Two teenagers arrested for rape, murder of minor girl

MANSEHRA: The police on Thursday arrested two teenagers for allegedly killing a minor girl after sexually assaulting her in Datta area.

Khurram Rashid, the district police officer of Mansehra, told the media at a press conference that the accused first gang-raped the girl before killing and then throwing her body at a ditch. Flanked by Senior Superintendent of Police (Investigation) Abdul Majid Afridi and DSP Zulfiqar Jadoon, the DPO said both the suspects had confessed their crime to the police.

He said Mohammad Waleed, 15, a student of sixth grade and relative of the victim, trapped a minor girl to her residence in the absence of his family members where his friend Mohammad Jalal 18 was already present. Both sexually assaulted her.

“When condition of victim deteriorated, Mohammad Jalal strangled the victim to death and threw the body at a ditch near her home,” he said.The suspects were also produced before the media where Waleed narrated the entire episode of the gang rape and subsequent murder of the victim.

The official said suspect Mohammad Waleed was an orphan while Mohammad Jalal was had been adopted by a couple. He said that police party arrested both accused hours after incident and booked them under Anti-Terrorism Act.

The News

Woman beaten to death by ‘husband’


Karachi: A young woman was beaten to death in Orangi Town on Thursday allegedly by her husband.

Twenty-three-year-old Jameela was beaten to death by her husband Tahir after a heated argument at their Muzaffar Colony residence, said a Mominabad police official.

Tahir has been missing following his wife’s murder.

Locals heard the hue and cry raised by Jameela and rushed to the house and found her body.

They informed police, who took the body to Abbasi Shaheed Hospital for a post-mortem examination.

According to the law enforcers, the victim was killed by her husband over a family dispute.

Rickshaw driver slain

A rickshaw driver was killed in Korangi No 3, said a Zaman Town police official.

Twenty-seven-year-old Irfan was sitting in his rickshaw when unidentified suspects riding a motorcycle sprayed him with bullets.

An eyewitness informed police, who took Irfan’s body to Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre for a post-mortem examination. Police said the man was killed over a personal enmity.

The News

Climbing K2: Three women begin their journey to the top

By: Shabbir Mir

GILGIT: Three women climbers from Nepal set out on Thursday to ascend Pakistan’s highest peak in Gilgit-Baltistan – K2.

“Maya Sherpa, Dawa Sherpa and Pasang Sherpa begin their expedition today,” said Nira Gurung, senior communications officer at the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) in Nepal.

“The expedition will take around 65 days from mid-June to the end of August and starts from Kathmandu,” said Gurung in an email sent to the media on Thursday.

Upon reaching the top, the team will place ICIMOD’s banner on the sumit, becoming the first Nepalese women to conquer K2.

The expedition is expected to help women demonstrate their strengths and potential for positive change. “The team will raise awareness on climate change besides help raise funds for the protection of mountains.”

During the expedition, the climbers will also document and record events and happenings with respect to women and climate change for the consumption of ICIMOD. The mountaineers will share their findings and experience at a seminar at ICIMOD once they are back in Nepal.

Gender equity

The expedition was supported by ICIMOD with the objective of integrating women into climate change research and adaptation as well as sustainable development in the Himalayas. It also hopes to further gender equity and gender transformative change.

“We hope the expedition will help raise awareness about climate change and bring about a positive change in gender-related perception and behavior,” states the email.

At an elevation of 8,611 metres above the sea, K2 is the second highest peak in the world after Mount Everest in Nepal at 8,848 metres.

Express Tribune

Rapists kill girl’s parents

HAFIZABAD: A hapless girl from Hafizabad was raped by local landlords and while the police gave the victim a cold shoulder, the ‘rapists’ killed her parents when the family decided to pursue the matter with police high-ups.

According to police source, four fiendish landlords including Ali Hassan Chattha, Shoaib Sial and their two accomplices, residents of Phullo Chiragh Shah abducted 16-year-old Shanza, daughter of a poor worker Munawar of the village the other night. They took the girl to their dera where they gang raped her. After the incident, the father of victim Munawar informed the Jalalpur Bhattian Police but the police remained reluctant to take any action against the cruel landlords.

In the morning on Thursday, Munawar along with his wife Shahida Perveen and victim Shanza was on the way to DPO Office Hafizabad on a bike to submit complaint against the accused and the police. When they reached near Ghora Chowk Qila Sahib Singh, accused Ali Hassan Chattha, Shoaib Sial and others, who were following Munawar in a car, hit his bike deliberately.

As a result Munawar died on the spot while Shahida Perveen received fatal injuries and was referred to Lahore where she succumbed to her injuries while Shanza was admitted to DHQ Hospital, where according to medical officers, she is struggling for life.

According to the relatives of the victim, the accused had already abducted the victim four days ago but the police did not move against the influential landlords.

Had the police taken legal action against the accused after the girl’s earlier abduction, the gruesome tragedy would not have taken place. Later, the bereaved family members accompanied by scores of locals took the dead bodies to Raja Chowk where they blocked road for two hours and raised vociferous slogans against the police.

They demanded immediate arrest of the accused. Thereupon DPO Muhammad Zubair Dareshak and City Police SHO Khurram Butt reached the spot and assured the demonstrators that the accused involved in the gory incident would be arrested and provided deterrent punishment.

Meanwhile, the Punjab Chief Minister has taken serious notice of the gruesome murder and directed the Hafizabad DPO to arrest the accused promptly.

The Jalalpur Bhattian Police have now registered a case against Ali Hassan Chattha, Shoaib Sial and two others for abduction and gang rape while the Saddr Police have registered a case against the accused on the charge of double murder. The police have constituted special teams to arrest the accused. In another incident Khurram Shahzad Qureshi was short at and killed by Rai Qaiser in Mutteke village as a sequel to an old enmity. The police have registered a case against the accused who is still at large.

The Nation