SC orders regularisation of 366 LHWs in capital

By: Nasir Iqbal

ISLAMABAD: The Supreme Court on Thursday ordered the Islamabad capital administration to regularise the services of around 366 lady health workers (LHWs)by Monday.

“It is just like reaching for the stars to get our orders implemented in favour of the LHWs who are always in the front line when it comes to extend community services to the people at the time of natural disasters be it floods, polio or dengue outbreak,” deplored Justice Jawwad S. Khawaja, who was heading a two-judge bench that had taken up a petition of Bushra Arain, a lady health worker.

Ms Arain petitioned to the Supreme Court in 2011 for initiating contempt proceedings against the government for not implementing the September 22, 2010, direction of the apex court to frame service structure for the LHWs.

The LHWs had been demanding the regularisation of their services for over three years and also held a number of demonstrations in Islamabad.

Introduced by former prime minister Benazir Bhutto, the LHWs in the country were appointed under the National Programme for Family Planning and Primary Health in 1994. However, their services were never regularised. In November 2010, the wages of the LHWs were increased from Rs3,200 to Rs7,000 from on the direction of the apex court.

On March 7, 2013, the Supreme Court ordered the federal and provincial governments to regularise the services of the LHWs by developing service rules with effect from July 2012.

On Monday, the court also asked AG Salman Aslam Butt to ensure that the government functionaries or law officers got proper instructions from their clients instead of offering casual statements before the court.

The observations came in view of a wrong statement made before the court in one of the previous proceedings when the government claimed that not only the LHWs had been regularised but also they had been paid the salaries from June. But Ms Arain contested the claim stating that no remuneration had been paid to them.

The AG, however, informed the court that the health ministry had approved the regularisation of the LHWs which was now pending with the AGPR and the outstanding salaries would be paid to them by Monday.

The court directed the AG to ensure that the appointment letters are delivered without the requirement of the LHWs visiting the offices of the health departments.

The SC ordered that the health secretaries of the provinces as well as the chief commissioner of Islamabad would also submit affidavits to the court that the appointment letters had been delivered to all the LHWs.


For a majority of rape victims, justice is still awaited

By: Zahid Gishkori

ISLAMABAD: The tiny village of Rampur Awal in Mirwala, Punjab, is a cauldron of shame. Its residents can’t seem to shake off the stigma of the repeated rape of fourteen-year-old R* by her stepfather, who allegedly also forced her to abort twice.

“I don’t want to live anymore. Repeated rape and later abortions brought shame upon me,” R told The Express Tribune via phone.

Six months have passed but the local police have failed to arrest the 49-year-old culprit, Shah Nawaz, who is a landlord in the village.

A senior police officer, who was investigating R’s case at Jatoi police station Muzaffargarh, confirmed the case, adding that it ‘looked genuine’. “But an influential local landlord is a stumbling block in the proceeding of this case,” he said, while requesting anonymity.

R is the latest addition to Mukhtar Mai Shelter Centre for Rape Victims in Mirwala, Muzaffargarh.

“Nobody listens to rape victims now residing in my shelter,” said Mukhtar Mai, a social worker, who was herself subjected to gang rape in 2002. She asked as to how the rapist in R’s case managed to elude the police for six months.

“The chief justice is the only hope for R and other rape victims living here in my shelter,” she said.
However, ‘R’ and other inmates of Mukhtar Mai’s centre are not the only rape victims seeking justice. According to statistics provided by Ministry of Interior, more than 14, 583 rape cases were registered in the country during the last five years but only 1, 041 (7%) rapists are convicted by courts so far.

Punjab province witnessed 12, 796 (88%) rape cases during this period while 1, 077 (7%) cases were registered in Sindh, said the official figures available with The Express Tribune.

The stats reveal that more than 458 (3%) rape cases were registered in Khyber-Pakhtunkhawa (K-P), 92 in Balochistan, 60 in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), 11 in Gilgit-Baltistan and 90 cases were registered in Islamabad Capital Territory.

Last year, the figures of rape victims shot up as compared to previous years. Pakistan Peoples Party Senator Sughra Imam also raised this issue in the Senate.

More than 222 rape victims got registered their cases with various police stations while only three accused were convicted in Sindh last year. In 2012, 143 rape cases were registered but only six accused were convicted in the province.

Over 108 rape complaints were lodged in K-P last year while police registered only 54 rape cases in the province. Interestingly, not a single accused was convicted by courts in the province.

Since 2008, only one accused was convicted in federal capital, which witnessed 28 rape cases last year. Three rapists were convicted by the courts in the AJK while five persons have been convicted in the G-B in last five years.

Farkhanda Aurangzeb of Aurat Foundation – who has also served at the senior most post in women development ministry – said unreported rapes are a silent shame for the state where majority of cases are still pending with the courts.

She stressed on promptly addressing the loopholes in existing laws dealing with such crimes. “Rape victims can’t get justice until laws are amended. Rapists must be punished and process of implementation on amended laws must be enforced by the government,” she said.

“Waderas and landlords are usually involved in such crimes and no one dares to pursue cases against them,” she observed.
*name withheld

Express Tribune

The ulema’s marriage preoccupation

By: Ayaz Amir

The one progressive piece of legislation passed in our history was Ayub Khan’s Family Laws Ordinance, 1963. It proclaimed the birth of no women’s revolution but merely put some brakes, very weak ones, on the right of divorce and multiple marriages…the latter known otherwise as polygamy.

For divorce to become effective a man had to inform his union council and wait for a period of three months. During this time the parties could reconcile with each other, in which case the original divorce notice became ineffective. The male’s right to divorce was not withdrawn, it was only qualified to a small degree.

To contract a second marriage the male had to seek in writing permission from his first wife. In case he did not, and a second marriage was contracted, he could spend up to a month in prison (if I remember the law correctly).

As is to be seen, these were mild qualifications, the barest minimum that could be put in place to curb the male’s absolute sovereignty in the matrimonial field. But it was too much for the ulema, the learned in the faith, who were aghast, denouncing the Family Laws Ordinance as against the tenets of Islam. This law continues to bring the froth to their lips.

It therefore goes to the credit of successive Pakistani governments that this pressure has been resisted and the law remains on the statute books, continuing to provide some small protection to the nation’s mothers and sisters.

But the present Islamic Ideology Council headed by Maulana Muhammad Khan Sherani of the JUI-F – the party headed by Pakistan’s leading political gymnast, Maulana Fazlur Rehman – seems agitated by nothing so much as this law. Earlier this year, after solemn deliberations, it opined that a girl as young as nine years of age was eligible for marriage if the onset of puberty was visible. The requirement in the Family Laws Ordinance stipulating that only a girl attaining the age of 16 could get married was, according to the learned Maulana, against Islam.

In March this year, after another meeting of the council, the Maulana gave this as his considered opinion: “Shariah allows men to have more than one wife and we demand of the government to amend the relevant laws (again the Family Laws Ordinance) where a person has to seek prior permission from the existing wife/wives.”

Just this week the Maulana returned to the attack with a fresh exegesis, saying that a second, third or fourth marriage by a man could be no grounds for a woman to seek divorce from her husband. She could seek divorce on grounds of cruelty, etc, but the husband’s unfettered right to polygamy did not constitute a valid reason in Islam.

Child marriage too in the Maulana’s opinion is justified but only if solemnised by the father or the grandfather of the girl in good faith and not as part of any ritual. However, such a marriage could be consummated – that is, the girl could proceed to her in-laws – only on attaining puberty. On such finer points of principle modern Islamic theology, in the hands of such men of learning as the Maulana, seems to turn.

Other nations and other races are welcome to explore the cosmos and rack their minds about the age of the stars and the universe. But we are into dealing with basic principles first. The stables of science and knowledge may be closed to us for the most part but it should be heartening that as regards marriage and the procreation of the species we can be so creative.

Indeed, from the way the Maulana and his tribe go on about second, third and fourth marriages any outside observer could be forgiven for thinking that polygamy constitutes the most important pillar of the faith, all others being of secondary importance. There can be no greater disservice to Islam.

For what proviso does the faith lay down for the exercise of the matrimonial arms? That venture into this field only if you can treat everyone, which means your wives, equally. This is easier said than done. Who would be our leading authorities on the gender question? I think most of us would agree that by dint of their extensive researches in this field none would count greater than a) Malik Ghulam Mustafa Khar, former Loin (sic) of Punjab, and b) Imran Khan. Put to the rack they would testify that keeping one woman happy was hard enough, let alone treating two or more equally, with the same amount of physical and emotional stimulus.

Women no doubt would say the same about men – that putting up with one was fulltime business. It is not a question of giving an equal amount of dinars to each of your wives. For equality means more than dinars.

In every Mughal harem there were hundreds of concubines and many wives but at any given moment the favourite was one…Noor Jahan or Mumtaz Mahal or Lal Kanwar (the last the dancing girl who became queen to Jahandar Shah). All lived in the palace but were all treated equally? In the presence of a Noor Jahan or a Mumtaz Mahal could the others be treated equally? Love is a jealous master and a jealous mistress. Its kingdom is not to be divided.

So the Islamic injunction is not as facile as it looks. It cuts to the heart of the matter. Treat them equally – the implication being that if you can’t, then the doors of polygamy are closed on you. Why are we so flexible with the concession but so much less strict with the condition?

It is like the Islamic injunction regarding adultery…that in order to prove its occurrence the evidence of four witnesses of unimpeachable integrity is required. And then the punishment for adultery is stoning to death. Barbaric, you will say. But look at the requirement. Whence will come your four witnesses of unimpeachable integrity who must render evidence not on hearsay – no, that is unacceptable – but who with their clear and naked eye must have witnessed the act. If any adulterer makes a spectacle of himself in front of four witnesses he deserves to be stoned, less for adultery than for his criminal lack of circumspection.

In the golden age of Islam, when the Abbasids held court in Baghdad, Islamic civilisation meant knowledge and understanding, culture and refinement, even song and dance. But anyone listening to our present interpreters of the faith would come away with the impression that Islam was about male domination, the segregation of women and the meting out of savage punishment. No wonder, the holy warriors of Swat could not abide Malala Yousafzai and sent a team of assassins to get rid of her. For some reason, yet to be adequately explored, fear of woman seems ingrained in the minds of the pious.

The Islam that moves Maulana Sherani and the Council of Islamic Ideology is so selective. Isn’t Islam also about the egalitarian society, the eradication of poverty, the spread of knowledge and learning? Did not the Holy Prophet, himself unlettered, say that to seek knowledge go far and wide if you must?

In today’s Pakistan we know of instances where mothers have drowned themselves and their children because of poverty. Is ours a welfare state? Do we have those provisions for the less fortunate that are to be found in the developed societies of the west? Has the Islamic Ideology Council ever discussed these issues? Has it ever recommended to governments that they spend more on health and education?

Cuba is in the forefront of countries fighting the Ebola menace, by its efforts putting even the United States to shame. It is a godless country but for its emphasis on health and education it is, in essence, a more Islamic country than all the world of Islam – save the Turkish republic and perhaps Malaysia – put together.

The renaissance of Islam will begin, if it ever does, when the realisation finally dawns on the Muslim mind that Islam is not about ritual or outward appearance as it is about the substance of things.


The News

Sindh Women Parliamentary Caucus formed for empowering women

By: Shamim Bano

Karachi: The first Sindh Women Parliamentary Caucus has been formed with Sindh Assembly Deputy Speaker Shehla Raza of the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) as its patron.

Naila Munir of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) will be its convener and Mahtab Akbar Rashdi of the Pakistan Muslim League-Functional (PML-F) its co-convener, while the PPP’s Iram Khalid will be its secretary and Sorath Thebo of the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) its treasurer. All female provincial assembly members will be members of its general assembly.

Moreover, the PPP’s Saira Shahliani, Farhat Seemi, Kulsoom Akhtar Chandio, Khairunisa Mughal and Rukhsana Shah, the MQM’s Naheed Begum and Rana Ansar, the PML-F’s Nusrat Bano Sehar Abbasi, the PML-N’s Sorath Thebo and Seema Zia of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) will be in its working council.

The formation of the caucus was formally announced by Sindh Assembly Speaker Agha Siraj Durrani at the assembly.

Women are the basic unit of society: they make families, families make homes and homes make societies, said Durrani.

“We should never think that a society could come into existence without the contribution of women. Men and women should work shoulder to shoulder, as both of them play an important role in the development of any country.”

There is no doubt that if women are given the right platform they will smoothly carry the nation towards development, he added.

The speaker said the caucus would work for the enhancement of the role of female provincial assembly members for promoting social, economic and political empowerment of the women of Sindh through legislation and oversight with core values: respect for human rights, diversity of language, culture, minorities, all ethnic groups, each other’s opinions, tolerance, cooperation, honesty, integrity, responsibility, accountability and teamwork.

National Assembly Women Parliamentary Caucus patron Fahmida Mirza congratulated the Sindh Assembly’s speaker and deputy speaker.

Fahmida said the services rendered by Fatima Jinnah, Begum Ra’ana Liaquat Ali Khan, Benazir Bhutto, Justice (retd) Majida Rizvi and scores of women activists for the cause of women’s rights would be remembered in history.

Objectives of the caucus

1. To attain a broad-based consensus among all women members of the assembly on an agreed agenda for women development, empowerment and emancipation, enabling them to work beyond and above party lines for the uplift of the women in Sindh.

2. To enhance the role of women members of the provincial assembly in proposing gender-sensitive legislation, reviewing and amending discriminatory laws and policies.

3. Ensure effective assembly oversight of implementation of provincial, national, regional and international commitments.

4. Network and exchange views and information with other caucuses, experts, civil society organisations and the media on areas of critical concerns regarding women’s empowerment, nationally and internationally.

5. Review of rules of procedures to ensure women’s continued access to and participation in the provincial assembly.

6. To jointly work for the achievement of social indicators so that the millennium development goals and the sustainable development goals are within reach.

The News