Suicide: After ex-husband kills boyfriend, woman kills self

By Mudassir Raja

RAWALPINDI: A woman committed suicide on Tuesday after her ex-husband killed the man she had allegedly eloped with a day earlier in Dheri Hassanabad on Tuesday.

According to Civil Lines Police Station House Officer Raja Shakeel, Bibi burnt herself to death in her home at around 4pm. He said that police had sent the body to District Headquarter for autopsy, and further investigations are ongoing.

An eyewitness, on condition of anonymity, told The Express Tribune that he along with some other neighbors heard noise and saw smoke emitting from Muhammad Khaliq’s house.

“We immediately called Rescue 1122 for rescue and went to the house ourselves,” he said, adding that the rescuers and areas residents found Bibi dead on the ground.

“She sprinkled petrol over herself and then set fire to her body” the eyewitness said. He said Bibi had a sister and three brothers who were all working in the public sector.


Bibi’s ex-husband Amir Mehmood had confessed to killing Muhammad Ikram, claiming that she was in a relationship with him.

Mehmood, a government employee, had told the Civil Lines police that he divorced Bibi after she eloped with Ikram. However, Ikram used to taunt him, which motivated Mehmood to murder.

Mehmood and his brothers Nauman Mehmood and Janu murdered Ikram in Gulsitan Colony while he was returning home from work.

“The motive for the murder was Ikram’s relationship with Mehmood’s ex-wife [Bibi],” informed the investigation officer for the murder case.

The Express Tribune

Women’s struggle for human rights commended

The Pakistan Peoples’ Party Human Rights Cell has commended women’s struggle for human rights on the National Day for Women. The cell members recounted that many women have made the nation proud. “Women of Pakistan have defined, strived for and worked towards a rights-based polity. Madar-e-Millat Fatima Jinnah, Shaheeed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto, Begum Nusrat Bhutto and Asma Jehangir are among many others role models for us. These women have stood up for democratic and constitutional rights of the people of Pakistan.”

The PPP led Coalition government has also made exemplary progress in giving women key positions in the government including a first woman Speaker, first woman Governor, first woman Foreign Minister, and first woman Chairperson of the Standing Committee for Defence. The largest anti poverty Benazir Income Support Programme’s four million cash grant recipients are women, which has given recognition to countless women who were hitherto deprived of their basic rights.-PR

Business Recorder

Psychology of ‘honour killing’

KARO-Kari is a type of premeditated honour killing, which originated in rural and tribal areas of Sindh. The homicidal acts are primarily committed against women who are thought to have brought dishonour to their family by engaging in illicit pre-marital or extra-marital relations.

To restore the so-called honour, a male family member must kill the female in question.

Although legally proscribed, socio-cultural factors and gender role expectations have given legitimacy to karo-kari within some tribal communities.

Besides its persistence in areas of Pakistan, there is evidence that karo-kari may be increasing in incidence in other parts of the world in association with migration. Moreover, perpetrators of ‘honour killings’ often have motives outside of female adultery.

An analysis of psychopathological factors associated with the practice of karo-kari can guide the development of prevention strategies.

Mental illnesses are also known to be associated with criminal behaviour. Psychopathy has been discussed widely in the context of criminality, especially in terms of its characteristic callous and unemotional personality profile. There is a support for the theory that psychopaths are associated with right hemisphere abnormalities for processing conceptually abstract material.

There are many possible explanations in terms of mental mechanisms for those who resort to crimes like karo-kari. However, there are a few questions that may arise. First, are perpetrators real psychopaths who, by definition, have a salient feature of ‘lack of remorse or guilt’? Are they insane? If yes, then, how are they left loose in the community? Are they mentally ill? If yes, then, why haven’t they come across mental health services?

It is understandable in the given cultural context where mental illness is still a stigma and most of the people will not give due importance to psychiatric disorder. Is it easy to rule out the possibility of ‘mass psyche’ disturbance? Can it be a social norm?

The answer to this cannot be a ‘yes’ as karo-kari is only endemic in Pakistan and in different forms at a global level. It will be no surprise if one day it would emerge as one of the new culture-bound syndrome, this time specific to Pakistan by the name of ‘karo-kari syndrome’, which may be explained in clinical terms as a sudden feeling of losing honour, feeling as if the powers are gone, extreme anger, irritability and wild impulse of killing the identified targets.

It may also reflect the pleasure principle of ‘Id’ which has remained immature and has not attained full evolution and transformation. This problem is being perceived wrongly by global observers and portrayed as if it is a part of the national psyche which meets the hidden approval.

Human rights activists have raised their voice in the media against it but it would also be appropriate if mental health professionals provide their input into the issue.

It is also surprising that the UN and WHO which stand for mothers and make policies to save women from dying because of health-related issues are so helpless in saving women who are killed on the pretext of karo-kari.

