Malala and TTP logic

By: Asghar Ali Engineer

THE recent attack on Malala Yousufzai has shocked not only Pakistan but the whole world. There was near unanimity among the people of Pakistan that the attack was unjustified.

The Pakistani Taliban claimed that the attack was carried out by them at the behest of Maulana Fazlullah, reportedly hiding in Afghanistan. Pakistan has requested the Afghan government to hand over Fazlullah and his men.

It is a matter of shame that a religious ‘leader’ should be involved in the attempted murder of a teenage girl. Her ‘crime’ was that she was campaigning for the education of girls.

The Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan has justified attacking Malala on religious grounds and described her as a ‘spy of the West’. Justifying the attack, the Taliban have reportedly said: “For this espionage, infidels gave her awards and rewards. And Islam orders killing of those who are spying [for] enemies,” while the second reason given was that Malala “used to propagate against mujahideen (holy warriors) to defame the Taliban. The Holy Quran says that people propagating against Islam and Islamic forces [should] be killed.”

This is obviously an extremely weak defence. Firstly, if the Taliban knew anything about Islam they would know that a child cannot be punished unless he or she attains adulthood. Only those who can understand the consequences of what they are doing (people with reasoning power) are liable to punishment in Islam. Even prayers, fasting or Haj are not obligatory on children.

Secondly, niyyah (intention) is necessary for performance of an act in Islam. Even prayer or fasting without niyyah will not be acceptable.

The weakness of the argument is obvious from the fact that the Taliban have equated the campaign for education of girls with ‘spying’. It is quite ridiculous. Before trying to execute somebody the crime has to be proved in a court of law. And Islamic punishments cannot be carried out by just anyone; one has to take the case to the court of a qazi (judge) who hears the case, demands proof and asks for witnesses.

Even as grave a crime as zina (illegitimate sexual intercourse or adulterous relationship) requires four witnesses who have witnessed the act itself for imposing the Islamic punishment of 100 lashes (or stoning to death, though there is controversy about this punishment).

No one can take the law into their own hands and execute someone who has allegedly committed the crime. There will be total anarchy if this becomes the norm. Only a duly constituted government can appoint a properly qualified qazi who can try the accused and pronounce appropriate sentence. There can also be mitigating circumstances which a qazi has to take into account.

Not only are the Taliban not a government, they are not even fit to be called mujahideen. A mujahid fights only in the way of Allah (fi sabil-illah), which itself is an act of great responsibility and means that there should be no selfish desires involved and no arbitrariness at all.

Their acts are far from Islamic or in the way of Allah; more often than not they are oppressive, exploitative and totally arbitrary, besides being inhumane.

How strange that the Taliban are describing campaigning for education as an act of ‘spying’. Can there be more irresponsible and arbitrary judgment than this? Do ‘mujahideen’ act so irresponsibly? Or since they decided to murder an innocent teenage girl are they trying to find lame excuses to label their action ‘Islamic’? They can deceive themselves, but not those who are experts in Islamic law and dispensing Islamic justice.

The Taliban should know that a qazi or a mufti, while calling something ‘Islamic’, has to quote from the Quran or the Sunnah or both, and where there is any ambiguity to quote the opinion of an imam or founder of any of the schools of law and not just describe anything one wants to as ‘Islamic’.

It is a gross error to do so and much more so if done intentionally, which is what the Taliban have done in this case. Just by calling something Islamic does not make it so.

There is total unanimity among all Islamic scholars that ilm (knowledge) is obligatory on all Muslim men and Muslim women (muslimah). The Prophet (PBUH) did not use the word Muslim, which would have included both men and women, but mentioned Muslim men and women separately so that Muslim women are not left out in the matter of acquiring knowledge. And the Prophet made acquisition of knowledge for both men and women obligatory.

Then, can acquiring knowledge be equated with spying? The Prophet is also reported to have said that a man who has a daughter and educates her and marries her to an educated man will enter paradise. He even went to the extent of saying that he would guarantee such an individual’s entering paradise.

Also, the Quran makes us pray to the Lord to increase our knowledge (rabbi zidni ilman); all commentators agree that this applies to both men and women.

The Quran calls knowledge light and ignorance darkness and asks us to pray to Allah to take us out of darkness and into light.

All this clearly shows that what the Taliban have done is patently un-Islamic and must be strongly condemned. All those responsible for the dastardly act must be tried in a court of law and if found guilty, given stringent punishment.


Parents kill daughter with acid

MUZAFFARABAD: A mother and father in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) killed their 15-year-old daughter by dousing her with acid after seeing her talking to a young man, police said on Thursday.

Local police officer Tahir Ayub told AFP the father, Mohammad Zafar, had had suspicions about his daughter Anvu Sha and became enraged when he saw her with a boy outside their home on Monday.

“Zafar beat her up and then poured acid over her with the help of his wife. She was badly burnt but they did not take her to hospital until the next morning, and she died on Wednesday,” Ayub said.

Doctor Mohammad Jahangir of the state-run Kotli hospital confirmed the death, saying the girl was brought to hospital in a “very critical condition” with almost 70 percent burns.

Anvu Sha’s married elder sister alerted police and demanded they investigate the incident in Khoi Ratta district, 140 kilometres north of the state capital Muzaffarabad.

“The parents have confessed, saying that they suspected the girl had illicit relations with a boy,” Ayub said. “We have registered a murder case against the girl’s father and mother.”

The Express Tribune

Blasphemy allegations against girls’ school termed conspiracy

By: Arsalan Haider

LAHORE: Teachers, students, their parents and residents of Ravi Road area on Thursday condemned the attack on Farooqi Girls High School and termed allegations of blasphemy against the school a “controversy”.

Carrying placards and shouting slogans against violence, hundreds of girl students protested outside Lahore Press Club against Tuesday’s mob attack on the school. They urged government high-ups, clerics and residents of the area to let their school reopen.

The placards read “Release Principal Sir Asim”, “Release our spiritual father”, “CJ take suo motu notice”, “Attack on our school is a conspiracy”, “We have the right to education” and “We are also lovers of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)”.

The students also showed the torn book which their teacher had used while preparing the content in question.

Famous for producing good results in matriculation examinations, Farooqi Girls High School was caught in a controversy after its teacher of class 6 handed out an assignment to students carrying “blasphemous” content.

An angry mob attacked and set the school on fire on Tuesday while an FIR was also registered against Asim Farooqi, owner and principal of the school. However, the protesting students claimed that a conspiracy had been hatched against the school for its excellent performance and progress.

Talking to Daily Times, they said they had been given Islamic teachings at the school and its administration had nothing to do with blasphemy.

They requested the chief justice of Pakistan to take suo motu of the controversy and order steps for early reopening of their school. Fatima, mother of a student, said the mob attacked the school without probing the blasphemy allegations.

“Had the protesters let police complete investigation, things would have been different,” Fatima said.

“I myself was shocked when I read the content in question. But I calmed down after I came to know that the torn page of the book led the teacher to write wrong lines,” she said.

Another student said that girls in Pakistan would suffer due to this incident. She compared the ransacking of school with the last month’s attack on education icon Malala Yousufzai.

Daily Times

Poverty alleviation possible if equal opportunities given to women

ISLAMABAD: The poverty alleviation efforts can only be successful in by providing equal opportunity to work to women in Pakistan.

The Indus Entrepreneur (TiE) Lahore President Salim Ghauri said an inactive role of the fifty percent of the country’s population in building economy was one major reason behind the rising poverty levels in Pakistan. It is fanning intolerance in the society at large, he added.

It is proven worldwide the recent past economic development of the developed countries was mainly due to brilliant role of women in their respective economies. Women are the best managers and financial assistance at the micro level besides building up their working capacities can bring revolution in the cottage industry.

He lamented both the economy and the population in Pakistan was growing at an equal pace of 3 percent per annum, which leaves very little room in creating new jobs. Therefore, he stressed on promoting small businesses amongst women to control poverty.

Latest surveys show women in Asia are making better progress in their careers than those in more western economies therefore Pakistan should also benefit from the trend and let the women to grow.

Daily Times