ahmad, who is secretary general of PPP Rawalpindi city, moved the court through his counsels, Chaudhry Furrukh Isamil and Chaudhry Tanveer Akhtar, saying that as per his knowledge, Cynthia’s visa has expired in March, owing to which, her stay in Pakistan, has become illegal.

He added that Cynthia should have left the country or should have been deported by the respondents but they had failed to perform their duties, which they were obliged to perform under the law, which necessitated filing of the petition.

The petitioner also adopted that the US blogger was claiming through media that she was indulging into certain kinds of investigations in Pakistan but to the knowledge and information of the petitioner, no such license had been issued to her by the government of Pakistan to carry-out any kind of investigations.

He claimed that Cynthia “who is an alien, has been able to make an access to the sensitive institutions of the country. It is known that she is involved in anti-state activities, and her acts of omissions and commissions, may prove detrimental and fatal to the country.”

He maintained that if she was carrying on with any business, then she should been registered with the SECP, and if not then how she was doing the business in Pakistan.

“She has also not disclosed her source of income and the details of income tax, if any paid by her. All these things/ information are necessary to be disclosed in the public interest,” added the petitioner.

He continued that she was also leveling defamatory allegations against a deceased leader, and former prime minister of the country, and thus, scandalizing the reputation of the country at the international level, the process of investigation was already pending before the FIA, hence her activity might be restrained as per the law.

Therefore, he prayed before the court to direct the respondents to deport the US blogger as her visa had expired and not extended till date. He also requested the court that the activity of Cynthia might be restrained within the limit prescribed by the law for immigrants.

Newspaper: Business Recorder

Related link: Gulf News