Entire world paid tributes to Malala Yousafzai

KARACHI: Speaking in his programme ‘Aaj Kamran Khan Kay Sath’ on Friday, Kamran Khan, while commenting on the address of Malala Yousafzai at the United Nations, said that the entire world paid tribute to the courage of the Daughter of Pakistan, Malala Yousafzai, on her 16th birthday.

Never in history has any Pakistani received in the United Nations the kind of tribute that the 16-year-old Malala did. In November last, the Taliban had shot Malala in Swat in their attempt to kill her, but Malala survived and celebrated her 16th birthday at the United Nations in a manner that has no precedent.

Kamran Khan said that Malala, in her address to the United Nations, said that her mission is education and only education and that women’s education can definitely triumph over extremism.

Secretary General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, said on the occasion that the stature of Malala is such that her 16th birthday is being celebrated in a manner that is unprecedented. Ban Ki-moon also thanked Malala for addressing the UN General Assembly.

Commenting on the tenure of President Asif Ali Zardari, Kamran Khan said the president’s term is to expire in the next seven weeks and the federal government has contacted the Election Commission for the announcement of the schedule for presidential election. He said that it is a foregone conclusion that the next president is going to be from the PML-N.

Kamran Khan said that information is circulating around that President Zardari is likely to spend the rest of the time of his term overseas. Zardari is going abroad for three weeks after which he will come back to the country for a brief period and then go abroad again.

In a different segment of the programme, Kamran Khan said NAB is in a state of turmoil for the last five years. It does not have a chairman at the moment, and it is suffering from group politics internally. He said whosoever becomes the next NAB chairman will have the task of rejuvenating the organisation.

Commenting on Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s diplomatic initiative, Kamran Khan said that China is Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s first priority in the domain of foreign policy where he visited for a very successful tour.

Improvement in Pakistan-India relations has always been a priority of Nawaz Sharif. There are reports saying that Nawaz Sharif-Manmohan Singh meeting is expected in September at the United Nations General Assembly session at New York.

Senior journalist Rahimullah Yousafzai said in the programme that Malala Yousafzai has become a symbol for the girls as far as education is concerned. However, the kind of tribute that Malala received from all over the world was missing in Pakistan in general and in Malala’s native area of Swat in particular. He said that no ceremony was arranged to pay tribute to Malala’s courage. The only exception being the Awami National Party which did pay tribute to Malala.

Rahimullah Yousafzai said that now there is no scare in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa vis-à-vis girls’ education. Girls are going to schools, colleges and universities. Malala’s incident has increased the urge for education among girls. The attack on Malala has been a huge setback for the Taliban.

Analyst Nazeer Leghari said in the programme that the PML-N’s presidential candidate may come from Punjab, but the likelihood of the candidate being from Sindh or Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is greater. Zafar Iqbal Jhagra, Sartaj Aziz or Ghous Ali Shah is likely to be the PML-N candidate for the post of president.

Former diplomat, Lieutenant-General (R) Mahmud Durrani, said in the programme that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s desire for better relations with India is a very good thing. He said that he hopes to see India reciprocate Pakistan’s initiative for better relations between the two countries. Geo and Jang Group’s initiative ‘Aman Ki Asha’ has done a tremendous job for betterment of Pakistan-India relations.

The News

Malala day

Malala Yousufzai was famous before the attempt on her life, but has since become a global icon in the cause of universal education, and a Nobel Peace Prize nominee. And after her speech to the United Nations on Friday, she is possibly the most instantly recognisable Pakistani in the world. Few teenagers would expect to address the United Nations as a sixteenth-birthday present, but she carried off her 17-minute speech with passion, aplomb and dignity. It was interrupted by applause at several points and ended to a standing ovation. On the evidence of this speech alone, Malala Yousufzai may become a powerful orator, and a voice that millions will attend to. Whether governments and individuals will heed the message in her words is quite another matter.

Feted she may be by the UN, but the perception of Malala Yousufzai in her own land is altogether more ambivalent. While there are many who salute her for her courage, there are also quite a few others who see her and her family as western stooges, tools of the CIA and forces of ‘secularism’. The leader of a prominent religious party is on record as doubting that she was ever injured at all, saying the entire episode was some sort of staged drama. Political reaction from the mainstream has been muted. The president has sent his felicitations, but endorsement or praise for Malala by any other leading political figure is notable by its absence. The chances of Malala winning a Nobel Peace Prize have almost certainly increased as a result of her UN speech. And she will be the youngest person ever to receive it if she does. For those struggling for the cause of universal education for every child, boy and girl – there are 57 million out of school globally – she has become the standard-bearer with potentially a lifetime at the front of the battle ahead of her. Malala Yousufzai stood up proud to be a Muslim and a Pakistani, and Pakistan should be proud that she is a daughter of the land. Happy birthday Malala, and many happy returns.

The News

‘Here I stand, one girl’

By: Ghazi Salahuddin

Without hesitation, I confess that I cried listening to Malala Yousufzai when she addressed a special session of the United Nations on Friday evening. I could see that many in the audience were also overwhelmed by emotion. This was a moment in history that could not have been imagined. And considering what we have made of Pakistan, do we deserve a Malala?

Here was a young girl talking to the world on her sixteenth birthday with such authority and confidence. Verily, the stuff of which fairy tales are made. Knowing the journey that she has made since that murderous attack by the Taliban in October last year, one could only be amazed by her performance. There is no doubt that the world encountered this occasion with a sense of awe and delight.

But what do we, in Pakistan, make of it? Malala’s speech was an exceptional media event. At least the major English language news channels covered it live. Her birthday was celebrated by the United Nations to promote the cause of education, particularly of girls. In attendance were about 1,000 young people, between 12 to 25 years of age, from around the world. In that sense, the world was lit, if only for a brief period, by the light that has risen from a remote area in Pakistan – the light that the Taliban have cruelly sought to extinguish.

Ah, but that light does not seem to have reached the dark corners of our ruling establishment’s consciousness. An environment that has allowed the Taliban to gain strength, in spite of their primitive passions, is sure to impede the advance of progress and enlightenment. For some distorted reasons, the rulers have lacked the will to decisively confront the forces of fanaticism and religious extremism. Hence, the obscurantist elements – misogynists by birth – are set to cast doubts on Malala’s integrity and her vision.

That the Taliban’s attack on Malala in October last year did not serve as a catalyst in the raging conflict between religious militancy and democratic values, prompting the rulers to make their choice, is a great national tragedy. It was an act of betrayal on the part of the government of that day that reminded you of the aftermath of the assassination of Salmaan Taseer.

Initially, the high officials paid their tribute to the teenage girl from Swat and made extraordinary efforts to save her life. Soon, however, the Taliban propaganda machine went into motion. After insisting that Malala must die because she was an American agent, they raised irrelevant issues such as Lal Masjid and the drone attacks.

I had a taste of how young minds in mainly the Pakhtun areas, bereft of any proper education, were influenced by this propaganda when I attended the Children’s Literature Festival held in Peshawar in November, 2012. There, some boy students expressed their views against Malala in not just an angry but a violent manner. In my column titled ‘Malala under attack’ (November 18, 2012), I noted that “the seeds of militancy and intolerance are scattered widely and have already sprouted into seemingly invincible biases in the thinking of many young students”.

Call it a lunatic fringe, if you like, but it has subverted the sanity of the establishment. While Malala became a model for the rest of the world as an inspiration for women’s education, Pakistan – itself struggling to promote primary education – persistently tried not to look at a face that had even graced the cover of Time magazine. In May this year, I wrote a column: ‘Where is Malala?’ after I was able to speak to her via telephone during a visit to South Korea. I was thrilled to hear the voice of this great Pakistani hero and was reassured that she had miraculously recovered from her injuries.

On her sixteenth birthday on Friday, she made her first public address after she was shot by the Taliban when returning from her school. With this address, the world has been introduced to a remarkable young person. After Benazir Bhutto – and Malala invoked her memory so touchingly – there is a female face that radiates an image of Pakistan that we must all try to defend and protect. As a person, Malala has some unique distinctions. Her speech was astounding in its content as well as in delivery. This was God’s gift to Pakistan.

Just look at the timing of when this gift has arrived. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is engaged, tirelessly, in high level consultations to draft his national policy on security and against terrorism. I do hope that he found time to listen to Malala addressing the UN Youth Assembly. It carried a message for him that is more urgent and more cogent than any presentation made to him by our security wizards or policy mandarins. What Malala has said is eminently actionable and it is also a valid plan to tackle terrorism.

It is really sad that Malala was not properly honoured by the very country that she has redeemed in the eyes of the world. Does this mean that the Taliban mindset, with all its mendacity, has also infiltrated the periphery of this government’s thinking? Be that as it may, Malala has raised a flag that should summon all patriots to join the battle for education and for peace.

One formidable barrier in this mission is this thoughtless reverence for primitive values. One example: there was this report datelined Gilgit about the murder of two teenage girls – one as old as Malala – and their mother simply because they were seen enjoying the rain in their own house in a family video. The deed was done by five masked men who barged into the house of a retired police officer to kill his wife and daughters.

Did the heavens fall after three innocent women were murdered, ostensibly in the name of honour? Almost nothing happened. Besides, we hear these stories on a regular basis. But many of our leaders still have a romantic vision of a culture that, for instance, also justifies ‘honour killings’ and suppression of women. We are unwilling to look at ourselves in the mirror of our society.

I am tempted to quote from the speech made by Malala. It deeply touched your heart and awakened thoughts in your mind. Even more compelling than the text was the aura that her presence had created. It was transmitted live across the globe. Little girls in distant places were able to meet, vicariously, a beautiful person they will never forget. There was Malala, telling us that one child, one teacher, one pen and one book can change the world. Dear God, let this voice not be lost in wilderness.

The writer is a staff member. Email: ghazi_salahuddin@hotmail.com

The News

Malala and the league of extraordinary Pakistani women

By: Zainab Imam

There was the face of one woman in that room that could quash all the misgivings that one has about Malala Yousufzai’s “backstory”. No, it wasn’t 16-year-old Malala’s herself; it was her mother’s. Minutes after Malala began her magnificent speech at the United Nations General Assembly on July 12, the camera cut to the face of her proud parents. Her father smiled like a man who had won a battle he had fought his entire life. Her mother, in her plain white dupatta and light green shalwar kameez, sat next to him wiping a tear that fell out of her right eye.

Since October 9, 2012, one of the many dark days in Pakistani history, we have heard as many views on Malala as we have avenues of information — newspapers, television shows, social media, etc. The dominant view seems to be “she’s too confident to be doing this on her own, somebody must be supporting her”. But on July 12, when a young Pakistani woman wowed the entire world by her simple yet powerful views, I let go of trying to look logically at the other view — I saw the tear that fell out of Malala’s mother’s eye and I felt what had caused it. Malala’s mother, purported to be a CIA agent, was crying because the little girl who she had carried in her womb for nine months and nurtured for 15 years was finally able to speak with her characteristic vigour after surviving a bullet to her head. Ask a mother what that must feel like. Ask her if she would still care for a damned foreign agency when her own flesh and blood is battling for life. It wouldn’t be so hard for us to believe in Malala’s magnificence if we were a nation of people who stood up when we felt the pain of being snatched of something we hold in high esteem.

There is a lot to be taken away from Malala’s story — from the day she spoke out, to the day she was shot until the day she told the UN what a simple Pakistani woman can achieve given some confidence by her near and dear ones. The bias against women is so strongly ingrained in our heads that our nation can hardly believe in a confident woman who actually wants the best for this country. In Pakistan, you cannot be a well-wishing female citizen until you’re acquiescent and respectful of “social norms”, no matter how much they pull you down.

This is the same attitude that a whole line of amazing Pakistani women have had to battle, from Benazir Bhutto to Asma Jahangir to Sherry Rehman to Mukhtaran Mai to Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy. Each one of these educated, empowered and accomplished women has, at one point or the other, been named an agent for an ill-meaning cause, agents who are out to destabilise Pakistan for money. In actuality, all they were out to do is destabilise the ridiculously skewed representation of men compared with women in Pakistan. They are such evil “ladies” because they refuse to silently obey and follow the patriarchy that continues to grip our society.

Dear Pakistanis, for a change, believe in one of your own. Accept her as the extraordinary Pakistani that she is. Love her and respect her. Don’t let her gender get in the way of that. Don’t translate her message of peace as ‘western’; it is universal.

Express Tribune

Honour Killing: Girl gunned down allegedly by brother

SUKKUR: A teenage girl was gunned down allegedly by her brother on the pretext of karo-kari in Baban Shah Colony within C-Section police remits on Friday. Inayat Ali Junejo suspected that his sister 19-year-old A*, daughter of Abdul Fatah Junejo, was having an affair with someone in the neighbourhood.

On Friday morning, the accused with the help of his accomplices, gunned down his sister while she was asleep and threw her body into the Indus River. Following the incident, the police raided the house of Abdul Fatah Junejo but Inayat managed to escape. However, the police claimed that they arrested two suspects but were not disclosing their arrests. The C-Section police have registered an FIR against three people, including Inayat Ali Junejo.

Express Tribune