Rape victim falls prey to sexual violence again

MANSEHRA: A rape victim went to the police seeking justice. Instead, she was reportedly raped again by the policeman who had promised to bring her rapist to task.

Masooma Bibi*, 14, a resident of Andrasi village, filed an application with the Mansehra district police officer saying she was grazing her goats on August 11 when Khush Niaz from the same village raped her.

She then lodged an FIR against the accused at Shinkiari police station where Moharrar Mushtaq registered her case. Masooma said Mushtaq consoled her, promising to bring the perpetrator to task and remained in touch with her mother over the phone.

On Tuesday, Mushtaq asked Masooma to come to the police station from where they would go to the hospital for her medical examination.

“When I reached the police station with my mother, Mushtaq asked us to get in his private car to go to the hospital,” she said, adding Mushtaq drove them to his residence in Ghazi Township. He then took Masooma inside his residence and asked her mother to wait outside.

However, once they entered the house, Mushtaq locked the door and allegedly proceeded to rape Masooma. When she resisted and cried for help, Mushtaq threatened her of dire consequences and botching up her earlier rape case.

The victim later refused to accompany the policeman to the hospital and said she would withdraw her complaint and leave for her native village. However, she went to the DPO’s office where she met DPO Khurram Rasheed and narrated her ordeal. On her complaint, the DPO ordered the immediate arrest of Mushtaq and a medical examination of the victim.

Sources in the police said the accused was arrested under Section 376 (punishment for rape) of the Pakistan Penal Code while the medical examination confirmed Masooma had been raped. On Wednesday, the accused was presented before a judicial magistrate who remanded Mushtaq in police custody for one day.

Meanwhile, civil society organisations including, Aurat Foundation, Human Development Organisation, SAHARA Foundation, Rural Development Project and Savera Foundation condemned the rape and demanded exemplary punishment for the policeman.

Last year, a girl had accused five policemen ,including the SHOs of city police Mansehra and Kaghan police, of gang raping her in police custody. Siham Bibi* later recorded her statement in from a judicial magistrate under Section 164 of the Pakistan Penal Code but then backed down allegedly due to pressure from the police.

Express Tribune

Husband kills mother of six

LAHORE: A mother of six was shot dead by her husband in Shadbagh on Wednesday, police said. The killer is at large while the police have moved the body to morgue for autopsy.

Police investigators that Mazhar exchanged harsh words with his first wife Nusrat Bibi at a slum in Shadbagh and opened straight fire at her, killing her on the spot.

Police cited his family as saying that the relations between the couple were not cordial after the man contracted second marriage. Police have registered a case and are investigating. However, no arrest was made till filling of this report.

Separately, a 35-year-old Nigerian man was found dead in Nolakha area of the provincial capital. According to police, the man, identified as Obiezde, was lying dead at his apartment when the got in it. The body was moved to the morgue for autopsy. Police said they have registered a case and launched investigation.

Police are yet to ascertain identity of the teenage girl, who was found murdered after being raped in Kot Lakhpat, sources said Wednesday.

A case has been registered against unidentified killers and the police are investigating to solve the blind murder mystery.

A couple of days ago, police recovered the sack-packed body of a 15-year-old girl from an empty plot and launched the investigation to unearth the killers. Police investigators say they believe unidentified men sexually assaulted the girl before strangulating her.

The Nation

Pak women playing vital role for country’s development

Political empowerment

LAHORE: Punjab Minister for Women Development Hameeda Waheed Uddin has said that despite different challenges, Pakistani women are playing an important role for the development of the country.

She said this while talking to a delegation of UKAID and DFID here on Wednesday. She briefed the delegation in detail regarding the steps taken by the Punjab government for the welfare of women. She said country cannot progress till the financial independence of women and hence their social security and psychological rehabilitation are ensured.

“Social mindset can be changed through the promotion of education,” she added.

According to her, there are different challenges to women in the world. Keeping in view the present era challenges, the Punjab government has made amendments in different laws for women. Women Package 2012 has been implemented and package 2014 is being implemented. The bill of elimination of violence against women will soon be presented in the Punjab Assembly. Caucus of women assembly members strongly condemns the incidents of violence against women and is taking steps for their welfare on priority basis.

The delegation highly appreciated the steps taken by Punjab government in this regard.

Business Recorder

Brother kills sister for honour

Woman shot dead

FAISALABAD: A man shot and killed his sister and another man in Chak 119-JB. Millat Town police said Faiza* had been seeing a neighbour, Zaheer*. Rizwan Ali, the girl’s brother, had reprimanded her and asked her to end the relationship, but she continued to meet Zaheer. “On Wednesday, Rizwan saw Faiza and Zaheer together and shot and killed both of them,” police said. Police took the bodies to a hospital for autopsy. The Millat Town SHO said that police had not registered a case because it had not received a complaint from the families of the deceased.

Express Tribune