CII rejects bills on women rights protection

ISLAMABAD – Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) in its formal reply to the governments of Khyber-Pakhtunkhawa and Punjab has rejected the women rights bills of both the provinces saying the same are repugnant to the Islamic injunctions and would rip apart the strong family system in society.

In its written reply to the Khyber-Pakhtunkhawa government CII listed some 33 clauses of the women protection bill in sheer violation of the Islamic injunctions and offered the government that CII could prepare an alternate draft for protection of women rights on request.

While in reply to the letter of Punjab Law Minister Rana Sanaullah the council said that it would have been better had the Punjab Government approached the council before passing the bill from provincial legislature. A number of flaws and lacunae in the bill passed by the Punjab Assembly were pointed out in the reply which if implemented in its present shape would destroy the very fabric of society.

It was further pointed out in the letter that keeping husband away from house in case of clash between the couple have no Islamic, legal and moral justification while in the bill adopted by the Punjab Assembly the state was empowered to interfere in the family affairs which is in sheer violation of basic human rights enshrined in the constitution, adding that Islam strictly prohibits interference in the family matters of a couple.

Ordering fixing tracker system to keep the husband away from the house in case of a clash with spouse itself has no social, moral or legal justification and would result in the complete ruining of the family structure in the society, it was further stated in the letter addressed to Punjab Law Minister. In the reply to the Khyber-Pakhtunkhawa government CII offered to prepare an alternate draft for protection of women’s rights on request completely rejected the draft bill for rights of women. In all some 33 clauses of the bill were declared in violation of Islamic injunctions.

Elaborating some of the major flaws in the bill, CII in its reply to the KPK government said that in the bill the definition of child is incorrect as the boy or girl who has attained the age of 18 remain no more child.

Similarly, extraordinary powers are delegated to Women Protection Commission even seemed hovering over the Parliament and the judiciary.

While drafting the bill the family system and relations of family members were not taken into account which would result in the complete chaos in the society and would ruin the whole social fabric of the society.

It was further stated that both these bills were drafted under the influence of civil society and proper input of jurists and religious scholars was not taken.
The council chairman Moulana Mohammad Khan Shirani had a couple of weeks back rejected both these bills terming them negation to the Islamic injunctions and Constitution of Pakistan. He further pointed out that without the approval of the CII no bill could be passed either from federal or provincial legislatures.
It is pertinent to mention here that religious parties across the country had already rejected both these bills and owing to the mounting pressure from the religious forces Punjab Government had halted the notification of the Women Protection Law from Governor.

Right now a committee comprising the legal and religious leaders was constituted by the Punjab Government to review the bill with the aim to make it acceptable for the religious parties.

The Nation

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Other girls in green

Rafia Zakaria

THE stunning performance of Pakistan’s women’s cricket team came to an end on March 27 when they lost the match against England in the World T20 Championship. While the girls may have lost the match in Chennai, they had won the hearts of their country.

On social media, the hashtag #GirlsinGreen allowed fans from across Pakistan and the world to celebrate their wins and cheer them on. As captain Sana Mir said in one interview, the support that the team received was overwhelming, something the girls had not experienced before.

For Pakistani women’s sports, that have long suffered neglect and inattention, it was a moment of victory. Young girls in Pakistan now have a new team of vibrant, brave and skilled sportswomen as role models; nothing defeats sexism more than the public triumph of women.

Because it is so pivotal in transforming an athletic sphere dominated by men, this moment of celebrating the girls in green should not be permitted to fade out, and prove just a short pause in the usual disdain heaped upon women. One way to do this is to consider some of the issues women’s sports and particularly other ‘girls in green’ have faced in recent years.

Three years ago, five cricketers — Seema Javed, Hina Ghafoor, Kiran Irshad, Saba Ghafoor and Halima Rafiq — filed sexual harassment complaints against Maulvi Alam, a former judge who was then serving as the chairman of the Multan Cricket Club. Around the same time as when the complaint was filed, three of the five girls appeared on a television talk show in which they made their complaints public. A firestorm of attention, censure and scrutiny followed; everyone knows what happens when women take on powerful men in Pakistan.

The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) convened an inquiry into the matter. There is little information available as to how the inquiry was carried out, who exactly was tasked with fact-finding, and most importantly, whether any woman was among those involved in the probe. In the tradition of the frequent but mysterious investigations that are undertaken in Pakistan, its particular stipulations are unknown. There was, however, a decision.

On Oct 25, 2014, the committee issued a press release saying that all the allegations filed against the management of the Multan Cricket Club by the five women cricketers were false. As per the press release, the two-member inquiry committee (unnamed but most likely all male) met three of the five female cricketers who denied the allegations in the interview.

The inquiry committee glibly noted that all five had been facing some penalty linked to their playing. At the end came their decision: while the Multan Cricket Club only received a letter of censure, the five cricketers were banned from playing cricket for a whole year. As if this weren’t enough, they were saddled with the taint of having brought women’s cricket into disrepute by making the allegation in the first place.

To sum up, a public lesson was taught to all sportswomen in Pakistan: if you dare to complain against your male bosses who determine whether and where you get to play, you will face dire and disastrous consequences. Male-dominated boards and inquiry committees, like village jirgas and decrepit tribal councils, will locate the nation or the sport’s honour on their backs and find them wilfully lying.

The tragedy faced by the women (and the veracity of their initial allegations) was further underscored by what happened a few months after the ban was announced. In July 2014, Halima Rafiq, one of the complainants who was just 17 at the time, committed suicide. She had just received a summons in a libel suit filed by Maulvi Alam, suing her for Rs20 million for having made the allegations. Young, maligned and alone, banned from playing the sport that she loved, Halima saw no way out except death.

In this moment of celebrating the girls in green, that lost girl in green must be remembered. As numerous NGOs and human rights organisations have pointed out time and again, sexual harassment is rampant in Pakistan in general, and the sports world with female players managed by male boards is likely to be no different. So burdensome is the weight of making the allegations that few women ever dare to make them at all for precisely the reasons seen in the Halima Rafiq case.

The depth of her despair, and the truth of her allegations, can be seen in what she chose to do. After her death, her distraught family filed a petition with the Multan bench of the Lahore High Court, asking the court to direct the Multan police to register an FIR against Maulvi Alam. Nothing ever seems to have happened in that case; the family, drained, threatened and shocked, would have been an easy target for further intimidation and silencing.

If the girls in green are to be given the chance they deserve, and other girls in green are to be raised and encouraged, the case of Halima Rafiq and the Multan Cricket Club must be revisited. The male-dominated PCB, along with similarly constituted sports governance institutions, cannot be expected to rule over women’s sports in the country.

If a new era in women’s sports is to be heralded in Pakistan, sports governance bodies must include women, or new ones must be created to oversee women’s sports. Furthermore, internal mechanisms must be created through which female sportswomen can safely and confidentially make complaints against any wrongdoing, without facing public disgrace.

At the very least, inquiry committees investigating allegations must include women so that intimidatory tactics that make sexual harassment easy and rampant are not replicated in the guise of due process.

It has been great cheering on the girls in green; it’s time to see that the framework and governance of Pakistani sports is reformed to ensure their future success.
