Teacher tortures, breaks girl student’s arm

LARKANA: The headmaster of a school tortured and broke the arm of a seven-year old girl student of grade three. The authorities have suspended the headmaster and ordered an inquiry into the incident that took place in limits of Dokri police station on Thursday.

Sources said that Headmaster Muzamil Soomro of Government Primary School Bait-ul-Mall Colony Larkana, punished a seven-year old girl student Iqra with sticks due to her late arrival at school.

The News

Husband convicted of throwing acid on wife

LAHORE: An anti-terrorism court on Thursday convicted a man of throwing acid on his wife and sentenced him to 14-year imprisonment. Irfan Younas threw acid on his wife Rehmana, a nurse by profession, at Mayo Hospital on Aug 15. Nurses Shama Naz and Shazia also received burn injuries when they tried to save their colleague.

Rehmana submitted to the court that Younas quarrelled with her in the emergency ward of the hospital for not taking his phone calls. Before she could speak in her defence, he threw acid on her.

Gowalmandi police registered a case against Younas under the Anti-Terrorism Act and the PPC. The court also imposed a fine of Rs3.3 million on the convict.
